How to wash a shirt collar white: 16 tips


  • 1 Smart Wash: 4 Council
    • 1.1 Folk remedies: 7 recipes
    • 1.2 Household chemistry: 5 funds
  • 2 Summary
Even hard dirt can be derived, if competently approach to solving the problem.Even hard dirt can be derived, if competently approach to solving the problem.

Get rid of yellow on the collar of the shirt through the washing machine is possible with great difficulty. But to know how to wash a white shirt, is to each of us. I propose to find out in what ways and means to do this without great expenditure of time and effort.

Smart Wash: 4 Council

When a shirt with a white collar dirty, many people simply send it to the laundry. And often the result does not bring the desired effect. What not to throw the shirt?

To get rid of stains from the first time, they need to be treated prior to washing

I present to you a simple but effective tips, thanks to which you will not do much harm to your favorite shirt:

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Picture recommendations
Tip 1

Do not wash the white stuff along with color.

table_pic_att14945946261 Tip 2

Check out the instructions on the label. Pay special attention to the material - for example, it is not recommended to use household chemicals to silk.

Tip 3

Before washing, remove the shirt inside out, and the buttons on the collar and cuffs fasten - so clothes do not lose form.

Tip 4

Pre-clean the soiled place a soft brush - this will eliminate the particles chapped skin.

Folk remedies: 7 recipes

Bright things appeared long before the use of chemical weapons. And of course, our ancestors knew, than to wash the collar of his white shirt. Grandma's recipe book is enriched, well, I found it the best means of clothes bleaching, which has already experienced:

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att14945946272 Recipe 1. Ammonia

Ammonia - a good bleach. It perfectly removes organic dirt - fat, sweat, epithelial:

  1. Mix equal parts of alcohol and warm water, add salt (¼ dose ammonia).
  2. In the liquid soak problem areas a man's shirt.
  3. Rinse composition in cool water rinse.
table_pic_att14945946303 Recipe 2. Vinegar

Clear shirt collar from an old dirt will acetic acid:

  1. Acid with a cotton pad and dab the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Use a 9% concentration of vinegar, not to harm the fabric.

  1. Wash the product by hand or in a washing machine.
table_pic_att14945946354 Recipe 3. Talc

To wash the collar and cuffs with fresh lightly soiled help ordinary powder:

  1. On a damp cloth, apply powder.
  2. After a day rinse agent.
  3. Wash item as normal.
table_pic_att14945946385 Recipe 4. Lemon juice

The easiest way to wash fresh yellow or gray spots - the flesh of the lemon:

  1. Thoroughly treat pollution citrus slices.
  2. After 5-10 minutes, wash the product with your hands in warm water.
table_pic_att14945946426 Recipe 5. Shampoo

Natural or baby shampoo without dyes help remove contamination of any complexity.

  1. Apply the product on the cloth and thoroughly shuffled.

To remove the old stubborn stains, use a brush for clothes.

  1. Fill thing with warm water and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Wash the product as usual.
table_pic_att14945946467 Recipe 6. Hydrogen peroxide

Refresh shirt collar and cuffs, as well as to save them from stains help peroxide:

  1. In equal proportions mix the concentrated soap solution and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply the product on problem areas.
  3. After 30-40 minutes wash item as normal.
table_pic_att14945946508 Recipe 7. Laundry soap

Shirt with a white collar returns its novelty and luster when interacting with this versatile tool:

  1. Dry spots shuffled soft brush for clothes before washing.

Do not rub the things too much - it can ruin the fabric.

  1. Moisten the product and densely rub a piece of soap.
  2. Leave to soak for about 2 hours.
  3. Wash normally.

Instead of soap, you can use dishwashing detergent.

Household chemistry: 5 funds

When you want to quickly get rid of greasy collar of dirt effortlessly refer to household chemicals. Corrosive chemicals will do for you all the dirty work.


  1. When you go to choose a bleaching agent for collars and cuffs, look on the package marked "stain-resistant".
  2. Wear gloves - some means corrode not only dirt but also the skin.
  3. Before you whiten the white collar shirt, refer to the "Instructions" on the packaging - there you will find all the useful information about the rules of a particular cleaning agent.

5 represent inexpensive proven tools:

Picture Description
table_pic_att14945946559 Means 1. Antipyatnin

Price: 100-150 rubles

Means 2. Vanish

Price: 450-500 rubles

table_pic_att149459466010 Means 3. White

Price: 70-100 rubles

table_pic_att149459466811 Means 4. Sarma

Price: 150-200 rudders

table_pic_att149459467112 Means 5. Lion

Price: 180-250 rudders


I think from now on, you can easily clean white shirt. I told all the ways that I know of. If you have proven your tricks, I'd be happy to read about it in the comments. And how to iron a shirt properly and quickly, you will learn from the video in this article.

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