Simple ways to quickly clean a thermos from tea and coffee deposits

Thermos has become indispensable for us in various situations. We often take it on long trips or just for a picnic, prepare useful infusions, which are indispensable in cold weather. But look into the flask. Are the walls of your thermos also darkened? This is a plaque that needs to be removed. We will tell you how to do it quickly and easily.

How to quickly clear a thermos from tea and coffee deposits

How to clean a metal flask

The content of the article

  • How to clean a metal flask
    • Lemon acid
  • Soda
    • Vinegar
  • What means remove plaque from a glass flask
  • How to prevent plaque
    • Prevention rules

Metal products are most susceptible to ingrained dirt. Clearing them is sometimes quite difficult. To facilitate its implementation, we will use special tools that can be found in stores. You can also apply folk recipes that have already been tested more than once.

Important! Timely cleaning of the thermos will protect it from the formation of tea or coffee deposits, as well as from fungal infections.

metal flask

Lemon acid

A versatile substance that can clean a variety of surfaces. 2 tbsp. l. powder is poured into a flask and filled with boiling water to the top. Leave overnight, and rinse thoroughly in the morning.

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lemon acid

If the dirt is old and long-established, the procedure must be repeated several times..



Another universal folk remedy for cleaning various surfaces. 1 tbsp. l. diluted with boiling water and poured into the device. Leave overnight, and wash thoroughly in the morning.



3/4 of the thermos is filled with boiling water. The remainder is filled to the top with table vinegar. Close the lid tightly and shake the flask several times.

After that, we leave for a few hours. It is necessary to shake the thermos periodically to mix the liquids. Then you need to rinse it thoroughly.

Important! Do not use aggressive abrasive products and metal brushes. They can severely damage and render the device unusable, rendering it useless.

For a thorough rinse cleaning, it is best to use a soft, fluffy brush.. They will help clean out the dirt and make the thermos clean again.

What means remove plaque from a glass flask

glass flask

There are models of thermoses with a glass flask. This is a good model and is less prone to dirt build-up. But still, if it is poorly looked after, plaque can appear in it.

Important! It is better to clean the glass in a timely manner, so as not to damage it later with aggressive substances and brushes.

To remove stubborn stains and plaque, you can use citric acid. It will help to gently remove tea deposits and keep the thermos clean and fresh. And along the way, it removes unpleasant odors. All that remains is to rinse the flask with a regular sponge and dishwashing liquid.

Important! It is better not to treat glass with baking soda and vinegar, as well as with boiling water.

Better to use already a ready-made solution of these substances, slaked soda. They are poured inside together with warm water. Leave for several hours and periodically shake the flask so that the funds actively affect the contaminated walls of the vessel.

How to prevent plaque


Preventing plaque and unpleasant odors is much easier than cleaning the flask later. Therefore, it is worth taking a number of preventive measures that can eliminate the appearance of unpleasant consequences.

The main reason for the appearance of contamination is the prolonged stay of the drink in the flask or untimely washing after emptying.

Prevention rules

  • Washing immediately after emptying the thermos.
  • Using a mild agent, soft brush and brush.
  • Thorough drying after washing. The thermos is dried for several days so that not a drop of moisture remains inside.
  • Further storage is carried out only with a slightly open lid.
  • Use only soft filtered water for making drinks.
  • Tea and coffee are not stored in a thermos for more than a day.

In addition, experts advise brew tea or coffee in a separate bowl. And only then pour into a thermos. This will help prevent contamination of the thermos and the formation of complex plaque.

If you notice the appearance of an ugly brown coating in the flask, you need to clean it immediately. Plaque can be hazardous to human health. Fungi and microbes accumulate in it. It also contributes to the formation of unpleasant odors.

Only timely cleaning will help to extend the life of the device and keep it always in perfect order. A clean thermos is a guarantee of pleasant tea drinking and people's health.

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