Kaleria from the Gesneriev family. The plant blooms magnificently, and it is very simple to care for it. The most popular species that are grown at home are the nampere color calorie, the kaleria is pleasant, and the fluorescent color fluke. Agrotechnical requirements for all types are almost the same. The plant is well suited for decorative floriculture. Flower Description kaleria
About 65 species of this plant are known, which in nature can be seen in tropical regions of Central America. Its distinctive feature - opposed to each other, pubescent leaves with a variety of colors, from bright green to bronze color. But the main reason why the kaleria flower, such as in the photo, has become popular among houseplants is the original flowers. The plant forms them from spring to autumn with minor interruptions.
The flowers resemble mutated bells that have an elongated corolla. Their color can be different: from pink to dark brown, interspersed with a different shade. Most often, hybrids are grown at home that have a long flowering period.
Features of care
This plant attracts and surprises with its beautiful flowers. Kaleria, such as in the photo, at home does not need special care. It grows well in heat, with no drafts. It is only important to ensure her systematic watering.
Temperature and illumination
In spring and summer, the most suitable for intensive flowering and good flower condition is a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C.After the transition of the plant to the period of rest, the temperature must be reduced. The optimum temperature will be 16 -17 ° C.It is important to consider that the plant does not tolerate drafts.
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For well-being, the colors of kaleria need diffused lighting and the absence of direct sunlight. At the same time the leaves of the plant become bright and thick. The optimal location is windows, with eastern and western orientation. If the windows have a southern orientation, the kaleria is slightly moved away from the light so that its leaves do not turn yellow. When placing plants on the windows that go to the north, he may not have enough lighting.
In winter, the flower of a kaleria also needs to provide the required amount of light .
Watering and Humidity
The flower should be watered moderately during active growth. Starting in the spring, after his awakening, and until the autumn, until it blooms. Be sure to follow the soil. In the heat of care at home for kaleriya is frequent watering to prevent drying out of the ground. In winter, water is rarely watered as the soil dries.
If the above-ground part of the kaleria has died, watering is continued anyway, because in its absence the root dries out completely.
The plant prefers high humidity. When the air is very dry, for example, in the winter during the heating season, a pot with calories should be placed on a tray with expanded clay and water. But so that the pot does not touch the water.
To create a moist environment, you can spray the air with water at room temperature. Do not sprinkle the flower itself, because its leaves are pubescent. It must be remembered that when water gets on the leaves of the plant, they may appear dark spots.
Transplant and
If necessary, a kaleria transplant can be done in the spring. Experienced growers are advised not to separate the soil from the roots, but simply to pass a flower into a new wide and shallow pot. Substrate for growing create from turf, leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1: 1.Soil is useful to supplement the charcoal, which absorbs excess moisture, detrimental to the root system.
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The choice of a pot depends on the size of the rhizome of a kaleria flower. The most suitable option - not deep, but a spacious pot of 15 cm in diameter. It can be ceramic or plastic. It is preferable to use a ceramic pot, because it keeps moisture longer and the roots do not overheat. In addition, when placing flowers on the window, a pot of ceramics will add stability to them.
For a flower to grow and bloom well, it needs to be fertilized. To do this, 1-2 times a month complex fertilizers are applied to the soil, which are suitable for flowering plants.
The period of intense flowering kaleriya falls in the summer and autumn. During dormancy, the life of the plant does not stop, so care for the flower of kaleria at home is in periodic watering.
Breeding methods
The lack of kaleriya is also in the fact that at home there are three options for its reproduction. What is quite rare in exotic tropical plants.
Kaleria can be propagated in the following ways:
- seeds;
- grafting;
- division of rhizome.
Propagation by seeds
Seeds need to be sown in a substrate of leaf soil and sand. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with earth, but just gently spray with water, then cover with polyethylene. Containers with kaleriya seeds should be placed in a warm place. The optimum temperature for germination is 23 ° C.
When the seedlings grow, they should be planted at a distance of 2 cm into the soil of the same composition. Earth should be regularly sprayed with a spray gun. After 1.5 months, the grown-up plants should be replanted at a distance of 3 cm.
Read also: Amazing scandal requires special careEach flower kaleriya needs a pot with a diameter of 7 cm. The substrate for seedlings consists of the following elements: - turfy ground - 1/2 part;
- leaf ground - 2 parts;
- sand - 1 part;
- peat soil - 1 part.
Before the bush is formed, the seedlings are pinned to the top to stimulate the development of lateral shoots.
For breeding kaleriya by cutting, it is necessary to cut off the top of the shoot and plant it in a container with leaf soil and sand. Moisten the substrate and cover with plastic wrap. Soil needs to be aired daily and watered.
Kaleria should start the roots for 2 weeks. When the young process begins to grow, it must be transplanted into an individual pot.
To stimulate the formation of roots, cuttings can be placed for 2-3 hours in a solution of stimulants before planting.
Leaves can be used instead of shoots. They should be put in water or landed in wet sand. But their roots are formed more slowly, within a few months.
Root division
At home, it is easiest to breed kaleriya by dividing the root. To do this in the spring, during the transplant of a flower, you need to use a sharp knife to divide the tuberous roots. Place the cut sprinkle with charcoal and leave to dry slightly. Then plant them in individual pots. Roots need to deepen a few centimeters into the soil and water. After some time, a new plant should grow from each part of the root.
An elegant, unusual, easy-to-care and breeding red kaleria can grow even a beginner in floriculture. If you follow all the rules, it will long please others with its beautiful and bright flowers.