How to wash clothes with corrector 2 approach to a problem


  • 1 First aid
  • 2 The right approach
    • 2.1 Option 1. Loyalty cleaning
    • 2.2 Option 2. chemical cleaning
  • 3 Summary
Traces of correction fluid stubborn, but to cope with them as possible!Traces of correction fluid stubborn, but to cope with them as possible!

Finding a spot on the corrector on your favorite blouse, I was upset, but decided to use all possible ways to get rid of pollution. As a result, I found the right approach. Willingly share with you how and what to scrub clothes with putty, and do not ruin the fabric.

First aid

Corrector is used to correct errors in the text. There are many types of such funds, which differ in the composition of the correction fluid. When removing stains is very important to find out the composition in order to effectively bring the putty with clothes.

We determine what to do with a spot in the first place because of its composition:

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Picture Material and its removal from clothes
table_pic_att14946983881 View 1. Tape-roller

Remove stains from this corrector is quite simple: make a mild soap solution and soak clothes in it for 30 minutes. The tape is softened and easily depart.

table_pic_att14946983892 View 2. Water based

Wet soap and gently rub the dirt. Then rinse with water.

Sometimes it is enough just to wet spot corrector quickly dissolve and disappear.

table_pic_att14946983903 View 3. Alcohol-based

Corrector alcohol based removed using any alcohol-containing means. Moisten a cotton pad and rub the stain with liquid.

table_pic_att14946983914 View 4. Oil-based

Clear corrector to fabrics, which included oil there - more difficult. Either use ammonia and laundry in the machine, or the special solvent putties.

Oil correction fluids are considered to be the highest quality, so the price is quite high.

The right approach

If quickly to wash clothes with a corrector has failed or has already managed to spot vestsya in fiber, try a more aggressive methods. Where you will need:

  • Nail file;
  • Clean cloth;
  • Water;
  • Cotton pads;
  • ammonia;
  • The chemical solvent.

Option 1. Loyalty cleaning

Ingrained corrector difficult amenable to removal. The proposed manual will help in the event that all the methods listed above had no impact on the spot:

  1. Gently rub the dried putty nail file;
The photo - a nail file with a mild abrasive coating.The photo - a nail file with a mild abrasive coating.
  1. Spread out on a flat surface thing, Put it under the wrong side of a clean cloth;
  2. Moisten a cotton pad any alcohol-containing liquid and wipe the stain;
To remove the corrector with fabrics you can use any transparent alcohol, toilet water or rubbing alcohol.To remove the corrector with fabrics you can use any transparent alcohol, toilet water or rubbing alcohol.
  1. To remove stains, Wash the clothes in the washing machine.
To completely wash out a thing from the traces of the corrector, use liquid powder in combination with a fabric softener.To completely wash out a thing from the traces of the corrector, use liquid powder in combination with a fabric softener.
  1. Check the result. Dry the item in a ventilated area.

Option 2. chemical cleaning

Now let's look than scrub corrector with clothes, which included oil there. Since these stains to clean their hands worse, we will use chemical weapons:

Picture Tools and instruction
table_pic_att14946983988 Method 1. Ammonia

Make a solution of ammonia and water in the proportions 2: 1. Abundantly moisten cotton pad in the mixture and rub the contaminated area. Leave thing for 30 minutes and rinse under running water.

table_pic_att14946983999 Method 2. Solvent

Moisten a cotton swab in the solvent and treat stains. After 30 minutes, repeat the procedure. If the putty and leaked to the wrong side, it should be treated and its.

As the solvent suitable mineral spirits, nail polish remover without acetone, kerosene


Using these methods, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Perform the test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. If the garment is sewn from delicate materials, the impact of these funds, it can go bad.
  2. Do not try to rub it means as far as possible in the fiberTypically putty hardens on the fabric surface.
Removal putties sufficiently impregnate only the upper layer fabric.Removal putties sufficiently impregnate only the upper layer fabric.
  1. after processing it is necessary to wash clothes in the washing machine.
  2. Expensive things are better attributed to the dry cleanersTo prevent spoilage.
Special equipment and professional cleaners will be able to delicately withdraw any stains.Special equipment and professional cleaners will be able to delicately withdraw any stains.


even stubborn stains left by a proofreader can be displayed in the home. The main thing - not to delay the cleaning pigeonholed than fresh pollution, the easier it is to remove. Video in this article demonstrates how to proceed, if the clothes left on the spot corrector. And in the comments, you can ask any question on this topic.

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