Ventilation in the kitchen device and embodiments setting circuit

As a result of the widespread use of plastic windows in the kitchens of our homes disrupted natural ventilation that provides a frame of wood. Meanwhile, effective ventilation in the kitchen is a must.

And it needs to be organized with skill, instead of the kitchen exhaust air does not get the influx of "flavors" of neighboring apartments or out of the closet. You too worried about this problem, but you do not know where to start? In this article we will discuss the arrangement of the ventilation in the kitchen. We will tell you about the kinds of extracts and the nuances of their installation.

The content of the article:

  • Why is it necessary to ventilate the kitchen?
  • Variety of kitchen hoods
    • As a method of purifying air masses
    • Division by type
    • The classification of the installation site
  • Schematic diagram of the kitchen hood apparatus
  • Ensuring the safety design
  • How to make their own protective earth?
  • Possible problems with ventilation
  • The use of odor neutralizers
  • A few words about the duct
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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Why is it necessary to ventilate the kitchen?

Most domestic flats equipped with plates and in which natural gas is used. In the course of its combustion produces carbon dioxide, toxic properties of which manifest as an increase in its concentration in the air.

The most reasonable and modern solution to this problem - installation of exhaust and forced ventilation of the room.

Extractor fan in the kitchen need

Modern hood - an indispensable attribute of the kitchen, if it has a gas cooker: it can help to bring out of the room and unburned carbon dioxide

Thus, ventilation is necessary even in the case of an ideal operation of the gas cooker. The need for it increases with the error in setting up the equipment, which may cause release of carbon monoxide. It is much more dangerous than carbon dioxide, and its presence may not be noticed: the gas has no color, no odor.

Furthermore, gas pipeline, or natural gas may be combusted incompletely, accumulating in the air. There are situations when the burner flame is extinguished. For example, it was flooded with "runaway" milk. If there is no special protection, then into the room the gas can cause an explosion that can make mischief around the house.

It turns out that, before working with a gas stove, should immediately incorporate exhaust fan apparatus. But the presence of the kitchen appliance does not diminish the importance of ventilation of the premises.

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The largest consumer of air

The most powerful and really large, regardless of the actual area of ​​the air consumer is the kitchen

The concentration of the heat source

The kitchen contains the greatest amount of equipment, releasing heat during operation, including a cooker, oven, hobs

The use of mechanical ventilation

Natural kind of ventilation is often unable to cope with the formation of air even in a small kitchen. A room larger than 7 m² almost sure to use the fan

Hood with exhaust fan

The most common variant of the ventilation device in the kitchen is to install a hood with a mechanical exhaust system

The recirculation type hoods

The installation of recirculating exhaust model no communication with home ventilation system. This scheme only clean air from oily suspensions, dirt and microorganisms

Associated with the ventilation hood

If the exhaust system is connected to a ventilation shaft but polluted air mass it removes excess heat and released during the preparation of food evaporation

Selection of kitchen hood power

Extractor fan is selected by multiplying the volume of the kitchen facilities for 10. From this value, you must subtract the volume occupied by furniture and home appliances

Providing air flow

Keep in mind that when using the equipment, discharge the exhaust air to ventshahtu, you must provide its tributaries. To do this, you need to open windows more often, it is advisable to install the supply air fan in the window or intake valves in the wall

The largest consumer of air

The largest consumer of air

The concentration of the heat source

The concentration of the heat source

The use of mechanical ventilation

The use of mechanical ventilation

Hood with exhaust fan

Hood with exhaust fan

The recirculation type hoods

The recirculation type hoods

Associated with the ventilation hood

Associated with the ventilation hood

Selection of kitchen hood power

Selection of kitchen hood power

Providing air flow

Providing air flow

Sticking of food that often occurs at fans fried potato and fish, accompanied by release of harmful compounds which are formed by pyrolysis of organic compounds. Those who prefer foods, steamed, know that evaporation lead to an increase in humidity. And it is also necessary to lower the level.

Even supporters of the smell of fresh baking understand that saturate this wonderful aroma of the apartment can not. The mixture is attractive at first smells eventually turns into a jumble of partially decomposed volatile organics are present in the air is unlikely someone likes.

