Determining the cost value at a centralized or independent heating private homes perform at a stage construction design, or else the choice of the type of energy source or an optimal model of the boiler unit.
What are the factors taken into account by performing the calculation of the gas flow for heating the house, and how without resorting to services of experts to determine the average flow rate based on a simplified methodology, we consider our article.
The content of the article:
- Determinants of consumption of the gas mixture
- Average consumption calculator
Network gas for heating
- fuel consumption calculation formula
- Example of calculating the network of gas consumption
Flow liquefied propane-butane mixture
- The formula for calculating the consumption of the combustible mixture
- EXAMPLE counting liquefied gas flow
- Methods of reducing the flow
- Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
Determinants of consumption of the gas mixture
Heating homes with natural gas today is considered the most popular and convenient. But in view of rise in price of "blue fuel" financial costs of homeowners increased substantially. And because most zealous owners today cares what the average gas consumption for heating the house.
The main parameter in the calculation of fuel consumption spent on Heating country houseIs the heat loss of the building.
Well, if the owners of the house took care of it still in the design. But in most cases in practice, it turns out that only a small fraction of homeowners know the heat loss of their buildings.
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For the organization of heating with a gas boiler in the spacious mansion area of 350 m² and a suitable floor single-loop unit capacity of 45 kW

For preparation of hot water boiler complemented odnokoturny external cylinder. Boiler capacity should not exceed 300 liters to a period of heating of water is not too great

Arrange heating in the home area of 200 to 350 m² with better plant floor or wall single-circuit boilers up to 35 kW

Everything for the apartment, not connected to a central hot gas, or garden is ideal single- or double-boiler with a capacity up to 26 kW

At arrangement of apartments and villas, it is desirable to give preference to single-circuit units, because a second heat exchanger combi boilers are not too reliable. Boiler capacity required up to 130 l

Those who wish to set the house as much as possible productive equipment should pay attention to condensation model. Their efficiency reaches 109% due to energy use steam generated by burning gas

Condensing gas of aggregates produced in analogy with conventional floor and wall embodiment. However, their significantly higher capacity can be up to 100 kW

To compare features condensing versions - conventional power boiler floor an average of 35 - 40 kW, about 90%

Floor gas boiler for large mansion

Selection of the boiler to a single-circuit gas boiler

Wall-mounted option for the average area of a country house

Wall model for installation in an apartment or cottage

boiler capacity for single-gas model

Installing gas condensing boilers

The limits of power condensing boilers

Condensing model compared with conventional
Consumption of the gas mixture depends on the efficiency and power kotlogeneratora.
Equally influenced also:
- climatic conditions;
- design features of construction;
- number and type of installed windows;
- area and ceiling height in the premises;
- the thermal conductivity of the applied materials;
- quality thermal insulation of external walls.
Keep in mind that the recommended nameplate capacity installed unit demonstrates its maximum capabilities. It will always be slightly higher than the operating parameters of the unit operating in the normal mode for heating a particular building.

Power of the installed unit is calculated in strict compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, taking into account all the above factors
For example, if the passport boiler power 15 kW, the actual system will operate effectively if the heat output of about 12 kW. Power margin of about 20% is recommended by experts in case of accidents and excess cold winters.
Therefore, when calculating the fuel consumption should be guided precisely to the actual data, not based on the maximum values calculated in the short-term action in an emergency mode.

Recommended buy gas unit with a supply power of about 20% in case of emergencies and cold winters. For example, if the calculated heat output is 10 kW, the equipment is recommended to purchase a nameplate capacity of 12 kW
Average consumption calculator
Rated gas consumption during the past heating season is not so difficult to calculate. It is only necessary to remove the meter readings every month. After the end of the season to summarize monthly readings. Then calculate the arithmetic average value.
If it is necessary to know the nominal value at the stage of designing the house, or else when you select efficient, but at the same time economical heating equipmentWe need to use formulas.

averaged parameters used in the auxiliary heating arrangement country cottage or apartments in determining heat loss
For the approximate calculations of heat rate is determined in two ways:
- Focusing on the total volume of the heated rooms. Depending on the region on the heating of one cubic meter allocate 30-40 watts.
- By squaring the total construction. The basis for taking that to heat each square area of rooms, height of the walls in which an average of up to 3 meters, consumed 100 watts of heat. When determining the value and oriented to the region of residence: for the southern latitudes - 80 W / m2, Northern - 200 W / m2.
The main criterion, which is mandatory guided in the calculations - needed thermal capacity to provide quality heating conditions of the premises and make up its heat losses.
The basis of technological calculations take averaged proportion at which 10 squares area expended 1 kW thermal energy. But it is necessary to take into account that this average approach, though convenient, but still not sufficiently able to reflect the real conditions of your buildings taking into account climatic region of its location.

