How to get rid of ants in the house: boric acid and other effective means, video, photo

Ants - unpleasant sight in the house
Ants - unpleasant sight in the house

With the advent of heat happen insect in the house, these little spies are found on the table in the sugar bowl, in the bin... And it is most commonly found red ants in the apartment. How to get rid of them once and for all? I will talk about preventive measures and ways of dealing with uninvited guests.

It looks like red ant
It looks like red ant

First of all, these small insects carry the bacteria and dirt. Just imagine, now you find them on a plate, and a moment ago they were in the bin.

All in search of food ants make quite a long walk, and might even come to you with a neighboring apartment. But all the household ants cause discomfort and carry infection. Because of their elimination should be approached comprehensively:

  • perform preventive measures to eliminate the appearance of insects;
  • apply the guaranteed methods of struggle.
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Ants in search of food are large distances
Ants in search of food are large distances


There are a number of tips following which you can secure your home or apartment from the home of ants.

If you find yourself in the house of a couple of these insects, you know, it's scouts. Their goal - to find out where there is food, and tell other ants. Therefore, you should:

Prevention - an important measure in the fight against ants
Prevention - an important measure in the fight against ants
  1. Do not leave dirty dishes: just wash it or fold it in the dishwasher and close the door.
  2. Remove the trash or tightly cover it with a lid.
  3. surface kitchen Headset treat acetic solution. He will cleanse and disinfect surfaces. Also, the smell is unpleasant ants.
vinegar smell deters pests red
vinegar smell deters pests red
  1. Daily sweep the kitchen floor.
  2. Remove the food into containers that are tightly closed. This technique should be used for 3-7 days. If insects do not find food odors, they will go to a different location in her search.
In the photo shows how to hide food from ants
In the photo shows how to hide food from ants

blocking the entrance

Small ants enter the home through cracks, joints of floors, walls, gaps, ventilation openings:

  1. It is necessary to follow the scouts and understand where they came from.
  2. It is these places are locked. We gloss over all the holes with silicone adhesive putty. In the extreme case, you can use Vaseline or tape.

Vaseline or tape to apply only until not buy something more effective. Over time, unstick an adhesive tape, Vaseline dry - and insects the way is clear.

Plastered all gaps and crevices
Plastered all gaps and crevices

Destroy ants with soapy water

You can cook soapy water with your hands. This requires the 1 teaspoon of liquid soap or a detergent and water.

Squirting the mixture of ants, which are found. It not only eliminates the unwanted insects, but also removes the trail, others can come in which.

create a barrier

You can make the barriers of the following products and tools:

  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • black pepper or chilli;
  • citrus oil;
  • baby powder;
  • scouring powder.
Barrier cinnamon discourage ants
Barrier cinnamon discourage ants

Lines of these funds must be continuous, no wider than 5-6 mm. But do not do it, if the room already has a goose. Otherwise, they simply can not leave you.

distribute fragrance

I think you may have noticed that these violators of peace do not like strong smells. Get rid of ants in the apartment can be by spraying scents.

Do the following:

  1. Put the bay leaves in a jar with products that attract ants.
Odor leafs discourage appetite ants
Odor leafs discourage appetite ants
  1. Spread the garlic clove place insect walking.
  2. Mint and lavender can be planted in places where they penetrate. You can also expand the dried branches of plants.
  3. A solution of a detergent, soda and water applied to the penetration site. Especially suitable for window sills.
Ants need to scare
Ants need to scare

Getting rid forever

They say that in war all means are good. And we just war for cleanliness and order in the house. We can distinguish two directions of struggle:

  • chemical means;
  • folk.

But first you need to identify a place accumulations of ants. All the insects that move around your home, this is - the workers. They carry food to the nest, where the female with offspring.

Following this knowledge, it turns out that the main struggle should be carried out in public places.

The main thing - to find a place accumulations
The main thing - to find a place accumulations

Follow the crawl is quite simple - they form a live chain. And here find their nest is more complicated: it can hide under sex, in the wall.

Move the insect order
Move the insect order

Method 1. Chemistry

For those who do not want to do with their own hands and resort to solutions of various methods of struggle, you can call the pest control experts. brigade:

  1. Produce inspection of the premises.
  2. Identify breeding sites.
  3. Processed by special means.
  4. Conduct a final inspection of the house.

Advantageously, in all cases, this method gives a result of 100%. However, a significant disadvantage is the price. Call specialists have many can not afford.

pest control experts 100% save you from ants
pest control experts 100% save you from ants

However, the market offers an effective means in the fight against the ants. They will cope with the black, red and representatives, and red ants die.

You can buy an insecticidal spray. They handled all the surfaces on which there were insects.

But before that:

  • They removed all the products that caught the fancy of goose bumps;
  • cleaned dishes;
  • exempt premises from tenants.

Guide warns that when spraying chemicals should wear a mask or respirator for their own safety.

Aerosol - a convenient and effective means
Aerosol - a convenient and effective means

But the chemical agent from the ants is not perfect, he has drawbacks:

  1. By using it, you will not get rid of unwanted tenants of your home, unless you find a nest.
  2. The composition of such drugs include poisons, which adversely affect not only the ants, but also in domestic animals and humans.

If you are going to use these sprays, gels or liquids, it is best to leave the room for 3 days.

In addition there are aerosol gels and pencils from ants
In addition there are aerosol gels and pencils from ants

Method 2. means available

How to get rid of ants in the home without resorting to poisons and special teams? A very simple and easy. In any housewife, I think there's yeast, sugar or meat. And what if not, then find them is not difficult.

Boric acid and yeast help to get rid of ants
Boric acid and yeast help to get rid of ants

Products and spices

There are many ways how to get ants using folk remedies:

  1. Decomposed drug chamomile in places where there are insects. Because of its odor they leave after a couple of days.
  2. Dilute in a glass jar or sugar with water (sugar can be replaced by honey). Chills will crawl to the sweetness and sink.
Trap can be and cookies
Trap can be and cookies
  1. From the red ants will help get rid of minced meat and borax. Spread in places where such a mixture.
  2. Dilute the yeast and sugar in warm water. Pour the resulting mixture into the saucers and arranged in places of occurrence of ants.
  3. Lubricate sunflower oil route of the ants.
  4. Soak in water orange peel. The present solution to spray insects.
Sweet bait for ants
Sweet bait for ants

Boric acid

The most popular for the control of ants uses boric acid.

Traditional methods are effective and safe
Traditional methods are effective and safe

Its advantages are obvious:

  • It does not evaporate;
  • possess herbicidal, fungicidal and insecticidal properties;
  • economical;
  • cheap.

To prepare the means for removing ants need to 1 teaspoon of sugar and boric acid. Dilute the mixture into a glass of water and daubed plinth and trails chills.

Boric acid is fatal to the ants
Boric acid is fatal to the ants

Another recipe with boric acid:

  1. Take cooked yolk, adding sugar, jam or honey and 20 g of the acid.
  2. We are doing this ball and display in public places.
  3. After a day you will see the result - dead insects.
Boric acid and egg yolk - a common method of dealing with the ants
Boric acid and egg yolk - a common method of dealing with the ants

Folk remedies are not as fast as the chemical. But with the help they can get rid of ants.

Who's that garazd!
Who's that garazd!

Remember, the main advantage of folk remedies is that they are harmless to humans.


Ants - not harmless insects, they are carriers of all kinds of infections. To combat them must be approached comprehensively: to do prevention, to use chemical and traditional methods. But do not forget that at the time of treatment needed to remove the pets.

To learn more about how to get rid of ants in the house, watch the video in this article. And if you have a proven way to get rid of this scourge - share them in the comments.

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