Pros and cons of planting potatoes in the ridges

Traditionally, farmers have planted potatoes in holes, but at the moment another method of planting potatoes is gaining popularity. This - planting tubers in the ridges. And this method has not just become so popular. The fact is that potatoes can be planted with this method much earlier than in the holes, since there is no need to wait until the earth warms up, because only the top layer of sod is used. As well as the ridges quickly warm in the sun, which improves the harvest.

ContentsIt is very good in that it facilitates the landing procedure manually. Land can be prepared immediately before the procedure. Fill the ashes to the next bed and carefully dig up so that the fertilizer mixes evenly.

Combs must be located at a distance of 40 centimeters .Thus, on a bed of 120 cm fit three rows. They are a long mound of land, in which you want to put the tubers of potatoes, placing them at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other.

It is important to make sure that there are no weeds and pests on the site.
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If the weeds can be simply pulled out, then the situation with pests is more complicated. If there are pests on your site, such as a catfish and a wireworm, then it is necessary to pour it along with the fertilizer on the bed and poison for pests and dig up.

If there are pests on the site, then the soil is processed and dug up.

Proper cutting before planting

When the ground is fertilized and there are no weeds on it, it is necessary to to form the cutting of ridges on the plot. This is easy to do with an ordinary hoe.

On the loosened ground, make furrows, placing them at a distance of 40-50 cm in the distance .They will be paths between the ridges. Then form a mound in such a way that the ridges rise above the ground.

The higher the ridge, the better. It is not necessary to dig up the track, thereby forming it. It is necessary to rake the top layer into the embankment, as it is already heated and suitable for planting tubers.

Tuber Preparation

Tubers, before planting such a method, must be carefully selected .Potatoes should be without cracks and medium size.

The potato, the size of an egg, is considered ideal for planting using the ridge method. Tubers must be left in a dark place, so they sprouted slightly. Strongly germinated tubers are not suitable for planting by this method.

Tubers before planting must be treated with drugs against the disease of seedlings.

How to plant potatoes

Planting potatoes in the ridges is divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of the soil and its fertilizer.
  2. Tuber preparation.
  3. Forming ridges.
  4. Planting potatoes.
Tubers are placed at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other and sprinkled with earth.

When the bed is already formed, you can proceed directly to planting. To do this, it is necessary to lay the tubers at an distance of 30-35 cm from each other and sprinkle the with hands. If the ground is dry, then you can water after the procedure.

. Maintenance of

. Care of the beds should be carried out in the same way as with the conventional method, i.e. to pull weeds and loosen .And also, when shoots appear( 20-25 days after planting) at 7-10 centimeters, the beds must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, taking 2 grams of the substance per bucket. At the same time, you can fertilize the ridges with any liquid fertilizer.

In dry weather, ridges should be watered. In general, they are watered with once a month with in case of moderate weather and twice per month with arid.

Watering is done 1-2 times a month.

And also, as soon as potato seedlings appear, it is necessary to loosen the beds and sprinkle them with earth with the help of chopper. After the rain, they must be restored with a hoe, returning them to their original appearance


The crop must be harvested in spring( end of August - early September ), after removing the tops of the tops from the beds 2 weeks before the harvest. This will help ripen tubers.

Collection is carried out without the help of any equipment - manually. For this, the ridges are simply moved apart, freeing the potatoes. Thus, harvesting takes place in a short time without obvious effort.

The must be dried and removed from the lumps of land before storage. Keep the crop must be in a dark and cool place. Traditionally, potatoes are stored in the cellar.

After harvesting, care must be taken to fertilize the land for next year. So, between the crests, grass and leaves are laid. And also often needles are laid on them. During the winter the grass rot, thus fertilizing the ground.

After harvesting it must be thoroughly dried

Planting using Dutch technology

This method gives a richer crop than the traditional one. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that after planting the potatoes are removed from the ridges when it has sprouted and re-selected.

The first planting for the germination of tubers is conducted very thickly .Potatoes must be planted very close to each other.

The sprouted potatoes are picked and re-planted in the crests of the , placing the tubers at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other, powdered with earth. Combs must be up to 30 cm high.

Pros and cons of the

method The method of landing in the ridges has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • High yield , compared with the traditional method of planting tubers.
  • The land is less depleted, since every year you can alternate between the location of ridges and tracks.
  • Combs are well heated, thereby improving yields.
  • This method allows oxygen to penetrate to the root system, so development is faster than .
  • There is no need to spud the beds often.
  • With a large amount of precipitation, the roots of potatoes do not rot, as excess moisture rolls along the ridge, and with a lack of moisture, the ridges hold back the necessary amount of water for the development of the root system.
  • Thanks to the ridges, snow retention is improved in winter, which gives good soil moisture in spring.
When planting in the ridges, oxygen enters the roots of the potato

more quickly Disadvantages:

  • Accelerated drying out of the soil, which leads to constant watering and considerable waste on water.
  • Not suitable for light soils , as in windy weather, they crumble, exposing the tuber. Such land quickly becomes poorer and requires constant feeding in the form of fertilizer. Loose earth quickly gives rise to weeds and pests, which affects the yield of potatoes.

Is it possible to plant not manually

Although the landing method is very simple, it can be done with the help of technology.

So, with the help of the motoblock, ridges are formed. To do this, the walker must go through the beds, where the wheels pass, paths are formed, and between them directly the ridges themselves. Potatoes, after this method of forming ridges, planted manually.

After planting the potatoes, a motor-block is again passed along the beds, for the tubers to fall asleep with earth.

And is also often used with the plowing element, since planting with this unit is a less costly and easy way.

To form the ridges, you can use the

walk-behind unit. Equipment includes such elements as:

  • Furrow - for the formation of furrows;
  • Transporter - for feeding tubers;
  • Distributor - forms the time intervals for the supply of potatoes;
  • Okudnik - for sleeping tubers with earth.

Basically, auxiliary equipment is used for a large area.

This method of planting potatoes has become very popular, thanks to its simplicity and ease. Many farmers have long used the Dutch method, mainly to increase the yield. Of course, as in any method, it has its pros and cons. But he has much more advantages than disadvantages.

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