A year-old headed roman plant with crispy leaves, is considered the most popular salad. Without leafy leaves with a loose structure, it is impossible to cook everyone’s favorite Caesar. You can grow it at home. If the leaves are stored properly, they keep their amazing taste for a long time and will look appetizing.
Table of contents
- CompositionIf the culture is grown in the right conditions, it is uniform. There should be no mechanical damage and yellowish spots.
Due to its low calorie content, Romain is very popular among people who count calories.100 gr.greenery contains 17 kcal .
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are arranged in this order:
- proteins, g: 1.8
- carbohydrates, g: 2.7
- fats, g: 1.1
100 grams of Romain salad greens contain only 17 kcal
The chemical composition of Romain is rich in minerals, by the number of vitamins of lettuce Romen salad, just 17 kcal.for the body with trace elements. Value of the odeggeredFoliage loose not adjacent to each other. Due to the fact that dishes based on Romen are seasoned with: honey, sunflower( olive) oil, lemon juice, yogurt, the benefits of such nutrition are very high.
Do not chop the bundles with a knife - this affects the taste and healthy qualities. taken by the greens to tear the hands of .Ready meals to use, quickly, for a long time is better not to store.
Due to its amino acid content, it is responsible for human longevity.History of origin
The plant is of Italian origin. Salad for more than 5,000 years, initially the leaves were used for medicinal purposes. For the first time a vegetable was discovered in ancient Rome, hence the name Romen.
In ancient times,
was treated with fleshy leaves. Fleshy leaves of a rich green hue were treated with many fleshy leaves. Later it began to be widely used in cooking. Today Romain - demanded edible greens with a healthy diet .From it prepare the most exquisite restaurant dishes, snacks.
Useful properties of romen
Useful components make this green an indispensable product for the human body.
- Due to its potassium content, it is valued in various diets. The component regulates the water balance in the human body, fights puffiness.
- Edible greens have a good effect on the cardiovascular and digestive system .
- If you frequently eat the leaves, the pressure normalizes. Greens help to reduce blood pressure .
- Carotene levels the hemoglobin level of , indicated with depletion of the body, anemia.
- After regular use, the factor of elimination of harmful cholesterol salts is noted.
- Responsible for metabolic processes and adrenal function.
Low-calorie vegetable in content, recommended in large quantities in the diet .Salad leaves are used when “unloading” days you can get rid of extra pounds, get healthier. Under the influence of the components contained inside, the body splits the fat in the body.
Romen is added to salads and various dishes. The taste has a nutty flavor.
You can add it on salads and various dishes. Make smoothies, vegetable soups or just decorate dishes. Smooth bunches very nice and appetizing. The leaves crunch nicely. The taste is nut-spicy. The structure is juicy. The salad looks friable; the culinary specialists use exclusively young leaves.
The unique taste is not inferior to the useful characteristics.Harmful use of
Restrictions on the use of are not identified .If there is an individual intolerance, it is better not to eat the leaves.
Storage Rules
Supermarkets most often sell leaves in pots; in this form, the salad is kept for a long time for up to 3 weeks .
If you store it in the refrigerator, it is better to sprinkle lightly with water, wrap it with a napkin. For storage use the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Ensure that the leaves do not rot. The shelf life inside the refrigerator 3-5 days .
When you buy a potted plant, you can store it for up to 3 weeks.
Some housewives freeze greens, using cocktails for cooking soups. Frozen whole bunches or crushed hands. When frozen, the salad loses its appeal. However, when defrosting, taste remains. You can freeze on ice tins pre-fill the green with water.
In order to crunch the leaves when serving, pour them with ice water for 30 minutes before cooking.Growing Roman lettuce at home on the balcony
It is very difficult to grow demanding vegetable crops on the balcony or at home .Due to the fact that the root system of lettuce is located in the upper soil layer, it is difficult to ensure proper care. If you still manage to grow it, due to some factors, the leaves get a bitter taste.
Romain Rodriguez
Seeds of Romain Dandy
- seeds are sown in bio trays. It is necessary to provide a sunny, ventilated place on the windowsill.
- It is not necessary to sow deeply deeply, 1-1.5 cm is enough. Plentifully pour over the tray with film or glass - this will ensure the greenhouse effect.
- Watering as the soil dries out , until strong shoots appear.
- When sprouting will give good shoots to water at the root, periodically spray.
- Cut bushes from the spine can sprout. Some, buying a salad in pots, planted roots for growing on a windowsill.
- If there is an greenhouse , it can provide conditions that are comfortable for vegetables.
- Seeds can be bought at specialty stores. Do not forget to pay attention to the shelf life of seeds.
Salad grows well next to varieties of sowing lettuce, you can take a mixture of seeds.Romain must be present on the table of everyone who cares about their health. The advantages of vegetable culture - long shelf life outside the refrigerator. The delicious salad will allow you to experiment while cooking healthy dishes in the kitchen. You should know that long-term storage destroys vitamin C, so many grow it at home.