"Sweet", Bulgarian residents call it pepper. And it is a juicy, meaty, colorful, fragrant and healthy vegetable. It contains few calories and many vitamins, such as A, C, E, PP, B9, H, as well as carbohydrates, fiber and proteins. With proper care growing seedlings of Bulgarian pepper is not difficult.
What kind of harm or benefit a vegetable brings, beneficial properties and contraindications - you only need to know this when it will be possible to grow and get a good harvest.
. ContentsBulgarian pepper
Growing a plant is quite laborious. This culture is thermophilic and demanding on the composition and structure of the soil.
Peppers love the soil with neutral acidity and high moisture capacity. The land should be fertilized with manure or ammonium-potassium fertilizers clean of weeds, you need to take care of it in advance.
The ripening of the fruits of this crop is long, therefore planting the seeds is done by in pots at home .Planting and planting seeds immediately in open ground because of this feature does not make sense.

In the northern areas, it is preferable to grow in greenhouses , because here the necessary temperature conditions are observed around the clock so that the vegetable can grow well.
Sweet Peppers - Popular Types of
There are many varieties of sweet vegetables. By planting type, the plant is subdivided into greenhouse and cultivated in open ground, and is also divided according to the maturity of the fruit into early ripe, medium early, and later a hybrid.
The most popular variety for open ground, which is very popular with novice gardeners “ Lumina ”, as it is unpretentious in care, resistant to numerous diseases and early fruiting. The variety “ Ivanhoe ” is also early maturing, it has low bushes, therefore it does not require pinching and garter stalks.

Bulgarian pepper “ Funtik ” ripens by 110 days from the day of planting seeds, compact, well resists vertsellezu and it can be grown on both open and protected ground.
From mid-ripening newcomers in the vegetable industry, the disease-resistant variety “ Cowhide ” will suit, the crop from small bushes is obtained for 130 days, making little effort for watering and feeding.
From garden hybrids, they produce a red high-yielding variety “ California miracle F1 ”, which requires minimal labor costs and a large-fruited hybrid “ Atlantic F1 ”, which yields even in adverse weather conditions.

How does home planting begin
is planted on peppers in February or March, depending on location and weather conditions. The first step of planting is to check the seeds by selection in salt water( 30 grams of salt per liter).
After drying, the seeds are soaked for several hours in plain water, then placed in a moist environment, such as a wet napkin or a plastic bag, before germination.
Also, to speed up the ripening of fruits and prevent diseases, seeds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and then a growth stimulator. Since the culture does not like transplants, the seeds are immediately better placed in large 500 gram plastic cups, in the loose moist soil of the to a depth of 1-2 cm, 2 pieces per cell of the .
When several shoots appear, a weak one is removed. The cups with seedlings are placed in a bright and warm place, they are regularly moistened and heated if necessary.
Transplanting seedlings and planting dates in the soil
At the stage, 3-4 leaves of the pepper are transplanted into the open ground. For planting, the land should heat up to +15 degrees. Planting seedlings occurs in May, after the end of frost.
Before planting, break the ground, shed and fertilize it with 1 tablespoon of potassium. The distance between the bushes is left equal to 30 cm .
The level of the planted sprout must correspond to the depth of the seedling material.
Care after planting for a good harvest
When properly planted, the first new leaf appears about on day 10 .If a plant has many leaves and stems, then a crown is formed by pinching, and each stem is tied to a peg. The main thing during flowering to remove the first flower, it will increase flowering, pollination and fruiting in the future.

peg. During the growing period, you need to mulch the soil under the pepper, weeding the weeds in order to ensure oxygen access to the roots of the plant. Watering 1-2 times a week , depending on the weather, water consumption per bush is 1.5 liters for transplanted seedlings, and 2.5 liters for fruiting bushes.
During flowering and another 2 times during the fruiting period, fertilizing is carried out with a solution of manure( 1: 5) or chicken manure( 1:10), as well as mineral fertilizers.
Bulgarian pepper does not like the coolness of , so when the air temperature drops, it is necessary to cover it with foil, rags and smoke it during the frosts.
Pest and Disease Control
Pepper often fades in the open field. The reason for this disease and insects that feed on vegetables.

Damage to the plant cause:
- Colorado potato beetle ;spreading the beetle can be avoided by collecting the larvae and destroying the
- ;
- exterminates the bare slugs that are afraid of dry mustard, tobacco or lime dust
- ;
Diseases also often affect peppers:
- is a fungal disease in a wet environment, affecting the stems and leaves as brown spots with a pale green area; this is late blight ;The 1% solution of Bordeaux
- can save pepper. The most common is Verticillous wilting , which appears due to the penetration of the virus into the damaged roots, the leaves fall off and eventually the plant dries. It is necessary to burn the sick parts to stop the spread of the fungus
- among diseases distinguish white, gray and top rot .White appears on the stems in the root part due to a lack of fertilizers, gray appears against the background of irregular water balance and affects the whole fruit, and the apical often affects the tip of the pepper with spots and occurs both from bacteria and from planting conditions. To avoid the effects of rot, plantings are fertilized with calcium and plentifully irrigated.

The complexity of growing Bulgarian pepper
You also need to know that fertilizer is the main part of nutrition, the lack of vitamins immediately affects the appearance of leaves, stems and fruits. When planting seedlings, it is important to try to avoid the windy areas of , plant a bed of high, wind-proof crops.
Carefully select the “neighbors” of for culture: adversely adjacent to fennel, beetroot, and tomatoes, lettuce, onions and carrots will have a positive impact, scaring off pests.
After the end of the summer season, plant barley in the place of pepper and dig the ground after the grown grass, get rich in vitamins humus, necessary for growing the next season's crop.
Pepper is a southern plant, and in our climate, requiring careful attention to itself. Abundant watering, the creation of a plant-friendly soil and protection from the cold contribute to obtaining a deservedly high yield. And this means that with vitamins and macronutrients of sweet bell pepper, ensure yourself until next year!