Using the simplified method of calculation, taking as a basis what is required 1 kW of heat generated by the power generator to heat 10 square meters of a private house
Correctly counted the estimated fuel consumption, you will be able to clarify for themselves what actions should implement in order to reduce its consumption. As a result - reduce paper consumed regular payments for the "blue fuel".
Network gas for heating
In the homes of the central line enters the gas mixture G20 brand. In accordance with the standard DIN EN 437 readings minimum values of the specific heat of the combustion of fuel grade G 20 is 34.02 MJ / cubic meter.
In case the condenser is installed high efficiency boiler minimum value of the specific heat for the "natural gas" category G 20 is 37.78 MJ / cc. meter.

Order calculation of heat losses of an apartment house, in order to create a "bookkeeping" seasonal costs and clarify for yourself whether there is need to make insulation, can be in the design organization
fuel consumption calculation formula
To determine the gas flow rate, taking into account inherent in it energy potential, apply the simple formula:
V = Q / (Hi x efficiency)
- V - target value defining the gas flow rate for thermal energy, measured in cubic meters / hour;
- Q - the estimated heat value of the power consumed for heating the building and maintenance of comfortable conditions, measured in W / h;
- Hi - the value of the minimum values of the specific heat of the combustion of fuel;
- efficiency - coefficient of efficiency of the boiler.
Efficiency kotlogeneratora shows efficacy produced by the combustion of the gas mixture of thermal energy which is directly consumed in heating the heat carrier. It is a rating value.
In modern boilers passports sample rate designated by two parameters: by high and low calorific value. Both quantities prescribed by slashes «Hs / Hi», eg: 95/87%. For the most accurate calculation taking as a basis for taking specified in the «Hi» mode.

The lower value of the specific heat of gas combustion is the tabular value that meets the accepted standards DIN EN 437
Said table value «Hs» defines the highest index of the gas combustion heat. Its indicated in the table, for the reason that the water vapor released by the combustion of gas, is also able to convert the latent thermal energy. If you correctly use this thermal energy, it is possible to increase the total return of spent fuel.
On this principle, built work of the new generation of boilers - condensing units. In them due to steam reforming in the liquid state of aggregation further produced about 10% more heat.
Besides G20 grade gas for domestic purposes analog may also be applied a second mark group G 25. Gas mark G 20 is extracted from Siberian deposits and G25 supply from Turkmenistan and the Volga region. The difference between them is that the combustion of G25 extracts 15% less heat.

Gas G25 brand characterized by an increased percentage of nitrogen, whereby its energy potential by 15% below the natural counterpart G20
Clarify what type of gas "flows" in the line can be in gas distribution company in your region.
Example of calculating the network of gas consumption
We propose to consider an example of calculating the gas flow on heating country cottage whose source data have the following parameters:
- Improvement area reaches 100 kV. meters;
- Recommended TEPLOAGREGAT power - 10 kW;
- Boiler efficiency reaches 95%.
To simplify the calculation of joules converted into a different unit - kilowatts. Thus, with the proviso that 1 kW = 3.6 MJ heat of combustion gas G mark 20 will be 34.02 / 3.6 = 9.45 kW.
It is also worth considering that the recommended capacity of the heat source, indicated as 10 kW, required only for space heating in the most adverse conditions. In fact, throughout the heating period, the number of unfavorable days will be counted units.

When properly thought out and equipped heating boiler installed just will not work all day and night
In the remaining days of the cold season to heat the building consumed significantly less power. Therefore, to obtain the correct calculations, as well as determining the average namely, not the peak flow "blue fuel" boiler power take readings are 10 kW, and the "half" 5 kW.
Substituting these data into the formula, perform calculations: V = 5 / (9.45 x 0.95). It turns out that for heating the cabin area of 100 squares gas flow leaves 0.557 cu.m / h.

Specifying the rate of pay of one cubic meter of "blue fuel" will not be difficult to calculate the material costs for the entire heating season
On the basis of obtained by simple calculations, data will not be difficult to calculate the consumption of gas for the whole heating season, which is in high latitude regions lasts about 7 months:
- For a day it amounts to 0.557 x 24 = 13.37 m3.
- For a month 13.37 x 30 = 401, 1 m3.
- The heating season duration of 7 months 401.1 x 7 = 2807, 4 m3.
Knowing the price of one cubic meter of "blue fuel", it will not be difficult to plan as the monthly expenses, and "accounting" for the entire operation of the heating system.
Flow liquefied propane-butane mixture
Not all owners of country houses are able to connect to the centralized pipeline highway. Then get out of the situation, using liquefied gas. It is stored in installed in pits gasholdersAnd fill up using certified service firm engaged in the supply of fuel.

Used for domestic purposes liquefied gas stored in sealed containers and tanks - propane-butane cylinders having a volume of 50 liters, or gas holders
If liquefied gas is used for heating of a country house, the formula for calculating the basis is the same. The only thing - be aware that the bottled gas is a mixture of G30 mark. Furthermore, the fuel is in the state of aggregation. And because its consumption is considered in liters or kilograms.
The formula for calculating the consumption of the combustible mixture
Rate volumes cost of liquefied propane-butane mixture will help to simple calculation. Initial data built same: cottage area of 100 squares, and the efficiency of boiler installed - 95%.

