How to place a refrigerator in the kitchen - 5 Ideas compact placement and installation and adjustment instructions


  • 1 The compact layout of the refrigerator
    • 1.1 installation
    • 1.2 adjustment
    • 1.3 Accommodation: 5 compact ideas
  • 2 Output
Even on a very small kitchen, you can comfortably accommodate a refrigerator.Even on a very small kitchen, you can comfortably accommodate a refrigerator.

It is very important to select the correct location of the refrigerator in the kitchen even at the time of installation. On this depends the amount of free space, access to the surfaces, and even the design of the kitchen. I offer together to figure out how to properly install and place the refrigerator.

The compact layout of the refrigerator

Kitchen space is limited, especially in the old-style apartments: Khrushchev and stalinkas. Nevertheless, it is well located and a kitchen, and bulky appliances. Fridge in the kitchen is probably the biggest thing, so the first thing you need to understand:

  • how to install it;
  • how to adjust the legs and the entire device by level;
  • where to put a fridge in the small kitchen.


How to properly install the refrigerator? You can call a professional who will make everything right. But when this is not possible, you can do it yourself.

instagram viewer

Instructions provided in the table, will tell you how to put the refrigerator:

Picture stages
Step 1. Select the location of the refrigerator.

The instrument must be free space:

  • top - 100 mm;
  • rear and side - of 50 mm;
  • below - 20 mm.

If you provided a niche for the refrigerator, then make sure that there was a free circulation of air.

Step 2. Preparing device
  • tie the power cord to the condenser plastic strip;
  • if the floor is slippery, stick to places where they will stand legs, special anti-slip pads;
  • when installing the refrigerator can be tilted forward slightly.
Step 3. connection

Fridge in the kitchen operates continuously and can be damaged by power surges, so I recommend:

  • allocate a separate outlet for the device;
  • buy a voltage regulator and connect it to the network;
  • after installing the machine need to calmly stand 3-4 hours and then it can be powered.

stabilizer price is minimal, and the efficiency is high. This small device able to save refrigerator.


Now we look at how to put a fridge in the level. This need arises when the desired location the uneven floor, and because of this, the device may malfunction.

Algorithm, how to adjust the level of the instrument:

Picture Procedure
Step 1. Check level

Put the building level in the fridge and look at the record:

  • If the indicator is at the center - to set the level of the refrigerator is not necessary;
  • if the level is placed facing you and the indicator is shifted to the side - left right adjustment is necessary;
  • if the level is raised rib and the indicator is shifted - needed adjustment back and forth.
Step 2. Tilt back and forth
  • if the front part of a few degrees higher than the rear - this is normal and does not need anything to regulate;
  • if on the contrary - deploy the legs clockwise.
Step 3. Tilt Left Right
  • there is a left tilt - turn left foot clockwise;
  • right - right foot clockwise.
Step 4. Checking the results

After the alignment procedure again put the level on the instrument:

  • if the indicator is exactly in the middle (example pictured) - refrigerator costs correctly;
  • otherwise it is necessary to spend adjustment first.

Adjust the position of the device in the kitchen can do without the level. For this it is necessary to take an ordinary dish with an edge and pour it into water. Where the water will be in relation to the edge, and you can determine the slope.

Accommodation: 5 compact ideas

Even on a very small kitchen, you can put the refrigerator so that it does not clutter the available space:

Picture Description
Option 1. Atypical size.

I need to buy larger models. By judicious use of the device will be enough and a half meters high.

Option 2. Separation.

You can look for a model of separate refrigerators and freezers. They are quite compact and easy to fit even under the working surface.

Option 3. Niche.

The apparatus can be hidden in a recess in the corridor. So make space in the kitchen.

Option 4. Balcony / pantry.

A small refrigerator is better to leave the kitchen, but the freezer - hide in the pantry or on the balcony.

Option 5. Loggia.

Large device can be placed on the balcony with a table and chairs. Save space in this case is very high.

Interestingly, and how to put the two side by side refrigerator? I would single out two options:

  1. If instruments of different models, put them side by side is prohibited because of the formation of condensation on the side walls.
  2. There is a special category of devices «SIDE-BY-SIDE». They resemble bivalve closet and look like two different devices standing nearby.
Roomy and versatile refrigerator with two doorsRoomy and versatile refrigerator with two doors


Knowing a few rules, you can easily set up and adjust the refrigerator at home. We also looked at some ideas compact device placement in a small kitchen. Videos in this article show the process of the first start-up and installation. If you have any questions, please comment.

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