- 1 Preparation of shoes to bleaching
2 bleach
- 2.1 Method 1. Paint
- 2.2 Method 2. Toothpaste
- 2.3 Method 3. Soda
- 2.4 Method 4. washing powder
- 3 other methods
- 4 Output
Shoes - very comfortable kind of shoe: colorful, plain - which only combinations can not be found. But white color - the most popular, but quickly loses its original form, and therefore requires careful care. Today I'll show you how to clean shoes at home and return them former beauty.

Preparation of shoes to bleaching
Whitening begins with preparation:
- First we need to clean the soles from adhering earth, mud and sand.
- Before wash the shoes, it is necessary to prepare a basin or other container with warm, soapy water and a sponge, a brush and a cloth.
- Shoes can be washed in running water, if it is not very dirty. Thus, washed and dust from the surface.

- Insoles and laces recommend to take out in advance, as they are usually washed separately with their own hands.
Bleaching can begin only when the sole and the surface to be cleaned of dirt and dust.
Once you have removed the dirt, shoes should be thoroughly rinsed and dried:
- To begin, you need to hang the shoes to the water glass.
- Then put obliquely in a warm place.

In any case it is impossible to dry the shoes on the heater.
Sneakers at home really do whites. It does not take a lot of time, but some effort to make, of course, necessary.

There is a huge choice of means and methods for this procedure. You can choose any of the four presented, all of them are effective.
You do not know how to whiten your conversions? Try the most effective ways to:
- Paint for shoes;
- toothpaste;
- soda;
- washing powder with whitening effect.
Method 1. Paint
There is a special white paint for a shoe that is able to return them to the snow-white color.

shoe paint processing instruction has the following sequence:
- wash;
- dry;
- degrease alcohol;
- Apply the dye;
- to dry a few days.

This method has one drawback: it does not allow bleach sole.
Permissible to use acrylic paint and dye fabrics. And when coated with colored paint, you can change the familiar face of his shoe, causing them their copyrights drawings.
Method 2. Toothpaste

How to make white sneakers using a dentifrice, it has long been known. For this procedure, you need to use toothpaste without color additives.
Old toothbrush we put it on the shoes and diligently rubbed into the surface.
Using this means, it is possible to clean the rubber (sole finishing laths and side margin).

Insertion of tissue need to slightly moisten before bleaching. For the best action of toothpaste it is left for a few minutes after application, and then wash off.

Toothpastes as well cleaned rubber parts of yellowness and stains with the addition of powdered cleaning agent for tableware.

Method 3. Soda
Yellowed shoes from the brand or another brand Sonverse really brought back to life by means of soda. There is no doubt that this ingredient is at each hostess.

- To mix baking soda with vinegar and apply with a sponge onto the surface of the shoe.
- The ratio of components for the mixture - 3: 2.
- Dirty areas require more careful handling.
- After processing the shoes must be well washed and dried.

Method 4. washing powder
A paste of washing powder and gel for dishes - this is an excellent bleaching agent for footwear. Suffice it to apply it to the surface of the shoe and walk carefully brush. Then - rinse with clean water.

I share another method of how to clean white sneakers, using powder for washing:
- First, prepare a solution of a detergent powder, but only very concentrated.
- Soak it in Converse for a few hours.
- Thoroughly rinse.

The bleach must be free of chlorine. Otherwise, the shoes will become irrevocable yellowness.

other methods
Using the washing machine is also successfully practiced for cleaning shoes.

Before you send the shoes in the wash, they must carefully handle the foaming composition, which includes:
- 2 big spoons of bleaching powder,
- 2-3 large spoons of vinegar.

And then you need to perform these steps:
- Converse rinse with clean water.
- Configure the machine to 30 degrees.
- Disable spin.
- Add oxygen bleach powder.
Wash sneakers in a washing machine is best if you first place them in a pillow case, a towel or a special bag.

Effective for deep cleaning shoe is a white paste, composed of equal proportions includes:
- vinegar,
- hydrogen peroxide,
- washing or cleaning powder.
It can safely be used not only for the yellowing soles and rubber elements, but also for the tissue surface.

Agree, white shoes look nice and impressive, only if it is white! Now that you know all effective ways to restore the original appearance of light sneakers. It remains to try them out in practice.

Share your results in the comments. A video in this article once again demonstrate how to clean shoes.
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