How to wash clothes with iodine - 9 the most effective recipes


  • 1 rules cleaning
  • 2 Getting rid of iodine
    • 2.1 5 popular recipes
    • 2.2 4 chemical agents
  • 3 Total

Do you think that iodine stains - the sentence for clothes, it remains only to throw out? I will try to convince you otherwise - any spot can be derived, if you know how to do it. Therefore, I tell you how to wash clothes with iodine using the popular and purchased funds.

To get rid of the stains of iodine, it is necessary to know which are effectiveTo get rid of the stains of iodine, it is necessary to know which are effective

rules cleaning

Which will be useful in the process before to wash clothes with iodine, I will share with you some of the rules. By following the recommendations, you will be able to improve washing efficiency and prevent spoilage of products:

  • Try to begin cleaning as soon as possible - fresh stains wash out much easier.
To prevent the spread of stains on the adjacent areas (example pictured), start to handle it from the sides, moving to the centerTo prevent the spread of stains on the adjacent areas (example pictured), start to handle it from the sides, moving to the center
  • Handle product only from the wrong side.
  • Wash away the stain should be from the edgeGently moving to the middle.
  • Pre-check operation means prepared product on an inconspicuous area.
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Process contamination must be on the wrong side of the productProcess contamination must be on the wrong side of the product
  • To process the stain imprinted on the other surface, the damaged stretch fabric on the bowl or jar.
  • When working with strong chemicals alternate process of cleaning with a rinse in cold water things.
By working with strong chemicals, rinse the product from time to time - this will prevent the change of tissue structureBy working with strong chemicals, rinse the product from time to time - this will prevent the change of tissue structure

Getting rid of iodine

How to bring the iodine with tissue without damaging the clothes? You will be able to take advantage of any purchase-chemicals, either tested folk remedies. I have to say - both options are effective, so decide which one is more convenient for you.

Get rid of the stains of iodine help handy tools or household chemicalsGet rid of the stains of iodine help handy tools or household chemicals

5 popular recipes

You may be surprised, but traces of iodine are removed very well, the main thing to know how to do it.

Here are a few popular recipes:

Illustration instruction to action
Method 1. Laundry soap

Moisten dirt under running water and rub it thoroughly soap until rich foam. Leave it for an hour, then wash things with the powder.

Method 2. Milk

Moisten a cotton ball in milk for 20 minutes attach it to the spot. Rub the cloth soap and wash.

If the contamination is not permanently deleted, use the washing machine and stain remover.

Method 3. Potato starch

This option can be used if necessary to remove iodine jeans. Soak dirty thing in plain water. Abundantly sprinkle contamination starch and gently rub it into the fabric using old toothbrush.

Leave it for 12 hours. At this time, due to a chemical reaction will occur change the spot color to the color of the jeans.

Method 4. Soda and Vinegar

Problematic place sprinkle thick soda layer. From above pour a little vinegar on a cloth and leave the thing otkisat for 3-4 hours.

At the expiration of the allotted time, gently clean off appeared crust brush.

So stains can be removed with white goods.

Method 5. Ammonia

Dilute alcohol spoon in a glass of water. The resulting liquid moisten cotton swab spot blot gently until it disappears completely.

The cleaning process not forget to periodically change the tampon.

4 chemical agents

If for some reason in your case folk remedies have been ineffective and the question than to bring a spot of iodine, is still relevant, I propose to resort to chemicals.

Illustration Guide to Action
Method 1. "Mole"

One half teaspoon cleaner pipe dissolve in a glass of water. Gently with a pipette, apply the solution onto the stain.

Wait until the stain disappears and then rinse the product. Price delay - deformed fabric.

Method 2. Vanish Oxi Action

Before use the preparation is required to read the instructions thereto, said stick therein dosages.

With his hands the thing soak, apply a means of pollution and wait for the necessary time. Wash the product in the washing machine, add to it Vanish Oxi Action.

Method 3. sodium hyposulfite

This is a chemical reagent that is used to secure the images. Dilute a small amount of a chemical in a glass of water.

Treat the stain with a solution to its complete disappearance. Then wash with the addition of highly active powder.

Method 4. Acetone

Apply the solution to the contaminated area and lightly (without rubbing) impregnate them matter. Rinse under running water and wash in a conventional manner.

Note that you can only use acetone on the white stuff. Do not forget to check the effect of the substance on the fabric, moistened inconspicuous portion of matter.


As you can see, there are many ways by which you can remove iodine stains from clothes. Some more effective recipes you will find in the video in this article. And if you know a special method of iodine stains - must share in the comments.

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