Convection in the microwave - it is 6 benefits and features


  • 1 convection Features
    • 1.1 What can a microwave with convection
    • 1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of convection
  • 2 Output
Modern microwave oven capable of much more than just a warm meal cooled downModern microwave oven capable of much more than just a warm meal cooled down

You do not know what is the function of convection in the microwave? This is a useful necessity or an extra "bells and whistles", three times increases the cost of a conventional oven? Let's try to figure out what is needed in convection microwave oven and whether it is necessary at all.

convection Features

Going into the functional details and to fully understand the principle of operation is to say that the function of convection in the kitchen home technique called special mode in which the artificial circulation is heated to a certain temperature by chamber.

Action convection clearlyAction convection clearly

The presence of this feature, we can say, if the back surface of the inner wall has a microwave special convector fan (special heating element) for pressurizing and circulating hot air. It ensures a uniform distribution and the movement of air masses on the camera.

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Often, in a couple of such a function is and grill, which allows to make the most golden brown. Grill looks like a heating coil, usually located on the upper wall.

What can a microwave with convection

This seemingly insignificant detail as the convector fan at the rear, can greatly simplify the lives of the hostess. in convection mode microwave in a pair with a "grill" cooking makes it possible in a microwave oven until baking with browned crust. At its core - it's a great alternative to the oven.

Pastry out of the microwave is no less than from the ovenPastry out of the microwave is no less than from the oven

What are the benefits of convection function:

  • uniform warming and propekanie products (no hot and cold edges at the middle as the microwave heating mode);
  • possibility of cooking requiring baking (cakes, desserts, other baked goods, meat and vegetable dishes) without the use of the oven;
  • model with grill and convection can not only bake the dishes, but also prepare them with an appetizing golden brown;
  • a great help for beginners housewives - simply fold the ingredients in a special heat-proof dish and the oven will cook all by herself for a given program;
  • cooking time is substantially less than in the oven.
Special stand-grating can evenly distribute the hot airSpecial stand-grating can evenly distribute the hot air

Some models of microwave ovens with grill function / convection allow you to change the location of the heating coil, depending on which course and which side you need to be browned.

For cooking in the microwave oven should be used bakewareFor cooking in the microwave oven should be used bakeware

Advantages and disadvantages of convection

As with any function, have the ability to heat the ovens and bake dishes circulating hot air has both advantages and disadvantages. Below is a summary table with clear photos in order to assess the pros and cons of this mode.

Picture Description
table_pic_att15066439234 Benefits:
  1. Uniform heating and propekanie. Dishes are tender and juicy, they can not be "dry up" as in the oven.
  2. The possibility of replacing the oven, which is very useful in small or rented apartments, where the kitchen area does not allow to accommodate the extra equipment or just do not have the funds.
  3. Air Preheat to 200 ° C, allowing virtually any cooking cakes.
  4. Cooking time faster than in the oven (eg, within 20 minutes the oven will cook the meat completely, when it will take at least 45 minutes in the oven).
  5. There are ready-made recipes modes (with the furnace itself toggles grill / convection / microwave for an optimal preparation of a dish);
  6. Reasonable price (less fully embedded oven, but the price depends on the capacity volume of the chamber, the manufacturer and the presence of additional features).
table_pic_att15066439265 Disadvantages:
  • Large size compared to the conventional microwave oven (to accommodate the heating element and blowing system requires additional space, which affects the volume and weight of the equipment is not in the best side).
  • The smaller volume of the working chamber as compared to the oven (this will allow the oven to cook small amounts of food, a maximum of 2-3 servings).
  • The need to use the special dishes (using not intended for such purposes can be your utensils rukamiprivesti in microwave oven unusable).
  • grill / convection mode consumes a lot of power (this mode is very energy consumption, although this is partially offset by the short duration of the work).

To dishes were prepared tasty and juicy, cook them in small amounts in a special heat-resistant cookware for microwave.


Convection in a microwave - a very useful feature that allows you to almost completely replace the oven. Since it becomes possible to prepare the most delicate cakes and muffins, meringues, tender juicy meat with a crispy crust on top.

But there is a functional need, up to you. Videos in this article clearly describes the working principle of convection, microwave and all the advantages and disadvantages. Still have questions? Ask them in the comments.

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