.Knowing about this feature and maintaining optimal conditions for the plant, you can admire bright, yellow or red candles over lush greenery for several months. In nature, pachistachis yellow, the most popular among amateur growers, is a perennial shrub up to 120 cm high. At home, there is not always room for such a solid pet. However, to abandon the bright flowering plants are not worth it. It is much more correct to follow the crown regularly, because the correct formation and pruning of a pachistachis bush solves this problem, and gives excellent planting material for reproduction of room culture.
The need for pruning of the pachistachis
“Programmed” in the potting of the volumetric crown in the pot culture behaves in the same way as in nature.
If you do not take measures to limit growth in time, the shoots will be pulled out and gradually become bare, and flower buds will be laid only at the very ends of the branches. To prevent this allows regular pruning.
To facilitate pruning of the bush, the formation of the pachistachis begins when the seedling reaches a height of 20 cm. The plant is pinned to a green top, which should awaken the sleeping axillary buds, which will give the first generation of lateral shoots. The period of active growing season begins in the spring, so that the pachistachis can compensate for the damage caused by trimming, it is carried out the day before, that is, in February or March. As long as the flower is young, pinching can be done several times per season. Older specimens, the growth rate of which gradually slows down, cut only in the spring. At this time, it is especially important to adjust the length of the stretched branches.
Remove the tops of the side shoots to make the crown thicker. Pinching the main limit the height of the future bush.
If the plant is late with the formation of a bush, the plant quickly loses its attractive appearance. However, parting with a green pet is not worth it. Deep pruning is possible, with only axillary buds remaining on the lower part of the stem. Having a healthy root system, the flower will recover, and in this case it is important not to miss the moment of pruning.
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Care features for pachistachis blooming
On a young growth, foliage and bright inflorescences in the form of yellow or red candles appear. However, even after pruning, the florist may not wait for the desired flowering. This happens if:
- flower grows in too large a pot, and this freedom for the root system merges with the growth of the crown and the absence of flowers;
- plant suffers a nutritional deficiency, which is especially noticeable in young, actively growing specimens.
Therefore, when planting and transplanting pachistachis, they are very attentive to the choice of a pot, and then they regularly feed the plant.
Transplanting pachistachis
It is advisable to replant small, rapidly growing pakhistachises every year, carefully removing the root system together with the soil and transferring the clod to a new pot. The best time to transplant a pachistachis is the last month of winter, after the plant has been trimmed.
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Room culture is not too whimsical. When choosing a soil for pachistachis, preference should be given to loose, moderately nourishing mixtures that allow air and moisture to pass through well.
Ready substrates for ornamental flowering plants are perfect for pachistachis. But you can make a soil mix yourself.
To do this, take:
- 2 pieces of sod land;
- 1 part of the peat cleared of rough inclusions;
- 1 part leaf humus;
- 1 part sand.
Loosen and structure the mixture will help a handful of vermiculite or crushed sphagnum. For planting rooted cuttings, charcoal is added to the substrate. This component, like moss, helps not only enrich the soil, but also protects plants from fungal diseases of pachistachis, pests and rot, which can affect the flower at high humidity.
Another useful supplement is the crushed bark of coniferous trees acidifying the soil, which is necessary for the plant for good growth and flowering.
When an adult flower is transplanted, it is not necessary to clean the roots from the remnants of the substrate. It is sufficient to carefully remove the dead areas of the roots and hard clods of depleted soil, preventing the filling of the new mixture. Under large specimens that are painfully related to transplantation, in the spring they gently change the top layer of soil, over the top, filling the new loose substrate to the previous level.
Reproduction of pachistachis
February and March is the best time not only for pruning and transplanting pachistachis, but also for obtaining new plants. At home, this plant can be grown from seeds, but more often use the tip cuttings obtained by pruning. This is the easiest way for the reproduction of pachistachis, which allows you to quickly see beautiful candle inflorescences on your window sill.
For rooting, it is best to take healthy, well-developed cuttings of 2-3 internodes and an active growth point.
Rooting planting material can be:
- in soft defended water;
- is in a loose substrate, while the container with the handle is contained in the room greenhouse.
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The roots are formed in the nodes, so you do not need to deeply immerse the cutting. If the first method of breeding pachistachis is used, the roots can be seen visually. About rooting cuttings planted in the ground, said the appearance of young leaves. This occurs within a month and means that it is time to transfer the plant to a permanent place of residence.
Diseases, pachistachis pests and growing problems.
Pachistachis are quite hardy and rarely attacked by pests, fungi and bacteria. Most often, problems causing abscission and paleness of foliage, stunted growth and lack of flowering are associated with violation of the rules of care.
The plant is sensitive to the lack of moisture. Its leaves lose their juiciness and rich color, they begin to curl, and during long droughts they fall off. The flower shows a similar reaction to excessive dryness of the air. Therefore, during the heating season and in the summer, the flower needs increased attention, spraying and regular, but not too abundant watering.
Pale leaves, slow growth and flowering are signs of nutritional deficiencies. To compensate for it and not bring pests and diseases to the weakened pachistachis, the flower is fed 2-3 times a month.