Interesting facts about honey: calorie, sugar, consumption rates

Honey is a natural, tasty and healthy delicacy, which can be used as a separate product, as well as by adding to dishes as desired. However, along with the benefits, honey is fraught with danger. First of all, honey is a strong allergen. Children under one year do not give it. Secondly, it is also better for diabetics to refrain from consuming this delicacy.

In this article we will look at honey in various aspects. We recognize its caloric value, we can analyze whether it can be used by diabetics and from what age can be given to children.

Table of contents

  • Calorie honey: how many kcal is contained in one teaspoon?
  • What contains more calories: sugar or honey?
  • Is it possible to use with diabetes mellitus: the benefits and harm of
  • Sugary
    • What homemade honey is not sugared and why?
  • How many kilograms / gram fit into a liter / three-liter jar?
  • How long can a bee product be eaten per day for an adult or an infant?
  • Chemical composition and table of contents of the components
  • instagram viewer
  • GOST for honey products
  • How, where and in what to store the real natural product?

Calorie honey: how many kcal is contained in one teaspoon?

Taste is always accompanied by nutritional value, so honey is a high-calorie product found on our tables. But this is no reason to abandon it during a diet. It is necessary with rationality, not overeating, to use it.

Type honey kcal per 100 grams
Floral 303
Acacia 335
Buckwheat 301
Vereskovyi 309
Honeycomb 327
Linden honey with nuts 485

As seen from the table, each view has its apiculture product caloric value. But 100 grams is not a very clear concept. Where it is clearer to consider honey spoons. So how many calories in 1 teaspoon and tablespoon of honey:

  • In 1 teaspoon with a slide - 32 Kcal
  • In 1 tablespoon with a slide - 72 Kcal

sought after, compared to other varieties.100 grams of delicacy contains about 320 Kcal.

Buckwheat honey bees are collected from the nectar of flowering buckwheat .His color is bright, from yellow to brown, and sometimes reddish. This product is classified as high quality, with a pleasant aroma. It contains 37% glucose and 40% fructose, which contributes to its high caloric content - per 100 g 301 kcal.

People have long wondered: is there any sugar in the honey? Yes, but not the same as in the store, but fruit and grape, in the form of fructose with glucose, while being well digestible by the body.

The complex composition of natural honey is dominated by carbohydrates , the amount of which is about 86%.Depending on the variety, carbohydrates can over 40 types.

The main ones are glucose and fructose. Their number is up to 90% by weight of all carbohydrates. The rest are complex oligosaccharides, disaccharides and sucrose. Its composition of the product of beekeeping is about 3%.

What contains more calories: sugar or honey?

Many people wonder if honey is caloric. Let's disassemble. Sugar contains more calories than honey. For example, in a teaspoon of sugar - up to 18 calories, and in honey - 27 calories.

In this case, the caloric content of the honey delicacy is higher, but not due to the fact that sugar is lower in calories, but because honey has a higher density, and a little more than sugar is placed in its spoon. In 100 grams of sugar - 400 Kcal, in honey about 330 Kcal.

Ideal products do not exist, and honey is not recommended for people with severe diabetes, allergies and obesity.

Despite its usefulness, the honey product is sufficiently calories, and sugar is less useful and has a higher caloric content. At the same time, the honey calories are absorbed much faster, and the consumption of sugar contributes to rapid fatigue, the appearance of caries and drowsiness.

Fresh natural honey with honeycombs

Can I use with diabetes mellitus: the benefits and harm

Can I eat honey with diabetes? In this question there are many different opinions. Some believe that honey for diabetics is beneficial - lowers blood sugar, and the rest claim that the honey product enhances it.

Studies prove that diabetes mellitus is not always acceptable.

When diabetes mellitus requires strict adherence to the diet, and if it is not observed, there is no difference than to poison yourself with sugar or honey in large doses. But with elevated blood sugar levels - honey is contraindicated.

