Planning a garden for beginners - the experience of foreign farmers


Are you ready to create your first kitchen garden and wonder how hard it is? Is it enough to just plant a few seeds in the ground, step aside and wait until they grow up? Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. The recommendations that we have collected in this article will help you to go through the difficult path of a beginner gardener.

Tips for planning a future garden

So, before starting to dig, it is worth considering several very important points in advance:

  1. The right place.Most vegetables require at least 6 hours of sun per day. Some cultures, for example, broccoli, lettuce, spinach and other greens, will grow well in less lighted areas.
  1. Proximity to the house.The location next to the house will simplify your routine for regular maintenance of the beds. You can also always go out for a minute from home and quickly collect everything you need for food.
  1. Determine for what purposes a garden is created.Cultivate only what your family loves if you do not plan to use the garden as a source of income.
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  1. Access to water.Nothing drains an aspiring gardener in the same way as numerous walkers with a full bucket of water for watering plants in the heat. Therefore, the source of water should be easily accessible and located nearby.
  1. Composition of the soil.Good soil is the key to a prosperous vegetable garden. Start with well drained loam and add as much organic fertilizer as possible.
  1. Absorption and retention of moisture.Compost, deciduous humus and well-seasoned manure increase the ability of the soil to carry water, but retain moisture. The same principle applies to a sponge.
  1. Never use fresh manure.There live dangerous pathogenic microorganisms, which cause burns of tender roots of plants. Manure should be aged from 6 to 12 months.
  1. Seeds or seedlings?Most garden vegetables can be sown in the form of seeds directly in the place where they will grow (salad, beans, carrots, beets, chard, spinach, peas, cornichons and zucchini). Plants that will produce edible fruits for a long time, it is better to keep indoors from 6 up to 8 weeks before transplanting them to the street (or purchase ready-made seedlings of tomato, pepper, eggplant or melons).
  1. Selection of appropriate crops for planting.Plant those varieties that will grow in your climate. In advance, examine the range of dates and duration of the growing season in your area, during which you can work.
  1. Support for productivity.To increase the productivity of your garden, plant ripe vegetables, such as beans and lettuce, and replace the seedlings in those areas where the harvest is already harvested.
  1. Solution for poor soil.If the soil on your site is rocky, or the clay is too hard, it makes sense to set up a raised bed, which can be filled with good soil. Another way out is to plant vegetables in containers, or use the so-called "smart pots" (an analogue of foreign textile bags for "grow bag" plants).

Put large bags of soil on the area where the maximum amount of light falls, make drainage holes from below and slits in the upper part. Through them, place the seedlings inside.

I have one friend who put bags every spring along the driveway to the country house, because it was the only sunny place. Her tomatoes grew incredibly beautiful, and the peppers are very juicy.

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