Increasing humidity in the kitchen

Even if your kitchen is equipped with electric hob, extractor hood is useful to you to reduce the humidity in the room and remove it from the cooking smells

Conclusion: The range hood in a modern kitchen - it's not a fad, but a vital necessity.

Variety of kitchen hoods

Different users' needs forced manufacturers to develop proposals that would be best suited for specific customer requests. Therefore, the range of exhaust systems for the kitchen, which offers us a modern home appliances market, wide enough. We will try to understand their diversity.

As a method of purifying air masses

Clean the air in the kitchen can be a variety of ways.

Depending on which one to use in a particular model, the hood is divided into:

  • Evacuate. These models take air from the kitchen to the outside through the air ducts formed in a metal box or corrugated pipe. To such an arrangement to work, you must have ventilation duct or a simple hole. Typically, the duct is provided with a valve preventing occurrence of reverse thrust.
  • Circulation. In this model, provided carbon filterSimilar to protivogazny. In fact, this is not the hood, and the filter installation, clean the air from the main "flavors": air exchange with the environment is missing. This device draws its ease of installation, but it can not protect, for example, by a gas leak.

Circulating extracts can coexist with the standard kitchen ventilation. These disadvantages are usually related to the high cost and expensive maintenance: carbon filters require periodic replacement.

Evacuate hood

Circulation Model cooker hood will not help you if the room has accumulated carbon or carbon monoxide, and evacuates easily cope with this problem

Feature evacuates hoods is that it prints and the excess heat, which is always formed in the cooking period. In circulation models that feature.

Division by type

Besides the basic functions buyers pay attention to other features of the different models. Exhaust device should fit well into the interior of the room, be comfortable to use and more: Well, if it was possible to save and install it yourself.

Therefore, modern hoods are not only capacity air purificationBut the method of installation, design, manufacturing material and the presence of additional options.

Dome hood

Fireplace or dome hood is often found in our homes: it is important that the lower part of its dome area corresponded to the area of ​​the plate installed in the room

Type-suction device is subdivided into:

  • Dome. This model has received its name due to the shape of the air intake. He looks like a truncated pyramid, a dome which is located directly above the stove. From openings in the top of the dome moves air duct conveying air out of the kitchen through a hole in the wall or through the vent.
  • Embedded. This extractor is located inside the furniture in the kitchen. Often built-in hood equipped with a sliding panel that allows economical use of space of the room and, at the same time, provide a comfortable equipment management.

Before you order furniture and buy the hood, you should plan kitchen area, to furniture and household appliances do not interfere with each other, to look aesthetically pleasing, but to use them would be conveniently.

The spatial layout is very important and extracts the embedded device. As a rule, if the hood is not included originally under her furniture made to order. In this case, it is sure to provide for all the details, allowing beautifully and carefully arrange all the elements built-in equipment.

The classification of the installation site

Exhaust air equipment is installed in the kitchen, taking into account various factors: room size, the location of plates and so on.

wall hood

Well, if the room your kitchen high ceilings, then a modest wall hood will look very impressive

At the place of installation of hoods divided into:

  • Wall. In this case, one side of the dome of the hood directly adjacent the wall, and the second is over the stove.
  • Corner. plates for corner location not only saves the kitchen area, but also makes the cooking surface accessible. Sheer dome design drawing corner has a shape in which its two sides fit into the corner of the room, tightly adhering to the walls.
  • Island. The lucky ones who have a large room kitchen can afford to install an island structure. It is placed over the plate, located in the center of the room.

The range of models have a variety of options in the form of extracts. For example, the flat model installed under the furniture so as to hang over the stove.

island hood

What can we say about the kitchen, an area which allows you to place the stove and a desk right in the middle of the room, and the hood - on an island stove

Before self-install the hood in the kitchen, you should read carefully the instructions. For each model has its own nuances of installation, but some general rules apply to all the drawing.