In the calculation should take into account that pyatidesyatilitrovye propane-butane cylinders are filled for safety reasons not more than 85%, which is about 42.5 liters
When performing calculation guided by two important physical characteristics of the liquefied mixture:
- bottled gas density is 0.524 kg / l .;
- released during the combustion of one kilogram of a mixture of heat equal to the value of 45.2 MJ / kg.
To facilitate the calculation of heat release values, measured in kilograms is converted to another unit - liter: 45.2 x 0.524 = 23.68 MJ / liter.
Then joules converted to kilowatts: 23.68 / 3.6 = 6.58 kW / l. To obtain correct basis for calculations taking all the same 50% of the recommended power unit, which is 5 kW.
The obtained values are substituted into the formula: V = 5 / (6.58 x 0.95). It turns out that the consumption of mixture brand G 30 is 0.8 l / h.
EXAMPLE counting liquefied gas flow
Knowing that one hour of operation kotlogeneratora, on average 0.8 liters of fuel consumed, it is easy It will calculate that one standard container with a filling volume of 42 liters will suffice to roughly 52 hours. It is a little more than two days.
The entire heating season fuel mixture flow indicators will be:
- For a day 0.8 x 24 = 19.2 liter;
- For a month 19.2 x 30 = 576 liters;
- The heating season 7 months duration of 576 x 7 = 4032 liters.
On heating cottage area of 100 squares required: 576 / 42.5 = 13 or 14 cylinders. For the entire seven-month heating season will need 4032 / 42.5 = 95 to 100 bottles.

To accurately calculate the amount of propane-butane cylinders required for the heating of the cottage for month, you need to consume the monthly volume of 576 liters divided by capacity of one such tank
A large amount of fuel, taking into account transport costs and creating conditions for its storage cost is not cheap. Yet compared with the same electrically heated such a solution would still be more cost-effective, and therefore preferable.
Methods of reducing the flow
The main cause significant heat losses which lead to an inefficient expenditure of thermal energy released boiler unit, is the insufficient insulation of the structural elements of the house. Through the "cold joints" wasted in vain to 40% of heat.

Through the windows with low-quality frames leaking up to 35% of heat produced by the boiler through the wall of the house - up to 25%, and through the roof and doors - up to 15%
Each time not to spend money for nothing, otaplivaya street, it is better to spend money once to quality construction insulation. Believe that the cost of it is completely repaid in 3-4 years.
Thermal insulation of the house includes:
- Wall insulation. The easiest to implement and extremely affordable option - installation of expanded polystyrene panels. The thickness of the panels are selected focusing on the climatic conditions of the construction region, the thickness construction of the walls and the type of material used in their construction.
- Thermal insulation of the roof or attic floor. For these purposes, used sawdust, mineral wool or polystyrene foam slab. Produced in the form of slabs insulation material is mounted along inner walls of the attic space or place it between the joists.
- Thermal insulation of floors. The good thermal insulation need not only concrete, but also wooden structures. To form a thermally insulating layer and employ bulk materials such as expanded clay slab and polystyrene.
- Replacement of windows. The most reliable shield, prevent the entry into the cold-heated rooms, perform quality PVC windows with double-glazed windows. They are made for a specific window. Because of this, they sealed the window opening, reliably protecting households not only from the "leakage" of heat, but also the penetration of the street noise.
Proper insulation allows the device to reduce heat loss to the minimum values.

In addition to high-quality thermal insulation to improve the efficiency of heat impact, experts recommend to use other equally effective measures
Among other measures to improve the efficiency of thermal impact, the experts include:
- radiators Hardware thermostatic devices. The thermal head will be necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms.
- In addition to the radiators installed convectors function directional circulation. They openings zone will create curtains of heated air.
- Connecting equipment to program the optimum heating mode. Installing chronometric thermostats is effective in the presence of the house vacant for a few days of rooms, which does not make sense to heat rapidly.
The cost of purchase and installation of automation will be compensated within the first heating season.
And finally, it is worth reviewing whether the system is too loaded. It is possible that it produces excess heat. And it is likely that without sacrificing comfort households can reduce the indoor temperature a couple of degrees.
At first glance - a trifle. But, considering the situation on the scale of at least one month, and even more of the heating season, this solution is able to positively affect the wallet.
Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
One option rendering pipeline gas flow rate:
EXAMPLE flow for heating the liquefied gas:
On simple ways to reduce the cost of gas will be discussed in the following video:
The average value calculation will be useful to calculate material costs exclusively for heating the building. When planning to use during the heating season, gas appliances or plate, the data should be adjusted.
If after studying the material you have any questions regarding the calculation of gas consumption, you can specify them in the box located below. In addition, if the inaccuracies have been seen or would like to supplement the material, leave, please, your comments.