The opinion that honey and diabetes are incompatible is wrong. For example, a honey product with this disease is acceptable; you should only use a certain amount of treats and choose a look that is useful for this disease.

Experts say that the use of honey delicacy in type 1 diabetes is not only possible but necessary. By repeated experiments it has been proved that the constant consumption of this delicacy contributes to reducing the pressure and normalizing the level of glycohemoglobin by 2%.

Due to its composition, honey is very slowly absorbed, which contributes to the stabilization of blood glucose. Therefore, the question: is it possible to eat honey with type 2 diabetes will also be positive. The main thing is to observe strict daily dosage - 1 a day. With large quantities, serious problems can begin.


And now let's look at whether honey should be sugared and why it happens. Honey crystallization is a natural process, as long as it is natural and without any additives. Its nature is influenced by certain factors that reveal the speed and characteristics of this process. At a temperature of 35 ° C, the honey begins to melt gradually.

When there is an excess of 40-50 ° C, most of the nutrients are destroyed, and the bee product becomes an ordinary sweet syrup. Therefore, if honey is sugared - this is considered the norm.

Glucose and fructose are the main components of honey. Thanks to these elements, honey is candied. Glucose hardens, and fructose does not change the liquid state, enveloping glucose. When scooping crystallized honey from a jar, you can see a small amount of liquid honey.

Crystallization is a natural property of honey. Natural honey must be sugared, after two months after the jump. The only exception is the primary honey product, which can be stored liquid for more than 2 years.

What homemade honey is not sugared and why?

The coefficient of fructose and glucose is the main indicator that gives an estimate of the strength of honey sugared. Delicacy with a high amount of fructose is sugared slowly and softens easily.

Sugaring of different types of honey

Glucose crystals collect at the bottom, and a dark mass rises to the top. A striking example of this, honey from acacia, with a predominance of fructose - it can be sugared, but it almost does not harden, remaining in a liquid state. An example of such honey is sunflower, with a predominance of glucose, which can crystallize in a quick time.

The weight of honey changes its performance depending on the temperature and humidity in it. The higher the data, the less weight.

You may also be interested in the following articles on the topic of honey:

  • How to take honey with water in the morning?
  • Useful properties and contraindications of clover honey.
  • Useful properties of wild honey.

How many kilograms / gram fit into a liter / three-liter jar?

For measuring use grams and kilograms. The density of honey delicacy is approximately 1.5 kg per 1.5 liters. With increased humidity, the density decreases.

  • in 1 teaspoon without a hill - 8 grams of honey;
  • in 1 tablespoon without slide - 17 grams;
  • 50 g of honey is 2.9 tablespoons or 4.2 teaspoons without a slide. With a slide - 1.5 tablespoons or 2.5 teaspoons.

The main principle of the ratio of weight and quantity of bee nectar is 1.4 / 1, for example:

  • in a liter jar can hold 1.4 kg of honey;
  • in a three-liter jar is obtained a little more than 4 kg of honey.

And in reverse order:

  • 1 kg of honey is placed in a container 750 ml;
  • 500 g of honey is placed in a 450 ml container;
  • 100 g - about five tablespoons of honey without a hill.

How long can a bee product be eaten per day for an adult and an infant?

Now let's talk about how much honey can be eaten per day without harm to humans. Honey - a useful product for the human body.

An adult is recommended to use 100-150 g of the product per day. For better absorption, it is necessary to eat it 1.5-2 hours before a meal, or 3 hours after a meal. The best way to drink is with warm milk, tea or water.

Daily intake of honey for an adult per day.

For children, honey intake is recommended along with other food - tea, fruit or cereal. In this way, the body absorbs delicacy faster. Giving kids a large amount of the product should not be, otherwise they may appear disgust.

Honey is classified as a highly allergenic product, and, before giving it to a child, you need to remember this and not abuse it. Experts recommend acquainting kids with honey after three years, no more than 1-2 teaspoons per day. It is better not to give delicacies to babies.

