Yellow underarms do not paint white clothes and fabric light shades. But the appearance of spots does not mean that it's time to throw away clothes, because there are many ways to withdraw and fresh, and grime. I'll tell you about the most effective folk methods that allow you to easily get rid of this problem.
we derive yellowness
How to wash the sweat stains under the armpits traditional methods? Many of them are still used by our grandmothers. I will introduce you to the most effective recipes. So…
Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide
One of the most effective tools for treatment stains on clothing is considered a mixture that is prepared from hydrogen peroxide. Mix soda, detergent and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2: 1: 4. It is best to measure the ingredients with a teaspoon, but if you need to wash a few items of clothing, the greater advance zagotovte detergent.
It is strongly recommended to prepare the mixture and wash the clothes in rubber gloves.
The resulting composition is necessary to thoroughly wet yellow spots. To improve the effect, rub the fabric brush with bristles of medium hardness. Then leave the soaked cloth on 1-1,5 hours, then wash it.
After this procedure, the spot will be completely withdrawn. This method is best used to cope with spots on a white or light-colored material, but for a bright color clothing is better to choose other means.
Method 2. Aspirin
Whiten yellow spots also help aspirin. In addition, this method will help bring and odor. on the use of this tool with their own hands the instruction is extremely simple:
- Take a few tablets and grind them into a powder. You can use a sharp knife, but soon will put the pill in a package with zip-fastener or between the sheets of paper on top and walk with a rolling pin.
- Ready powder should be turned into a thick paste, this pour the powder into a container and add a little water inside.
- The mixture should be spread on the underarms and leave for 1-2 hours. Clothes then need to extend again and rinse thoroughly.
Use this method can be as white clothing, and on colored fabrics.
Method 3. Laundry soap
One of the easiest ways to remove yellowness armpits - soap. This product is sold in every store and has a very reasonable cost. The only condition for successful action - immediate washing. Laundry soap is unlikely to help get rid of the old and stubborn stains on clothes.
If you immediately noticed yellow stains on their clothes, they were immediately zamylte wholly qualitative soap (and carefully rub the cloth over effect). Next, you can safely send the clothes in the washing machine.
Method 4. Soda + salt
Print the spots can also be salt and soda. The result and inexpensive, and efficient mixture that handles most of all kinds of pollution:
- Mix 1-2 tablespoons of salt and soda.
- Add to the mix a little bit of liquid soap so as to obtain a paste-like substance.
- Apply it with a thick layer on the stain and leave for 0.5-1 hour. Such a solution can be cleaned even woolens.
Soda from yellow spots - popular ingredient not only because of its effectiveness, but also because it can be found in every home. Another nice bonus - a cheap price.
Soda may be used without the use of salt or soap. Mix 3-4 tablespoons baking soda and 50 ml. water.
The resulting paste must be applied on the stains, further data portions can be cleaned with a brush or stiff side washcloths. Clothes to leave in this way for a couple of hours before washing.
Instead of soda, you can use ammonia. Salt and alcohol perfectly removes stains from cotton and linen fabric. Also, salt can be mixed with water and applied to the problem area for 1-2 hours.
Method 5. Vinegar
Using vinegar - this is one of the most extreme methods that should be used only if you encounter stubborn stains. In addition, it is better not to use vinegar to thin or delicate fabrics - corrode.
This product is suitable, for example, for dense cotton fabrics. They are best to handle only the white stuff, vinegar can change the color of the product.
In order to remove the inveterate stains, concentrated vinegar to gently applied to the cloth and leave for a few minutes. Acid immediately begins to interact with a stain.
Other effective methods
I offer you some solutions that you can try using vodka, Persol or citric acid. Remember that all aggressive substances have a negative impact on the condition of your skin, therefore, require the use of gloves.
How to wash out the yellow stains on white - several ways:
- Persol. This cleaner will also help you to combat spots. To do this, add a teaspoon of persalts in a glass of water, ready-mix applied to the tissue. For greater efficiency, you can rub the stain with a brush and then leave clothes for a couple of hours. Then extend.
- Vodka. Mix it with water at a ratio of 1: 1, apply to the desired areas of tissue and leave for half an hour. Next thing you need to wash as usual.
- Detergent. Mix Fairy with water (1 teaspoon means of a glass of water), and apply the resulting liquid on the spot. Leave for 1.5-2 hours and wash.
- Lemon acid. Its like vinegar, is better to use only on the white thick fabric, other colors things can change color. One teaspoonful of citric acid, dilute with a glass of water, wet tissue essence and leave for 1-1.5 hours. After that, the clothes need to be washed and rinsed.
- Boiling. To cope with the yellow armpit on a white canvas, long used method of digestion. contamination zone pre-lather soap, and then put in a metal bucket or enamel bowl, cover with water and boil for 3-4 hours. boiling time depends on the degree of contamination and can be increased / decreased.
In this article I told you how to get the yellow stains from sweat from his clothes, using readily available ingredients. Salt, baking soda, vinegar, citric acid, vodka and ammonia, and even ordinary soap will be your helpers in the fight with spots!
A few effective methods you will see in the video in this article. Share your secrets in the comments, I wonder, how do you deal with yellow stains on clothes?