Tea rose - fragrant beauty in the garden and at home

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aristocratic beautiful tea rose( see photo) with a delicate aroma, graceful colors of delicate shades can decorate any cottage area and city lawn. She not only pleases the eye, but also has unique healing qualities. Therefore, the cultivation of tea roses is extremely rewarding and useful.

The history of the origin of tea rose

Tea rose, it is also fragrantly named for its amazing fragrance, which, by smell, resembles the best sorts of Chinese tea. Europe learned about the existence of this plant in the 19th century. The yellow rose was imported from China in 1824, and the pink rose a little later, in 1860, came to England from the East Indies. Thanks to the work of breeders, from two varieties crossed with hybrids of French roses, a whole class of modern tea-hybrid roses has gone, including bush varieties and whip-shaped climers.

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According to another version, a rose was called a tea house due to the fact that delicate plants arrived from Asia on high-speed vessels, the so-called tea clippers, which were usually used to transport tea.

Anyway, the first tea roses were afraid of any discomfort, they were not adapted to the weather features of Europe. Gradually, they went through acclimatization and cultivation, became more enduring and diverse. Today, most remontant roses( long and re-blooming), one way or another, by origin are associated with tea.

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Botanical description of tea rose

  • They are distinguished by graceful thin but strong stems and relatively large double flowers, single or arranged in bouquets up to 6 pieces.
  • The dimensions of the shrubs depend on the specific variety and growing conditions. Height ranges from 50 cm( undersized varieties) to two meters and even higher( whip-like), spreading - from a meter to two in width.
  • Large, leathery, dark green leaves have a regular oval shape with finely toothed edges.
  • Each bud has up to 60 petals. When opened, the diameter of the flower can reach 10 cm, its shape is elongated and pointed, or similar to a peony. The color range of shades is very wide and ranges from white and gently cream to red and fiery orange. Classic still considered different shades of pink tones. When the petals are fully opened, bright yellow stamens can be found in the middle.

Features of the modern hybrid tea

  • There are many varieties that are resistant to disease and weather conditions that do not require careful maintenance. However, the plant continues to be thermophilic, does not tolerate frosts and is not suitable for cultivation in the open field in central Russia.
  • The winter forcing of tea roses in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as the maintenance of their short growing varieties in indoor conditions, is practiced.
  • In a flowering state, it spreads a sweetish, rich smell, strong but not aggressive. The expressiveness of the fragrance depends on the color of the buds: the brighter the color, the more intense the smell.
  • It has many beneficial and healing properties. Petals contain vitamins, essential oils, pectin, organic acids, antiseptic substances. The taste is bitter-sweet. They are used to make healing tea, decoctions and lotions, jelly, jam and wine, they are ground with sugar or honey.
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Agricultural equipment

With proper care of the tea rose, it will thank the owner for long flowering.

Garden version of tea rose

  • For cultivation recommended soil saturated with iron, with a low level of acidity.
  • Depending on the climatic conditions in spring, usually in the middle of May, winter protection is removed from the bushes or they are transplanted from pots into the ground. Mulching is encouraged.
  • The plant is recommended to form in order to direct all its forces to the development of flower stalks. Shrubs are cleaned from dry stems, and healthy branches are cut about three-quarters at an angle of 45 °.About a month later flowering will begin.
  • Rose likes regular abundant watering, without which the root system develops poorly. Watering at least once a week, you need to make sure that the water does not fall on the leaves, so as not to provoke diseases.
  • In order for a powerful flowering not to deplete the plant, it needs a liquid feed every two weeks, which should be stopped one month before the expected frosts. The use of table salt will help to make the shades of flowers more vivid.
  • Afraid of Powdery Mildew. For prophylaxis - sprinkle with nettle extract or decoction of field horsetail.
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Room tea rose version

  • Although the plant likes heat and sun rays, it is not recommended to grow tea roses in the south facing window at home: the buds will wither in the bud, and the rose(especially young) may die due to overheating. Best of all, the rose feels on the window sill of the east window.
  • In the summer, in hot weather, you need to water the rose daily, and in the cold season - every other day or once every two days, preventing the land from drying out. Feed liquid fertilizer.

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