When such an acquaintance already happened, and no allergic reactions occurred, a child up to two years old can be offered 0.5 teaspoonful, and over two years old, no more than 1 teaspoonful per day. In children who are prone to allergies, honey is excluded from the diet.

Chemical composition and table of contents of components

The table shows the chemical composition and content of all components of the beekeeping product( vitamins, minerals, calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per 100 gram of product.

Minerals Potassium
mg Phosphorus 7,2
mg Calcium 5,1 mg Manganese
0,36 mg
31 mg Copper Zinc
0,1 mg Magnesium
2,9 mgIron
0,5 mg Chromium
5 mg
Boron 0,7 mg
Fluoro 8
mg Vitamins Vitamin A
mg Vitamin B2 0,04
mg Vitamin B3 03 mg
Vitamin B5 0.07 mg
Vitamin B5 0.8 mg
Bitamin B6 0,02
mg Vitamin B9 0,08 mg
2 mg Vitamin C Vitamin E
mg Vitamin H 0,15
mg Vitamin K 1 mg

chemical composition centrifugal honey ( byJ.W.'s whitedashother disaccharides

Higher sugar








5.9 RASapple, formic, acetic, oil, dairy, etc.,

0.57 2.6 Proteins 0.26 1.2 Ash( potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sodium, sulfates, ash, etc.etc.) 0.17 0.8 Total Acids, Proteins and Ash 1.00 4.6 Secondary components( pigments, enzymes, vitamins, alcohols, flavors and aromas) .0 Total 100 453.6

GOST for honey products

GOST R 54644 2011 for bee delicacy of the last development “Natural Honey. Technical conditions ”is valid from 01/01/2013, but the majority of organizations, labeling goods, put GOST 19792-2001.There is no error here - GOST 19792-2001 is valid until 01/01/2017.

GOST R 54644-2011 is divided into:

  • padevy - collected by insects from deciduous or coniferous plantations;
  • floral - collected by insects from flowers, honey plants;
  • mixed is a natural combination of these two types.

According to the method of collection, the product is classified into:

  • pressed - produced by pressing the honeycomb;
  • centrifuged - extracted from cells using centrifugation;
  • honey comb - a piece or a few pieces of honeycombs, placed in a container and filled with a centrifugal honey delicacy.

Only the above listed types of honey product with such data are allowed for sale:

  • must be liquid, fully or partially candied;
  • without third-party flavors, with its own pleasant smells;
  • be sweet, without too much flavor.
Honey poured in cans and ready for sale or storage

How, where and in what to store the real natural product?

How to store honey at home in an apartment? Store honey in a hermetically sealed container in a dry, well-ventilated place. This is necessary because honey belongs to the category of hygroscopic products. The product absorbs moisture of about 50% of its weight. The room where the honey remains should not have any flavors.

A place in the apartment to preserve the honey delicacy should be free of sunlight, well ventilated and cool. A logical question is born: is it possible to put honey in the fridge, because all the criteria match? Yes, you can - this is the right way, especially in summer. In this case, the container should be tightly closed so that the honey does not absorb smells and humidity. It is best to store in a glass container with an airtight lid.

What is the best way to store honey? The most suitable storage tanks are:

  • aluminum cans;
  • wooden kegs;
  • clay and ceramic tank;
  • glassware;
  • tin containers covered with food-grade paint4
  • cardboard cups or paper bags treated with paraffin;
All dishes must be hermetically closed, when using glass containers, it is better to pick them up with dark glass.

The qualities that honey combines have make it possible to store it in its natural form for a long time. The honey product in this variant is always decontaminated, and the secrets of insect saliva in wax do not allow bacteria to enter the honey. But there is one drawback: wax leaks moisture, which causes fermentation.

How long can you keep real honey at home? Honey delicacy long retains its beneficial properties, while it is a unique product that is stored in its raw form. For example, the famous historian TM.Davis found a container of honey in one of the graves in Egypt, which was 3,300 years old. To his surprise, the honey was in excellent condition.

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