Care of cultivated plants in the garden plot is not limited to planting and harvesting. The main thing - timely watering, protection from diseases and plant nutrition to grow and increase yields. Tomatoes, as well as other crops, are very sensitive to fertilizers and respond with abundant flowering, an increase in the ovaries and rich fruiting. One of the unique supplements is boric acid. It not only provides tomatoes with such an irreplaceable microelement as boron, but also effectively fights against late blight of tomatoes during spraying.
Table of Contents
- Why Do I Need Boric Acid Processing of
- ?required mass of nutrients. The uniqueness of boron lies in the fact that it helps to take all the necessary micro and macro elements of from the soil .
Boric acid is a white crystalline powder, tasteless and odorless, easily soluble in warm water. Boron is part of many ready-made fertilizers, primarily used for seedlings, as it helps to improve its nutrition, more complete absorption of nutritious organic and mineral substances from the soil, thereby creating a good basis for further development of plants.
Boric acid - white crystalline powder, tasteless and odorless.
Vegetables and fruit crops absorb much more boron than, for example, cereals. Therefore, it is successfully used to process or feed cucumbers, potatoes, beets, strawberries, grapes, pears and apples in greenhouses and open ground.
Boric acid is very effective against late blight , besides:
- actively influences the flowering of plants, enhancing it;
- promotes the formation of ovaries and prevents them from shedding;
- prevents tomatoes from rotting with excessive moisture;
- increases the flow of sugar to the fruit, seeds.
For boron fertilization is especially useful for tomatoes, it is carried out in two ways:
- foliar spraying of the ground part of tomatoes with boric acid solution;
- watering the bushes with solution under the root ( for tomatoes and cucumbers).
Spraying has a better effect on tomato plants: it stimulates the growth of the root system and stems, improves metabolic processes, the synthesis of useful substances, and increases the level of chlorophyll. All this makes the plant more robust and resistant to various diseases.
Boric acid is especially useful for home-grown tomatoes.
Especially useful is top dressing for home-grown tomatoes - in flower pots or on the balcony of , as they are more weakened than unpaved relatives, which require enhanced nutrition.
Spraying a solution of boric acid allows you to increase the yield of tomato and significantly improve the taste due to the increased sugar content of the fruit.When feeding is done
For the entire growing season, feeding is carried out several times. Even before sowing, seeds are soaked in a nutrient solution for a day. To do this, 0.2 g of powder should be diluted in 1 l of very warm water - 50-55 degrees ( boron acid powder dissolves in a long time and not completely).Seeds are put into the solution in a gauze bag so that they do not float to the surface.
Such treatment of seeds significantly increases their germination, strengthens the seedlings , contributing to a more complete flow of nutrients, protects against disease, even at high humidity.
The subsequent spraying is carried out by 3 more times :
- during the formation of buds;
- in the period of mass flowering;
- in the beginning of fruiting.
In the period of tomato growth, spraying with boric acid is carried out 3 times.
must pass at least ten days between supplements. If the plants responded well to the first treatment, it is advisable to carry out the subsequent ones, and if not, it is better to refuse and not to water with this type of fertilizer.
Prepared spraying solution( see the preparation recipe below) should be sprayed from the spray gun directly onto the leaves, stems, buds, flowers and fruits of tomatoes. Such an top dressing is much more effective than than watering at the root, as it provides rapid absorption of boron by the plant. The result is noticeable already literally on the second or third day after treatment.
Spraying of tomatoes should be carried out exclusively in the morning, evening hours or in cloudy weather to avoid direct sunlight during the treatment period, otherwise plants get burned and may dry out.Such a simple and cheap way will help to gather a rich harvest of tasty sweet tomatoes and improve their keeping quality, which is very important for preserving the harvest.
Signs of a shortage of boron in a tomato
By the appearance of the plants, it is easy to determine that they are experiencing a shortage of boron:
- the upper( but not lower) leaves of the bushes turn yellow , curl, become small, deform;
- apical shoots gradually die , since the nutrients do not enter the plants;
- tomato bushes bloom very little, ovaries do not form, a large number of barren flowers, small ovaries fall.
With a shortage of boron, the bushes bloom weakly and the ovaries fall off.
The processing of tomato plants should be carried out only with a warm solution of boric acid! Water and soil temperatures should be the same.Useful properties of boric acid for tomatoes
Tomato - one of the most popular fruits in the garden or garden plot. The use of boric acid for their nutrition and cultivation is difficult to overestimate. It can be said that the future crop of tomatoes depends largely on boric acid, because has a positive effect on the entire vegetation process of plants:
- strengthens and nourishes the seedlings;
- activates flowering;
- increases the number of ovaries;
- prevents fruit from rotting;
- promotes the transport of sugar along the stalks, increasing the sugar content of the fruit.
Instructions for the preparation of the solution for spraying
To prepare the solution, you must follow some of the subtleties and follow the instructions for use and use. Boric acid powder( approximately 0.5 tsp without top) diluted in a glass of hot water for its quick and complete dissolution, and then add it to 10 liters of water, stir, and sprinkle tomatoes with this ready solution.
Depending on the purpose of treatment, different concentrations of the
solution are used. Depending on the purpose of treatment, different proportions are used:
- To prevent shedding of the ovaries, 1g of boric acid is dissolved in 1l of hot water .After cooling the solution, the tomatoes are sprayed with a spray.
- To combat late blight , add 1 teaspoonful of powder to a bucket of warm water and treat the plants. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to spray tomatoes a week with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and a week after boron treatment with a weak solution of iodine.
The treatment of planting tomatoes with boric acid is the most effective and cheapest way to obtain a healthy and abundant crop. The main thing - do not overdo it, strictly comply with the proportions, and the excellent result will delight you.