Stationary blender - which one is better to choose: 6 important criteria and 3 popular models


  • 1 Blender: Features, Options, Selection Criteria
    • 1.1 What can be included in the kit?
    • 1.2 How to choose the right device?
  • 2 Top 3 models of stationary blenders
  • 3 findings
Among the main selection criteria - volume of the cup, the number of speeds and modes, powerAmong the main selection criteria - volume of the cup, the number of speeds and modes, power

To grinding products and whipping cocktails, mousses and cream soups did not take long, you should think about buying a functional equipment. What is better to choose a blender? I talk about it and describe the properties of the best stationary models.

Blender: Features, Options, Selection Criteria

In any landline blender includes capacity-shredder with a spout and lid. This is the main difference between this art from the immersion blender, that is not always equipped with a capacity for whipping, and represents only a handle to which are attached different nozzles.

Due to the cover of the product was stirred without splashing, and the shape of the cup and the blades ensures uniform grindingDue to the cover of the product was stirred without splashing, and the shape of the cup and the blades ensures uniform grinding

What can be included in the kit?

When deciding which is best blender - immersion or stationary, it is important to decide what goals you set for the device. If you want to shred large quantities of food, cocktails, and cook whisking mousses, it is better to opt for the standard version with a closing pitcher.

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Cocktails, smoothies, mashed potatoes - these dishes better cope stationary deviceCocktails, smoothies, mashed potatoes - these dishes better cope stationary device

What can be included with stationary blender:

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table_pic_att15058499663 Supovarka.

Some models allow to boil vegetables and immediately turn them into cream soups and baby food.

If you plan to frequently cook vegetable soup and mashed potatoes, it is best to choose a model with fixed supovarkoy rather than immersion blender.

table_pic_att15058499684 Container with a lid.

The set may be a separate container with a lid, which is very convenient to store the finished product.

table_pic_att15058499715 Grinder.

If you need a model that became shallow products of any hardness, you'll need a head-mill.

It is needed for chopping ice, chocolate, nuts, coffee and other solids.

How to choose the right device?

That technology has become an indispensable tool in the kitchen, it is important to choose a blender, because the market - thousands of models with different functional and technical specifications.

On the market there are so many options, it is important to take into account, for what specific purposes you need a blenderOn the market there are so many options, it is important to take into account, for what specific purposes you need a blender

When you select a stationary blender need to pay attention to the following criteria:

Photo selectable manual
table_pic_att15058499887 Criterion 1. The volume of the cup.

Cooking for 1-2 people will buy enough blender with 700 ml, a maximum - 1 liter.

If you are looking for a model only for baby food cooking or cocktails, you should not take more than three-dimensional devices.

But for families of 3-4 and more people need to pick up the cup of 1.5 liters and more.

Criterion 2. Power devices.

This option should be chosen depending on what food / drinks you are going to cook.

If you're whipping cream, cut solid food, make milkshakes, it is better to choose a higher power - about 600-1000 watts.

Devices 1200 and higher W considered professional, they are only suitable for kneading.

If you want to work only with products of medium hardness (fruits, vegetables, cheese, eggs), then you will approach the device and 350-600 watts.

table_pic_att15058499938 Criterion 3. Speed ​​modes.

It is important to pay attention to the availability of high-speed modes. In the most basic models - one speed, in the most functional - about 20.

There are models in which you simply select the appropriate speed limit with his hands, and that there is a program "soup", "Smoothies", "Nuts" and so on. D.

This allows you to automatically adjust the parameters of the device under a specific task.

table_pic_att15058499949 Criterion 5. The material from which the device is manufactured.

Most often, the market can find a bowl made of metal, plastic and glass. Each material has its own pros and cons.

table_pic_att150584999710 Criterion 6. Additional advantages.

The food processor can be:

  • deactivation when overheated;
  • a hole into which the products can be added without disrupting the blender;
  • easy tap supply of cocktails.
Current models can have dozens of tools and modesCurrent models can have dozens of tools and modes

Remember, the more stationary shredder functions and additional nozzles, the higher its price.

Pros and cons of bowls of different materials:

Metal Plastic Glass
fragility No No Yes
odor absorption No Yes No
Ability to fully replace No Yes Yes
Low weight Yes Yes No
Profitable price No Yes Depending on the model

Top 3 models of stationary blenders

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Philips HR 2166

This device is both compact and functional, since in addition to the primary shredder and grinder has a nozzle filter.

other features:

  • The average power of 600 watts.
  • Two speeds with the possibility of fine adjustment.
  • The presence of the faucet to drain.
table_pic_att150585000512 ENDEVER BS-90 / BS-91

The main difference between this model - the presence supovarki.


  • Power 1200 W, which is a record among peers in a given price point.
  • Cooking programs - as many as 5, so you can not think about what kind of power is suitable for a particular dish.
  • The kit includes a container for cooking eggs.
Dobrynia DO-1403

Leadership in customer ratings occupy not only the foreign device. Patriotic model Dobrynia DO-1403 impresses with its functionality and usability.

The main advantages:

  • The device is equipped with a hole for a product that allows you to add the ingredients in the bowl, not stopping the blender.
  • Power 1200 Watts allow even grind hard foods and create purees and mousses without lumps. If you need something to shake up, you can use the Turbo Mode.
  • You can cook soups.


I described the selection criteria fixed blenders, you also learned the difference between a desktop version of the submersible and got acquainted with the brief description of the most popular models. Tell us and you use appliances for grinding? See the best model in action in the video you will be able to in this article.

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