As stretch boots 9 methods for various materials 3


  • 1 individual approach
    • 1.1 Method 1. Boots made of genuine and artificial leather
    • 1.2 Method 2. suede shoes
    • 1.3 Method 3. Rubber Shoes
  • 2 At the end of
If the boots are too tight, you can try to stretch them.If the boots are too tight, you can try to stretch them.

I can hardly be called true fashionistas, but when he saw in the window of another pair of chic - it is simply impossible to resist. Even not confuse the fact that the shoes a little too tight. And then a lot of questions: how in the home stretch boots and is it possible to increase the size? Let's understand this with.

individual approach

Is it possible to stretch the shoes in length? Unfortunately you can not. We can increase their width and volume. I offer to find out how to stretch winter boots made of different materials. Every material needs a special approach, so talk separately about each.

Method 1. Boots made of genuine and artificial leather

The process of stretching the shoe with your hands is quite simple: it is enough to spend a little time and effort. So, what do you do if a bit tight leather boots?

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Instruction to one of the methods presented in the table below:

Picture Procedure
table_pic_att14927999941 Step 1.

Wash your boots, remove the dirt from the soles. Rub the surface with vegetable oil.

table_pic_att14927999952 Step 2.

Put in as much as a few shoes of plastic bags, as shown in the photo.

table_pic_att14928000013 Step 3.

Fill the Packages for freezing water and release the excess air.

table_pic_att14928000034 Step 4.

Tamp the bags with water shoes and put in the freezer for 8 hours, and preferably overnight.

table_pic_att14928000045 Step 5.

Take a pair of shoes from the chamber and leave at room temperature for 20 minutes. After this time, try to take out the ice packs.

It will only have to wear boots and check the result.

I know several ways to expand the boots of leather and leather substitutes:

  1. Alcohol. Soak the cloth in rubbing alcohol and wipe with a generous portions that require stretching. Wait until the liquid is absorbed and put on shoes.
After this treatment, should be much freer in his boot.After this treatment, should be much freer in his boot.

Be careful to handle alcohol should only those areas that need to stretch. If you moisten the entire surface, it is possible to deform the model.

  1. Flax seeds. Put the boot into the plastic bag and pour half the seeds. Then fill in the same amount of water and let stand. Flax increased in size, would put pressure on the inside wall and slowly expand them.
Flax seeds - the original, but very effective way.Flax seeds - the original, but very effective way.

Replace flax seeds can be oatmeal.

Method 2. suede shoes

Now figure out how to stretch suede boots. These boots at home can be stretched in several ways:

  1. The heating. Rub the areas that need to increase the wax and warm hairdryer. The wax will protect the suede boots from damage, and a hairdryer stretch the necessary areas.
Do stretch suede boots? Yes, but after heating hairdryer try on a pair, if the effect is weak - repeat the procedure.Do stretch suede boots? Yes, but after heating hairdryer try on a pair, if the effect is weak - repeat the procedure.
  1. Vinegar / alcohol. To suede boots stretched out, moisten a soft brush in one of the liquids, and treat the desired area.
Avoid getting wet shoes, we need to moisten it.Avoid getting wet shoes, we need to moisten it.

Such a method is only suitable for dark and black suede. Other shades can change color.

  1. freezing. Do stretch suede boots, leather as well as for freezing? - a positive answer. The only difference is that the period of stay in the freezer should be reduced to 6 hours.

Now at the peak of fashion boots with increased leg. So be sure to give a few words, how to stretch the ankle suede boots:

  1. With iron with a steam generator iron the ankle through a thick cloth.
Iron can be stretched only to fall boots without fur-lining.Iron can be stretched only to fall boots without fur-lining.
  1. Use a special stretcher for shoes. Treat bootleg means according to the instructions. Price depends on the stretcher directly from the manufacturer.
Look for a means to stretch suede boots with the caption "Shoe Stretch" on the label.Look for a means to stretch suede boots with the caption "Shoe Stretch" on the label.

Method 3. Rubber Shoes

We still have to figure out how to stretch the rubber boots. Here it may be difficult, since these rubber boots stretch impossible. The material has high tensile elasticity and may tear. Now mainly produces shoes from PVC, but this material is stretchable.

be sure to find out before stretching, the material from which made your pair of rubber sure to find out before stretching, the material from which made your pair of rubber boots.

Determine boots made of PVC or rubber can be by a simple test. Properly heat the needle and attach to boots in an inconspicuous area. If the material melts - PVC - if not rubber.

For PVC material To increase your boots will be:

  1. Boil water and pour boiling water directly into the shoes.
  2. When the water cools down, Pour it and try again.
  3. Put on a few pairs of thick woolen socksThen - boots.
The thicker socks, the more stretched rubber boots.The thicker socks, the more stretched rubber boots.
  1. Do not remove the shoes, until it cools down. In the process you will feel the legs become free.

At the end of

If the shoes are a little too tight, we now know how to extend it. Videos in this article demonstrate the most effective ways to act. If you know of other methods to stretch boots, waiting for them in the comments.

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