The scrub Zelenka with linoleum - 5 Proven Ways


  • 1 Types of linoleum and particularly their cleaning
  • 2 Suitable means for cleaning linoleum
    • 2.1 First aid
    • 2.2 Folk remedies - 5 options
  • 3 conclusion

Strait once a little green stuff on linoleum (and bearing in mind how "easy" it is laundered), I visualize how I would hide the damaged area rug. But a little digging on the internet, found a lot of viable options out of the situation. So I hasten to share with you the knowledge acquired as lead Zelenka linoleum with improvised means.

Spot green fodder more difficult to remove when it has had time to soakSpot green fodder more difficult to remove when it has had time to soak

Types of linoleum and particularly their cleaning

Before we tell you what to launder Zelenka with linoleum, I would like to explain an important point. Type cleaning agent depends on the type and grade of flooring.

Type cleaner will depend on the type of linoleumType cleaner will depend on the type of linoleum
  • baseless. This is a fairly delicate flooring (of 1.6 mm) and is easily damaged by aggressive chemicals. Clean linoleum best similar alcohol-containing compositions, soda or acetic acid. Strongly rubbing the stain from the green stuff is not worth it, otherwise the risk to damage the delicate surface.
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  • Foam. Coating with a 3.5 mm thick wash easier. In the process of removing stains may involve agents containing chlorine.
  • On the basis of the felt. Despite the fact that the total thickness of the coating is 5 mm, the polymer top layer is very thin - only 1.5 mm. Wash similar surface should be with caution, since it is very easy to damage. In this case, the aid will come baking soda, has a mild abrasive effect.
The easiest way to clean out the brilliant green material on the foam basis, more difficult - with feltThe easiest way to clean out the brilliant green material on the foam basis, more difficult - with felt

Suitable means for cleaning linoleum

The main rule is to get rid of stains on the green stuff on the linoleum - to act as quickly as possible. Only in this way you will have a chance to remove dirt, without damaging the top coat.

The faster you will take over the cleaning, the better the chance to wash coat to shineThe faster you will take over the cleaning, the better the chance to wash coat to shine

First aid

If the spot of brilliant green just appeared on your clean floor, proceed as follows:

  • Prepare a sufficient amount of unwanted tissue, Cotton wool or toilet paper.
  • Gently wipe the spill site. Not spread the liquid and dot blotted her.
  • Warm water and soap, cleaning powder with chlorine and sponge treat pollution. Do not forget to wear gloves.
In the picture - anything that will help to wash just spilled ZelenkaIn the picture - anything that will help to wash just spilled Zelenka

If you act quickly, then remove the contamination from the floor will turn out simply enough. If the stain has had time to dry, it will be useful proven popular recipes.

Folk remedies - 5 options

As I found out from personal experience, to effectively help not only chlorine-containing powder against green spots, but also ordinary means available.

Illustration instruction
table_pic_att14933328305 Method 1. Permanganic acid and acetic acid

Mix a small amount of acetic acid with potassium permanganate. Moisten a clean cloth in the solution and blot it pollution.

Wait until the green stain will first pink and then brown. Rinse the treated area with warm water.

table_pic_att14933328306 Method 2. Soda and Vinegar

Zelenka help scrub these two components, which are always there in the kitchen, their price - a penny. Pollution liberally sprinkle baking soda and fill it with a little vinegar.

Starts a chemical reaction that allows to erase the stain from the surface, and you will only wipe it with a clean cloth.

table_pic_att14933328317 Method 3. Nail polish remover

Clear linoleum stain helps nail polish remover. Obmoknite in it a cotton swab in a circular motion and treat damaged surface.

Be extremely careful and acetone can remove the top layer of paint. Then you have to cut out the damaged area and put new linoleum using cold welding.

table_pic_att14933328328 Method 4. Petrol

Zelenka to wash, soak a rag in gasoline and attach it to the spot on 10 minutes. Then carefully rub the dirt and clean linoleum using any cleaning agent.

table_pic_att14933328329 Method 5. washing powder

Three teaspoons of powder dilute 50 ml of water. The resulting paste is put on pollution and leave for a few hours, preferably overnight.

This option can be used not only to clean the linoleum with his own hands, but also for furniture.


I said, what can wash Zelenka quickly and efficiently, you will only have to choose one of the options and get down to business. Urged to read the video in this article, there you will find a lot more useful information. Questions relating to ask me in the comments, there you can talk about their own experience stain removal of green fodder.

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