How to apply horse manure as a fertilizer in the garden

Often, gardeners with considerable experience can learn about the benefits of horse manure. But people who do not understand deeply in this topic will not be able to understand the advantages of fertilizer. However, there is no doubt that this fertilizer is excellent as a dressing for warm beds, and also has many advantages over other types of manure.


  • benefits of horse manure in the fall
  • Composition
  • fertilizer How to practice
    • When not be used for plants
  • Rules of fresh manure in the garden

benefits of horse manure

autumn Speaking about his use of the autumn, it is worth noting that, compared with cow, he:

  • Dry
  • Light
  • Contains a large amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

Thanks to the available properties, horse manure quickly gives off heat and warms easily. It consists of a small amount of weeds, which is an obvious advantage over the cow.

Organic fertilizer ranks first in terms of the degree of yield increase, bypassing cow, pork, goat, chicken, sheep and rabbit. When applied to heavy soils, it can loosen them, and when released into the lungs, will increase their water retention effect. In addition, when using it, the soil will not sour.

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Horse manure is useful in any form except fresh


fertilizers in the composition of the waste product contains trace elements and substances necessary for plants:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Sulfur
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Bor
  • Cobalt
  • Urea
  • Molybdenum

Unlike other fertilizers, it has a more loose and porous structure, which makes it convenient to apply to the soil. Experts recommend using it in greenhouses and greenhouses.

This is due to the fact that the product of vital activity emits a large amount of heat and makes it possible to grow vegetables in a short time.

Due to the small amount of nitrogen, the effect in the first year is not so noticeable. However, in the future, the benefits of using this fertilizer will be much more noticeable.
The composition of natural fertilizer is rich in minerals that are useful for plants.

How to use

in practice If you know how to fertilize with horse manure, you can certainly be considered an expert in the agricultural field. However, it is worth more detail to highlight the types of this fertilizer and its scope:

  1. fresh. This type is not recommended to be added to the soil. This can provoke the inhibition of plants and even the complete destruction of their roots. Fresh form contains a lot of unnecessary garden elements: eggs of worms, weed seeds and mushroom spores. The most favorable time for application is autumn, after digging the garden. This is due to the fact that during the winter period it will have time to decompose by spring planting and will go to the planted plants for the benefit.
  2. semifinished. At this stage is used in two ways. First, during digging it is added to the ground, and secondly, it is mixed with and it turns out fertilizing for plants. This type of manure usually feeds flowers and garden crops( cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers).
  3. rotted. To this stage, manure loses half of its mass compared to its original weight. When added to the soil is used calculation: ten kilograms of manure per square meter of land.
  4. humus. This step is final. At this stage it is the most valuable and can be used as a top dressing for absolutely all garden and garden crops and flowers.

When it is impossible to use

for plants Undoubtedly, horse manure has many advantages. However, it can not be thoughtlessly used, either in pure form or in granular form.

  • It is extremely important to observe the frequency of addition to the soil. Too much can damage plants.
  • Due to the fact that horse manure can remain in plants in the form of nitrates, harmful to the human body, you should not make it later than two weeks before you start harvesting.
  • When applying horse manure for potatoes, you need to be especially careful: through the fertilizer from the untested stables the parachute can be transferred
  • Directly under the root system itself it is impossible to apply fresh manure

warm up and not suitable for use in greenhouses

  • in the greenhouse is too dense soil. In this kind of soil, methane and hydrogen sulfide will be emitted, adversely affecting the plants.
  • Under the root system of plants, you can make only rotted manure or humus.

    .If it is improperly stored, the nitrogen will enter into a chemical reaction with oxygen, which is contained in the air, and evolve into ammonia, will evaporate. That is why horse manure must be stored in a place where there is minimal contact with air.

    The most commonly used method of storage: they dig a hole in the ground, fill it with fertilizer, leaving at least ten centimeters to the edge. After the interval, they are covered with straw or sawdust. Next, the pit is closed with a film and tightly pressed with heavy objects. If this procedure occurs in the summer, it should be watered with additional water.

    Another way is to store in compost heaps. Layers at the same time laid by weeds, fallen leaves, peat, and other vegetable organics. This method can be considered one of the best, since the released liquid is absorbed by organic layers and is saved.

    The product of vital activity, described earlier, has long been considered the best type of feeding, it is useful for all plant species, especially in processed form and granules. Experienced people who have been growing vegetables for a long time believe that horse excrement is the best option when choosing fertilizer. In this case, the harvest will always be good, especially potatoes and tomatoes grow well. Previously, farmers were skeptical about the choice of this fertilizer, but having tried it once, they realized that the harvest is much better, and the fruits themselves are much larger.

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