How to grow a blackberry Ruben on your site?

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Blackberry Ruben, the description of which variety cannot but attract attention, belongs to the remontant. That is what largely caused her special popularity. With proper care, the berries grow unusually large and fragrant. To achieve high yields, you will have to remember several features of this variety and the rules for its cultivation.

Varietal features

Blackberry variety Ruben is considered one of the youngest. He was bred in 2011 by American breeder John Ruben Clark. He managed to cultivate remontant blackberries, which is characterized by a special size of berries. Because of this, the variety quickly began to gain popularity around the world.

Shoots of this blackberry resemble crimson in appearance. They are erect and do not need a garter on the trellis. Have spikes of medium size. They are located not too often, so do not impede the process of harvesting.

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According to the description of the characteristics of the blackberry Ruben, it belongs to the early maturing varieties. You can start harvesting in early August. The last berries ripen in November. In this case, the blackberry begins to bear fruit from the first year of life. With one shrub with proper care, it is possible to get up to 6 kg of ripe juicy berries. The weight of each of them comes to 16 grams. Fruits differ in refined taste with easy sourness. Perfectly tolerate transportation and short storage.

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Planting rules

In order to describe the variety of blackberry Ruben did not diverge from reality, it must be properly planted. The plant propagates with the help of seeds, cuttings, layering or dividing the bush. If you want to feast on tasty berries already in the year of planting, it is better to divide the existing shrub or purchase a ready seedling. When planting, be guided by the following rules:

  1. It is better to choose slightly shaded places for planting. Blackberries will feel good near trees or tall shrubs.
  2. If the groundwater in the area is less than three meters deep, then a drainage system will be required. Otherwise, the root system of the plant can quickly rot.
  3. The planting of blackberries Ruben in open ground is carried out in early spring, as soon as the soil warms up. It is necessary to have bushes at a distance of about 1.7 meters from each other. Otherwise, they will grow and begin to interfere with each other.
  4. At the bottom of the landing pit pour a couple of buckets of humus mixed with the ground.
  5. Carefully place the seedling in the hole, cover it with soil and pour it abundantly with water. From above, gurgle with pine needles or peat.
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Observing such rules of planting, you will be able to grow a strong healthy blackberry remontant Ruben. She will delight you with a rich harvest of at least 10 years.

Features care

Blackberry Ruben is easy to clean. Just follow the simple recommendations:

  1. Time to water. If the weather is dry, then it must be done every day. In spring and autumn, they pour blackberries no more than a couple of times a month. Under one bush poured no less than a bucket of water.
  2. Once a month the plant is fed. To do this, apply nitrogen fertilizer or humus. In the summer, spend feeding with the use of mullein.
  3. In November, the bushes are pruned. Completely remove all shoots. This increases the frost resistance of the plant and allows it to rejuvenate.
  4. From the description of the blackberry variety Ruben follows, the plant is disease resistant. If the berries have been in contact with wet ground for a long time, then signs of gray rot can be found on them. Other diseases are extremely rare.
  5. Pests bypass the blackberry side. In rare cases, infection occurs leaf aphids. Spraying plants with tobacco dust solution will help to cope with it. For its preparation, 200 grams of dust are diluted in 10 liters of water and infused for about 2 days. About 50 grams of laundry soap are introduced into the resulting infusion and irrigation is carried out.
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With proper planting and proper care for blackberries, Ruben will delight you with its tasty berries before the onset of cold weather. They can be eaten fresh or used to make jams, jellies and compotes.

Introducing Ruben BlackBerry - Video

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