In the world there are a huge number of varieties of cabbage. Of course, they all differ in their taste and decorative qualities. Some bring great benefits to the body and even help cure certain diseases. One of the most delicious and beautiful is the variety of kale.
Table of contents
What is kale kale
origin of curly beans
Useful properties
Cultivation rules
Care rules
Harvesting and storing the crop
What is kale calendar I need to get a page?but also decorative qualities. It will win your heart with beautiful curly leaves, which are very similar to lettuce leaves.
A special feature of this variety is the in the absence of the head .Depending on the variety, leafy feces may be green or red, which in the autumn will acquire a purple color.
This is a very tasty curly cabbage, with which you can prepare the same dishes as usual. It will be to everyone's taste, both fresh and stewed.
There are 6 excellent sorts of kale that have their advantages:
Curly - different curly beautiful leaves that are very tasty and soft.
Red - simply fascinates with its color.
Siberian - very resistant to frost and pests.
Premier - also resistant to frost and growing rapidly.
Dino - has high thin leaves.
Trostyeva - sometimes reaches 2 meters.
Kale Dino Kale Trostjevoy
The history of the origin of curly kale
Kale remains one of the most mysterious, because of its origin is not known at all. One thing is clear, that she comes from the wild nature, and no one considers her country the birthplace of this beauty. For many years, this cabbage is famous in America and England, but in Russia it is just beginning to be in demand.
Useful properties of
Kale is very useful for the body , because it contains:
Mineral substances.
Among the mineral substances that make up the cabbage emit:
iron and other substances.
Calcale has more calcium in cabbage than in milk.
There is an interesting fact that there is much more calcium in this plant than in milk. And sulforane has an antibacterial effect.
Thanks to the , the proteins that make up the cabbage can replace any meat dish and bring much more benefit as the vegetable protein is absorbed much faster.
It should also be noted the beneficial properties of amino acids , which contains a plant and Omega-3 fatty acid, which the human body needs so much and cannot produce it independently.
Of course, vitamins A, B, C, K and PP , as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation from the sun, are of great benefit.
In general, feces help in the treatment of cancer, eye disease and a variety of poisonings. Its use will improve the work of the stomach, reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen the immune system.
However, it should also be remembered that kale cabbage, like other green vegetables, should be consumed in moderation. Excessive use of is particularly dangerous for people who have gastrointestinal diseases, , suffer from bloating and flatulence. Also, Kale is not recommended for people who have kidney stones and gall bladder.
Kale should not be consumed by people with digestive problems.
Cultivation rules for
Since this variety germinates very quickly, it takes only from 70 to 90 days for to grow from seed, so it can be planted not only at home, but also in the garden, just under the film.
It is necessary to sow seeds in April. Temperature, which is suitable for cabbage kale - not less than 5 degrees Celsius. Already at the end of May, cabbage can be planted in its permanent place.
Experts recommend before planting seeds soak for a quarter of an hour in water at a temperature of 45 degrees and after that for 5 minutes, immerse them in cold water for 5 minutes. After that, the seeds are wrapped in wet gauze and left in a warm place for 3 days, after which small sprouts appear, which serve as a signal to plant them in the ground.
Seeds are planted at a distance of 6 cm from each other. are placed in small holes, a depth of one and a half cm. Cover the crops with film, which is lifted every day for 60 minutes to air the ground.
When transplanting to a permanent habitat, they dig up cabbage along with an earthy clod, because it does not tolerate a pick.
It is necessary to replant Kale seedlings together with the earth lump
. Rules of care
For planting, you must choose a place that is well illuminated by the sun. Kale is also planted on an elevation, because the water in the soil should not stagnate. Vegetable does not like it.
Cabbage is planted at a distance of 45 cm from each other , throwing 200 g of wood ash into the hole and half as much humus. As for the soil, it should be non-acidic, loose and contain a sufficient amount of humus.
The main requirements for care is watering and loosening the soil .During the summer, the soil must be loosened several times. This provides good access of oxygen to the roots of the plant. When it grows up to 20 cm, it is necessary to weed it.
Kale loves moisture from , because in the hot summer you may need to water it almost every day, but you should let the soil dry out between the waterings.
In order for the water to get to the roots faster and get well developed, it is necessary to make a small ditch around the cabbage and pour water into it.
Watering cabbage
You will achieve good results by feeding cabbage every 6 weeks with .The first is carried out when the leaves begin to actively grow.
An excellent fertilizer for this variety will be 2 liters of sifted compost, which is diluted with 1 bucket of water and insisted on the sun for 24 hours.
Harvesting and storing the crop
With good and proper care, kale leaves can reach sizes of about 1 meter.
They can safely cut the whole summer, because in their place will grow new .Keep these leaves in the fridge for about a week. And so they lay as long as possible, then they would be best to freeze. In addition, thawed kale cabbage will be even tastier from fresh.
And if you leave the plant in the garden to winter, then in the spring you will get a delicious early harvest.
As you can see, cabbage cabbage is an excellent plant that will be a wonderful royal decoration of your garden bed. Of course, you will be happy to cook the most delicious dishes from this vegetable. In addition, its use will bring incredible benefits to your body.
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