Luck - early-growing potato varieties. Beautiful presentation. It is popular among summer residents, as well as in demand among buyers.
Table of Contents and Descriptionvarieties of Luck
Potato varieties of Luck appeared in 1994 in the GNU VNIIKH im. G.Lorkha. Breeders have created unpretentious, high-yielding , adapted to different climatic conditions and soil grade.
Luck Tubers of the variety according to the description are round or oval, with a small number of eyes. The skin is thin and smooth. Skin color: yellowish or brown.
The bush is of medium height, with dense dark green foliage. Flowers - white, sepals bent to the bottom. Abundant flowering varieties.
Tuber weight reaches 90 - 130 g .The growing season lasts 70 - 80 days .

- early ripe;
- high yielding;
- drought resistant;
- resistant to lodging;
- is limp;
- with excellent taste.
In addition, it is distinguished:
- number of tubers from 1 crop - 10-15 ;
- starchiness - 12–14%;
- yield from 1 bush - 1.7 kg ;
- yield per 1 ha - 1.5 t ;
- marketability - 88-97%.
Advantages and disadvantages of the grade
- immunity to low temperatures. Germination of tubers begins at a temperature of +10.
- rapid tying tubers. After 45 days, dig early potatoes for cooking. Tastes good.
- ripening at short notice;
- immunity to many diseases. Not affected by viral diseases.
- is resistant to mechanical damage. .Especially when collecting and transporting.
- high yielding ;
- lock

Among the disadvantages are: susceptibility to late blight and stem nematode, requirements to the soil.- History of breeding
Preparation of seed material
For 2-3 weeks before planting we germinate seeds in the light. Planting material is placed in boxes or on a tarpaulin in one layer, giving access to natural light. In the light, the tubers are green, which further positively responds to growth and resistance to disease.
Choosing medium-sized tubers. Large tubers are cut into two parts, so that at each half was at least 3 - 4 sprouts.
In late April - early May, are planted potatoes in the ground. Planting root crops in cold ground reduces the yield by 2 times. The optimal soil temperature for seeds is 10 degrees Celsius.

For potatoes, there is a rule that has been proven over centuries: they plant not before the leaves on the birch blossom, but no later than the bird cherry blooms.
Luck potato varieties are unpretentious to soil. It grows on different types of soil: clay and sandy, chernozem and loam.
The site is prepared in autumn, organic is introduced. Ancestors for culture - cabbage, cucumbers, melons and gourds .Do not plant potatoes in the garden after tomatoes, because they belong to the same family of nightshade.
In the spring before planting, they re-dig the soil, apply ash and mineral fertilizers.
Short-term ripening
There is an effective way to produce ultra early harvest. Take box with peat or sawdust, poured water and planted seed tubers. The formed plant is planted on a bed in two weeks. However, gardeners use this labor-intensive technology rarely.

is used. On clay soils, is used for planting on the ridges of .Seed material is planted in the ridges, the height of which reaches 20 cm. The interval between them is 60 cm. This technology improves the heating of seeds, breathability.
On black soil, is applied. is a smooth fit. Seeds are planted at a depth of 5-7 centimeters. The soil is not rolled, and harrow rake.
The vegetation period of yield lasts approximately 75-90 days .However, already 45 laziness after planting, you can shoot a crop. For food, digging up bushes can already be at the end of June, .
This variety has a large crop, it is possible to collect from 12-20 potato tubers from one bush, which is 1-2 kg.
It should be remembered that the green bush, tubers are still in the development stage. After harvesting, the potatoes must be dried in the shade.

Scheme and time of planting
Air temperature and warming of the soil are the main indicators of potato planting in the soil.
Potato varieties Luck is planted according to the scheme 20 x 60 cm .In each hole contribute ash and humus. With the emergence of seedlings spud to protect from temperature changes. Used as a covering material. The second loosening is carried out when the tops reach a height of 20 cm.
Loosening of the soil, weeding - agrotechnical techniques in the care of potatoes. It is recommended to loosen the soil after rain in order to improve the access of oxygen to the root system of plants.
Fertilizers and watering
Fertilizing the culture is carried out by when sprouting occurs, during the budding and flowering period of .
For the first feeding, add 1 tablespoon of urea and bird droppings, 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water. The second time the plants are fed with potassium sulfate( 1st.l.) and wood ash( 2-3st.l.) based on a bucket of water. During flowering, use 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 cup of mullein per bucket of liquid. Solution consumption per bush - 500 ml.

Potato varieties Fortune is undemanding for irrigation .Under adverse weather conditions( drought, heat), the site is watered using rainwater or standing water. Be sure to loosen after watering.
Pest and disease control
Fortune-resistant potatoes are immune to many diseases, but is susceptible to lateral and stem nematode .
Increased humidity and density of potato plantations are the causes of late blight. Signs of the disease: the appearance of dark spots on the leaves and stems of , tuber rot.
Prevention measures: regular weeding, change of crop rotation .Control methods: treatment with copper-containing preparations such as Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride. Used in any phase of plant growth. Affected leaves and bushes destroy.

Stem nematode is characterized by with pale leaves , thickening of the stems of the crop, bushiness and dark spots on the tubers. To prevent disease, a tablespoon of ash is applied to the well during planting. Sick cultures clean.
In the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, both chemical preparations and folk remedies are used.
- Ash .Spray a mixture of ash( 2 liters) with soap( piece) on a bucket of water.
- Wormwood bitter .In a bucket of hot water, add 300 g of grass, a glass of ash and insist 3 hours.
- Poplar .Fill the leaves with half a bucket, add water, boil for 15 minutes. Top up to 10 liters, insist 3 days.
- frightening chatter. In a bucket of liquid, stir 300 g of soda and yeast, spray the plants 1-2 times a week.
- Colorado potato beetle against itself .Fill 500 ml jar of pests, pour in a 10-liter container, pour water, tightly closed. A week later, the infusion is used in a 1: 2 ratio.

Harvesting and storing the harvestThe signal for mass harvesting in August is the drying of the tops.
Before storing, the roots are dried and sorted. Store in a cellar, a cellar at a temperature from + 2 to + 5 degrees.
Varieties Vilnia and Anoka formed the basis of the Luck potato variety. Potato varieties Luck - an excellent option for the garden.