This is the height at which they should be placed relative to the plate surface. For gas cookers distance is 75 cm, and for electrical - not less than 65 cm.

drawing installation rules

hood installation instructions are not so much, but it is necessary to strictly follow as they are dictated by concern for the safety of home owners

Thus, the lower installation level defined as the upper selected independently. And it depends on the owners of the growth of apartment: use hob and hood must be convenient. More about the nuances of the hood assembly details can be found in this material.

Most often, the modern buyers prefer built-in models. They are cheaper, and they simply mount their own hands.

Schematic diagram of the kitchen hood apparatus

The composition of any extract consists of the following elements:

  • Fan motor. Multi-speed induction motor provides the rotation of the exhaust fan, through which the air flow passes through the filter to retain fat.
  • Filters. All hoods are equipped with grease filters reusable or disposable. Activated carbon filters are only present in the circulation models and act similarly to activated carbon. Their replacement is performed every 3-4 months of operation.
  • Lighting lamps. Illumination of the cooking surface is performed by means of incandescent, LED or halogen lighting fixtures.
  • Scheme shift. In different models speed switching is done in different ways: by means of sensor devices, by means of buttons or by using the slide switch.

Take a look at the standard wiring diagram drawing, in which all the elements mentioned above.

Scheme kitchen hoods

The standard wiring drawing for the kitchen includes all the main elements, we have listed above, and submitted the order of their connection

Ensuring the safety design

The exhaust of equipment necessarily includes a fan, which means that the range hood must be connected to a power outlet. If you have just started to repair the apartment in a new, essential to install a separate outlet for the exhaust, because the equipment must be permanently connected status.

Employment outlet only instrument allows to hide it for items of furniture set. But do not forget to provide easy access to it. There is another important rule: the outlet should be located no closer than 60 cm from the sink and wash of the slab.

Remember that the hood - the appliance, which is capable of hitting a current, so the issues of electrical safety should be treated seriously.

Kitchen, bathroom and how - a room, which can be both hot and humid. Excess moisture and fat from cooking settle on the drawing grid. This creates favorable conditions for electrical breakdown in the metal of the fan motor housing. It is for this reason, the device must be connected to the mains by means of three wires.

Driving the fan connection

Wiring diagram of the fan, the bundled cooker hood, demonstrates that requires three wires: phase zero and "earth"

As part of the wiring should be zero, and the phase of the "land". The ground wire is easily distinguished by the yellow insulation and green longitudinal band. Modern homes are equipped with advance earthing-pin and ground loop. In this case it is sufficient to connect the ground wire with the respective terminal plug. It is easy to distinguish from other icon in the form of three different-sized parallel lines.

Older buildings may not have ground loops. In this case, care must be taken to protect yourself. In the event of a breakdown in the body grounding allow circuit breaker disconnect. Furthermore, it is necessary to equalize the potentials.

As an additional protection, we recommend the wiring for extraction sockets to make a separate cable to the protection of the RCD and the machine switch.

How to make their own protective earth?

To build a house in the old protective earth, it is not necessary to dig a trench in the ground, and to drive the metal pins. You can not ground the evacuation system in water supply, district heating and, especially, on the gas pipe. It is dangerous not only for you but also for its neighbors.

To ground the device in the house of the old buildings need to look for the dead neutral and connect to it. To do this, open the flap opening in your porch or in an apartment. Its constituent wires enclosed in a tube which is immured in the wall. It should be threaded rod, possibly with connected previously grounding. It sought deaf neutral: the pipe is securely grounded.

We must take a flexible stranded wire whose cross section is not less than 2.5 mm2And carry it to the place of the neutral socket installation. The hood must be connected to the network using the machine-isolator at 6.3 Amps.

EXAMPLE outlet placement

The socket is hidden behind elements built-in furniture, but access to it is very easy to get: just open the right door

As already mentioned above, the neutral may be dull and other ground. They must not be disconnected. Its terminal should throw on top of existing ones and secure it with a nut. When the smooth surface of the neutral can be used to secure the grounding clamp. Well, if in carrying out this operation will take part of your electrician Management Company.

Possible problems with ventilation

staffing apartment ventilation system can be compromised when installing the hood. Attempts to solve this problem is the penetration especially for drawing additional holes outside or in the ventilation duct. But the desired effect in this way does not achieve. sectional area of ​​the air duct is not increased with the appearance in it of one more hole.

