12 ways to use wood ash in a hen house, a garden or on a house territory

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I'm sure that many of you use firewood all the time - for fireplaces, wood stoves, fires. In this article, we will only talk about "clean" wood - no chemical treatment, pressing, staining and contamination. And, of course, no briquettes from charcoal or commercial products, such as slowly burning logs. We will talk about different ways of using wood ash in the territory of your chicken coop, garden or yard.

In the henhouse

For dust baths. Coal or wood ash, added to dust baths, helps birds to get rid of parasites such as ticks, lice and fleas.

As a feed additive.In the wild, animals often chew charred branches and stumps after forest fires. Coal acts as a laxative and disinfectant, which cleanses the animal's body of toxins. In addition, coal to some extent contributes to the removal of internal worms-parasites.

Wood ash is a rich source of calcium. In addition, it contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

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The addition of wood ash in the amount of only 1% of the total weight of the feed for hens increases the frequency of laying eggs, and also helps to reduce the smell of chicken manure.

Ash of such tree species as cedar, oak and maple contains five times more nutrients than pine and cork.

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As a wound-healing agent.Wood ash has antibacterial properties, so it can prevent infection from wounds. In addition, when applied locally to the affected area, the ash can quickly stop bleeding like starch. With internal use of ashes, the vitamin K contained in it helps to form blood clots - this can help, for example, when poisoning with rat poison.

To maintain cleanliness in the hen house.A layer of wood ash on the henhouse floor will help reduce odors. Just as in baking soda, the alkaline medium predominates in wood ash, so it has the ability to absorb and neutralize unpleasant odors. In addition, ash can reduce the level of humidity in your hen house.

To reduce the ammonia content in chicken manure.Adding charcoal in an amount of 1-2% of the total weight of the chicken feed will help prevent the formation of ammonia, which will lead to a decrease in its content in the birds' feces.

The ability of the ash to actively absorb ammonia and prevent its evaporation has been proved by scientific research.

For cleaning water from impurities and contaminants.Adding a piece of charcoal to the chicken feeder will help prevent the formation of algae and other microorganisms. In addition, coal will absorb and filter out the impurities contained in the water. Do not forget to periodically remove a piece of coal from the water and replace it with a new one.

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In the garden

As a fertilizer.Since wood ash is a plant-based substance, most of it consists of necessary nutrients that must be present in the soil for normal growth plants. The wood ash contains about 10-25% of calcium, 1-4% of magnesium, 5-15% of potassium and 1-3% of phosphorus - depending on the type of wood. In wood ash, which is sold in packs as a fertilizer, the ratio of N: P: K is, as a rule 3, respectively.

Before applying wood ash in your garden, I advise you to check the pH of the soil. For most vegetable crops, the optimum acidity level is pH,. The introduction of ash can significantly increase the alkalinity of the soil.

To neutralize acidic soils.In its properties, wood ash resembles lime, which is used in agriculture as a fertilizer. Since ash is, in fact, alkali, it can neutralize acidic soils in your garden if you use it as a fertilizer.

Be careful - do not fertilize with wood ash those plants that prefer acidic soils: azaleas, berry shrubs, coriander, cucumbers, garlic, parsley, potatoes, pumpkin, rhododendron, zucchini, strawberries and other plants.

For top dressing plants that need calcium.As a nutritious additional nutrient, wood ash is perfect for those plants that prefer an elevated calcium content in soil: beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, peas, potatoes, spinach and tomatoes.

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To repel garden pests.Sprinkle the soil with ashes around the base of the plants to protect them from slugs and snails.

On the house territory

For melting ice.Included in the composition of ash potash (the so-called salt is potassium carbonate), makes it an environmentally friendly means for powdering ice and snow on the tracks and the roadway. It does not etch metal or concrete like rock salt, does not harm your plants or grass, and is safe for dogs, cats and chickens. However, the ash will add a bit of dirt on the tracks, so you probably will not want to use it near the house.

To neutralize the odor from the dog.By rubbing a small amount of wood ash into the dog's coat after it is sprinkled with a skunk, it is possible to neutralize the fetid smell.

Now, before throwing out the wood ash, remember that there are many ways to use it in the hen house, the garden or on the local territory.


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