Useful insects of the garden and garden - the natural salvation of your site

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Many gardeners and gardeners have a problem in the fight against pests. The poison that helps exterminate them needs to be changed almost every year, since the old ones no longer work. At the same time, people do not take into account that the useful insects of the garden and the vegetable garden help to more effectively defeat aphids, caterpillars, snails and other “dirty tricks” than various chemicals.

How to attract beneficial insects of the garden?

  1. Often the harvest rescuers do not settle on the land plot due to the lack of housing for them. In European countries, they even sell special houses. This is especially important during the cold season. Placed on the ground boards, sawdust, bark and leaves can be an excellent shelter.
  2. There are some special ferromones and nutrient mixtures ready to attract beneficial insects in the garden.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Treatment with insecticides leads to death, both pests and garden defenders. Unfortunately, the former multiply and restore their numbers much more quickly than the latter.
  5. Grow plants loved by ladybugs, ground beetles and other gardener friends. Geographies include:
  • yarrow
  • chamomile
  • parsley
  • mustard
  • dill
  • mint
  • calendula
  • coriander
  • marigold
  • donant gee
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    List of beneficial insects of the garden and the garden

    • Ladybird
      Effectively fights with honey and aphids. The larvae of this insect eat over a week - 350 thousand aphids, and an adult about 5 thousand. In our country there are about 70 types of ladybirds.
    • Ground beetle
      This is a large, three-centimeter, fast-running beetle that feeds on larvae( about 100 per day), caterpillars( about 10 pieces per day), gall midges, slugs and snails.
    • Beetle - "fireman"
      A small insect with powerful jaws. Contributes to the "cleansing" of trees from aphids, caterpillars and leaf-eating pests.
    • Gilded Eye
      This is an insect with transparent wings and glittering golden eyes. During their development, the golden-eyed larvae eat several thousand aphids, scale insects, spider mites and other pests. An adult individual feeds on pollen and honeydew.
    • Forest klopik
      This is a weevil that lives in trees. The most useful for the garden are false, floral and soft-bodied bug. They absorb the eggs of spider mites, aphids, caterpillars and gall midge larvae.
    • Hoverfly
      This insect easily copes with an aphid invasion. Hoverflies use hook-shaped jaws to destroy prey. They like to settle on uncultivated flower beds, lawns and in wooden boxes with shavings.
    • Phytoseiulus
      A predatory tick eating a spider mite. It easily copes with almost the entire mass of this pest.
    • Fly Tahina
      Her female lays eggs on the larvae of sawflies, caterpillars, bugs and beetles. Hatching insects destroy the pests on which they are found.
    • Trichogram
      Small Eggs. He is bred in special nurseries laboratories.
    • Parasite Rider
      The insect is similar to a wasp and fights many parasites as well as a fly-tahina.
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