With luck, only ¾ fumes from the kitchen will go into the channel, and ¼ left the apartment. If the outside is a strong wind or if there is traction to the lower floors, the whole fumes back into the kitchen and go to the neighbors, that can turn into broken relationships with them.

As regards air outlet to the outside through the sample in a wall, wherein the supporting structure is affected. Such work must be agreed upon, to draft the changes. Furthermore, this solution creates the danger of sedimentation as the condensate in the duct, and the fan motor. It was then that the breakdown in the body is almost inevitable.

The scheme of drawing a clapper

On the scheme of drawing with a cracker is well disclosed its functioning principle: the air masses will not come back on the air duct in the kitchen area

As the output of the arisen situation is proposed to use an additional section of the air duct, equipped with valve-cracker. The circuit of this device is shown below.

Under the hood duct need a window in the shape of a square, the side of which is ¾ of the duct diameter. This allows the area of ​​its cross-section correspond to the air space. The perimeter of the same would be slightly less than the length of the duct circumference. Then attach the complexity does not arise.

Flap can be made of aluminum of 0.5 mm thickness or of the same thickness fluoroplastic or glass fiber laminate. Preferably the product of aluminum, because it is important not only rigidity and thickness of the material, but also its lightness. Triggering firecrackers will be more effective at a lower specific gravity of the material from which made it.

The shutter is equipped with a spring thin weak. Its function is as follows: when the damper is raised to its upper position and the impact on it will stop, it should gradually return to their place. If the spring is slightly stretched, but hard, then, for our purposes it does not fit.

Dragged constituting a spring must have a diameter of 0.2-0.3 mm. With a length of 120-150 mm in diameter of the spring should be 3-5 mm.

For more information about how to connect the cooker hood to the ventilation, see Further.

The use of odor neutralizers

Often the kitchen extraction systems are provided with an odor neutralizer.

In our stores you can find three types of converters:

  • Chemical. These converters have to be changed frequently, because they quickly dragged the fat film and cease to operate, not developed until the end of his own life. Moreover, they themselves exude compounds that can be harmful to health.
  • Electroionisation. If you have an ionizer, the principle of operation of this device you too familiar. But in any room of harmful substances in homes are much lower concentration than in the kitchen above the cooking surface. To neutralize them need a strong discharge, which can damage and the hostess, standing at the stove.
  • Ultraviolet. When using converters of this type are sometimes necessary to clean the bulb from the plaque and change them about every two years. And these bulbs are not cheap. But such a converter is safe for human health. Furthermore, the lamps emit not only ultraviolet one, but also a light in white or with a little blue.

Armed with the information received, we will select the currently required converter is not blindly, but with skill.

A few words about the duct

The exhaust duct kit is not included. It will have to buy separately. It is believed that a metal box with a rectangular cross section looks aesthetically aluminum corrugationBut it does have its advantages.

As corrugations duct

Anyone who believes that the corrugation does not look very attractive, can be wrong: under certain conditions, it is able to even decorate the interior of the room

The corrugations should be chosen with a diameter which corresponds to the inlet at the top of the cover hood. If the length of the tubes at least 1.5 meters, the air resistance of this material is almost negligible in comparison with random losses arising from turbulence in the air. Corrugation easily cut with scissors.

Ripple can give a square shape to connect it with a cracker. She completely absent resonance properties, sometimes resulting in hard boxes. If you still prefer to buy corrugation, the cooking of food in your home will never be accompanied by a monotonous drone.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

expert advice in this video will help you not to get lost, considering the model exhaust devices that offer you modern supermarkets electrical appliances. Choosing to do with knowledge, so listen to the advice of a professional:

When installing the drawing may occur abnormal situations. To cope with this task will help you to master the practical tips that you will find in this video:

Build a ventilation in the kitchen you can own hands. But before you get started, you need to find out what kinds of exhaust systems offers the modern market, what are the rules and circuit drawing device Kitchen exist.

If you had to deal with the arrangement of kitchen ventilation and there is advise our readers, or were questions that I would like to get an answer, leave, please comment in the underlying block.

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