How to wash jeans by hand in 3 stages - 5 Tips

After washing your jeans fade and lose its original color? I faced the same problem more than once. But now I know how to wash jeans by hand right and want to share this useful information with you.

Single answer to the question, how often you need to wash jeans, does not exist - do it as far as their pollution
Single answer to the question, how often you need to wash jeans, does not exist - do it as far as their pollution

How to prevent loss of color: 5 effective tips

Jeans, as well as other products, painted in bright colors, have the unpleasant property to fade. To get rid of such a scourge difficult, important to act wisely. So, what to do to not shed trousers?

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att14968346471 Tip 1. Do not re-wear sodden product

If the pants are wet after the rain, do not put them on again. From this paint will wash cloth quickly.

In order not to lose the color of your favorite jeans, wash and thoroughly dry the product, then it will not divorce.

table_pic_att14968346472 Tip 2. Choose the right temperature regime
instagram viewer

At high temperature wash jeans, you should not (this also applies to manual and machine washing). It increases the risk of loss of material color.

Usually on the product label contains information on the maximum permissible temperature of the wash.

table_pic_att14968346483 Tip 3. Prefer liquid detergents

You can replace the detergent in its liquid counterpart.

For hand washing (especially if wash black jeans), it fits perfectly - after liquid agent does not leave any plaque and stains.

table_pic_att14968346504 Tip 4. use supplements

What added to the wash does not fade product? This can be a special agent, stabilizing color.

If the price of the like you are not satisfied, they can be replaced by a more simple and accessible components. Soak the product in vinegar or brine, so you fix the dye on the material.

table_pic_att14968346505 Tip 5. Avoid direct sunlight

They tend to bleach the cotton fabric. So dry jeans after washing is best, away from direct light.

Laundry product in 3 stages

Properly wash jeans still need to be able to. So they do not lose color or original form, follow these instructions.

Step 1. Preliminary preparation

Before washing should prepare jeans, it does not take much of your time.

  • Check pockets and empty them.
  • Remove the product inside out.
  • Pick up the powder, and even better liquid detergent without bleaching effect.
Before washing, remove the pants inside out
Before washing, remove the pants inside out

When you're done, you can proceed to soak and wash your hands.

Step 2. Soak

Before you wash jeans by hand, they should be soaked. During the procedure you should follow a few important factors.

Illustration instruction
table_pic_att14968346527 temperature conditions

As I said before, soak and wash new jeans or worn items already in hot water can not.

Optimum temperature - 40 degrees.

table_pic_att14968346538 Ingredients for soaking

It is best to do with the core gel, soap, vinegar or salt.

If you still want to use a powder, it is not sypte it directly on the cloth! First, dissolve it in water, then dip in pants solution.

table_pic_att14968346559 Features soaking

To the pants do not lose their shape, they are soaked in the expanded form.

So what to do it's best not in the basin, and in a filled bathtub.

You should keep in mind that soaked trousers must be no more than an hour.

Step 3. Washing and drying

Do not rub the tissue sections from each other, so it is rather spoiled. The treatment should be carried out spots on the reverse side with a brush with an average hardness.

When the jeans a good soak, you can safely move on to the most important part - directly wash:

Illustration instruction
Lather brush and rub her spot.

Move along the fiber denim - so pollution will be much easier to remove.

After remove the pants and repeat the procedure. Only this time, do not rub too hard.

table_pic_att149683465610 Rinse the product.

Making it the most convenient in the shower. Make sure that no grains on the detergent material remains.

It is not necessary to flip the product over the rope as shown in the photo. From this material formed at the bends
It is not necessary to flip the product over the rope as shown in the photo. From this material formed at the bends

After washing, the question may arise about how dry the jeans? The inside-out hang them on the dryer belt securing clothespins.

Not jibe product through the ropes, so it formed bends.

If necessary, the product pat on the average temperature mode
If necessary, the product pat on the average temperature mode

Do I need to iron jeans after washing? If you did everything correctly, in such a procedure will not need. In the case where the product is still hurting, then iron the iron it included in the average temperature.


If during the wash cycle you adhere to my recommendations, you can easily save the pristine color and appearance of the product. The video in this article you will find a visual instruction, which will help you to wash your favorite pants. Their secrets and experience purification share comments.

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