Tomato Lyana is one of our favorite varieties of gardeners, as it is easy to cultivate. And it can be found in almost every garden. The tomato was bred in Moldova, and it was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 1998.
To determine the choice of varieties should be well study its characteristics and description.
Contents:and a short period of growth from sprout to the first harvest. Tomatoe to grow and give the crop you need only 95 days .
The variety can be grown in a greenhouse or in an open field. Resistant to almost all diseases inherent in tomatoes. Excellent fruits in all weather conditions and gives great yields, regardless of the chemical composition of the soil.
The height of the bush is only 45 cm . As a result, the bush does not need support and therefore is recommended for planting in large areas. The growth type of a tomato bush is determinant and therefore it is necessary to cultivate it in one stem.

Indicator | Description |
Bush | Compact |
Tomato-type leafy leaves are dark green. | |
Inflorescences | The first ovary is formed above the 6th leaf plate, followed every 2 plates. |
Productivity | 2,5 kg.from one tomato bush. |
Fruit Shape | Rounded, small. |
Tomato color | Red |
Average weight | 75 gr. |
Peel | Smooth, medium hard. |
Tomato acidity | 0.6%. |
Transport | Excellent |
Storage | At a reduced temperature for 3 months. |
These tomatoes have great flavoring qualities, contain in their chemical composition a variety of B vitamins , a high content of carotene. Ascorbic acid in the composition of this variety comes to 12 mg.on 100 gr. Tomato.

Reviews Alexander, Voronezh
A tomato of this type always supplies the family with a large crop, and the surplus is easily transported without damaging the fruit to the nearest market. When storing tomatoes do not lose their appearance.
Sergey, Volgograd
Whoever tried to plant Liana, knows that tomatoes of this species grow in the garden without any problems and a lot of care. And the yield of is higher than expected .
Elena, Donetsk
For me, this is not the best grade, but it is hardy and therefore always helps if there are no harvests of other varieties of tomato. The taste and presentation of the fruit deserves a good rating.
Advantages and disadvantages
As with any other varieties, this has its advantages and disadvantages.
Positive qualities
- Easy to grow;
- Good taste;
- High yield yield;
- Stiffness plus the return time of tomatoes;
- Large resistance to diseases solanaceous.

Disadvantages of
- Like all tomatoes, the variety is thermophilic and when cooling in the fall, the fruits of cease to mature in the conditions of the field ;
- Lower leaf plates should be removed as the fruits form;
- Forming in one stalk will require pinching once in 10 days.
Lyana pink - a separate species or simply the name of the variety
. The hybrid was obtained in Russia on the basis of the red Lyana and has more robust characteristics of the than the parent plant. Externally different pink fruit.
Liana does not need to be staved.

Cultivation of tomato
In order to get consistently large yields of Liang variety, it is worthwhile to properly engage in agricultural technology of the crop.
Features of
agrotechnics Basic methodological guidelines for growing Liang tomato varieties:
- The good thing is that there is no need to grow seedlings and seeds can be sown immediately in open ground , but this is possible only in the southern regions of Russia.
- Best of all, if you still slightly grow up the seedlings at home. Capacity is selected 12 cm high with drainage openings and filled with nutritious soil.
- The ground should be moistened with the help of bottom irrigation and made into a recess with a step of 4-5 cm. In a not deep trench, seeds are laid out with a step of 2-3 cm and sprinkled with earth.
- After seed germination, the shelter is removed and the seedling container is placed on a bright window sill.
- Dive such seedlings immediately after hardening in the open ground on the previously prepared beds.

Where to plant and how to grow
Planted tomato in sunny areas .Although the characteristic says that the soil fits any large yield, the variety shows on nutritious and loose soil. Therefore, the beds must be enriched with compost heap or add rotted manure. Planted seedlings according to the scheme 60x70 cm .Manure is better to make the beds in the fall.
Care is the timely cradle of the bushes, which is done in the early morning in dry weather. It is necessary that in the evening the wounds on the stalk should be worn out and nightly temperature drops and dew should not cause the stalk to rot.
Watering should be done once a week , and when the temperature reaches 32 degrees of heat and above, watering is done in the evenings twice a week.

After each watering, the next day, the soil should be loosened around the tomato bushes with simultaneous removal of weeds.
Fertilizers are applied a couple of times per season. The first fertilizer is fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers for a good growth of the vegetative mass of the bush. When forming and ripening fruits, it is worth feeding phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. To make all fertilizers only on wet soil , so that the plant root system does not burn down.
Tomato Liana is not a capricious variety with high yield and should be tried at least once in your garden, and then you will not be able to refuse it. Since the variety does not need much care, and the yield of the crop is large.