Why and with what it is impossible to eat a melon?

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We do not think about the compatibility of products, getting to the holiday table. Later we complain of indisposition, referring to poor-quality preparation. In fact, we ate a lot of different snacks and paid for it. A special effect with such unintelligibility threatens the use of melons as a dessert. What can not eat a melon and why, we shall understand.

What is known about the compatibility of products

A table of product incompatibility has long been developed. She indicates that you can eat at one meal, and which dishes are best divided. The meaning in translation into the language of an ordinary consumer is that the decomposition of products into components requires a different composition of gastric juice for each product. They were combined into groups according to acidity and splitting ability. When this happens a slight decomposition of food, and the stomach is not overloaded.

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If, however, products that require different components in the gastric juice are served simultaneously, then they mutually neutralize each other and digestion is slow, there is severity and other problems. Therefore, they talk about the compatibility of products for simultaneous reception.

Types of foods that are included in the human menu:

  • proteinaceous, which require acidic enzymes for digestion;
  • acidic herbal products;
  • mildly acid, non-starchy herbal products;
  • starchy products, fermented in alkaline medium.

Traditional main dish, meat with a side dish of porridge or potatoes is poorly absorbed, and with a cabbage side dish is good. With the wrong food intake, it is poorly absorbed, most of the nutrients goes to waste.

Excellent vitamin salad and spinach greens lose all their benefits when adding salt. Green tea with milk is a useless combination. Coffee and sandwich mutually destroy utility.

Melon is incompatible with any products. It is eaten between meals of at least two hours. The same incompatible products include fresh milk. This is a protein product, but in an acidic environment, it folds into a hard-to-digestible mass.

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Why not eat melon with other foods?

Melon belongs to the pumpkin family and a close relative to the cucumber. From the very appearance of the nobility on the tables, she became a favorite dessert. No one knew then that improperly eating a melon could be the cause of death. After the death of another lover of food, it happened that the servants of the poisoners were executed. Later figured out that melon can not be a dessert. Her taste and aroma is enjoyed at the moment when the stomach is unloaded and ready to accept a new portion of food.

It turns out that a sweet vegetable will stay in the stomach in a matter of minutes, the melon mass will be digested in the intestine. If you prevent it, hold it in the stomach, you will not end up with problems. Here she quickly fermented, not digested, with all the consequences - flatulence, diarrhea, colic, nausea. Therefore, to fully enjoy the honey taste of the Charjui melon, it is necessary to release the stomach and slowly put a piece in your mouth with a fork, closing your eyes from pleasure. This taste will bring many benefits. That is why the melon should be eaten separately from other products.

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  • dietary fiber;
  • vitamins and minerals.
  • However, iron in melon is 10 times more than in chicken meat and milk. Potassium is present 120 mg, a lot of nicotinic acid, vitamin C. Due to the large concentration of folic acid, the product is recommended for people with weakened brain activity, the elderly. Useful melon and liver diseases, anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system. The substance seperoxide dismutase, present in melon, restores peace of mind, relieves fatigue.

    At the same time, a sweet product is not recommended for weight loss in patients with diabetes. For medicinal purposes, the melon is introduced into the diet under the supervision of a physician. In confirmation of the fact that the melon is an independent product that is incompatible with others, we give the body's reaction to the simultaneous intake of different components:

    1. Melon with milk or fermented milk products will create a violent laxative effect. Therefore, do not buy children yogurt with melon. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, if the products are natural, diarrhea will not take long.
    2. You can not eat a melon just on an empty stomach, problems with bloating and nausea begin. It is dangerous for those who have problems with the digestive tract.
    3. Alcohol and melon are incompatible. There are three ways of problems. Some complain of severe constipation, others pass the standards of the TRP on the way to the toilet. There are still others who are taken away by the ambulance for washing the stomach.
    4. Nursing mothers should not eat melon. The baby will inevitably have a relaxed chair. All mothers are afraid of this, since dehydration of the child’s body immediately begins.
    5. Drinking water with a melon is also not recommended, fermentation, colic and diarrhea may occur soon.
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    The combination leads to trouble and explains why you can not eat melon with other products. At a special place is the interaction of two healing products, honey and melon in the stomach.

    Why not eat melon with honey?

    From old times, the order is passed, not to eat melon with honey. In those days, intestinal obstruction was called inversion of the intestines. So, it was believed that honey with a melon creates a stone in the intestines, the permeability is disturbed, and terrible torment awaits the person.

    However, there are people who eat honey and melon at the same time without consequences. Doctors believe that the compatibility of melon and honey, even for a healthy person, is questionable. For those who have undergone abdominal surgery, and have adhesions and scars, can get intestinal obstruction. Therefore, it is not worth risking your health and turning two healing products into an explosive mixture for the body. People who always eat melon with honey and do not experience unpleasant sensations, units. Before you experiment, think about who needs it?

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