Secrets of growing decorative flower kaleria


The benefits and harms of dill for human health

The benefits and harms of dill for human healthFlowers And Plants

Content of the article: Composition and calorie content of dill How is dill useful for the body? Use of dill for healing Contraindications when using dillThe plant...

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Types of iksora and rules of its cultivation at home

Types of iksora and rules of its cultivation at homeFlowers And Plants

Content of the article: Description of the plant and its varieties Rules of planting and care Temperature and lighting Soil, dressing and watering Ixora is a sout...

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Photos and descriptions of popular varieties of anthurium

Photos and descriptions of popular varieties of anthuriumFlowers And Plants

Contents New Contentthe first of the cultivated and described representatives of a vast species, in the 70s of the last century brought to Europe. A little later, in 1889, thanks to missiona...

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