How to organize beekeeping for beginners

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You can master beekeeping for beginners with the help of manuals, experienced specialists and visual lessons. Requirements for the creation of the apiary include measures to protect against stinging insects from surrounding residents. Without compliance with the regulations, the apiary can not be equipped.

Features of beekeeping and where to start a beginner

It is known that honey is the most useful and healing product. Insects workers bees for the season will provide the owner of the apiary honey, pergoy, propolis. But to get a bribe of a product and create conditions for the development of a strong family, a beekeeper who knows the peculiarities of insects' content can create comfortable conditions for toilers. If the decision to create your own apiary is taken, you will need to meet a number of conditions:

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  • Find the place of accommodation of hives that meets the requirements;
  • prepare the necessary inventory and arrange a wintering place;
  • choose a breed of bees that is suitable for climatic conditions and productivity;
  • Get knowledge of beekeeping for beginners.

The desire to get a sweet product from flying insects will require knowledge. You can learn the theory of the allowance or go to the apprentices to an experienced master. Without a clear technique of carrying out the service, the hive is indispensable. An invaluable help will be provided by a video on beekeeping for beginners:

Rules for equipping the apiary

If you are a beginner beekeeper, then you need to learn on a small number of bee colonies. At the legislative level, the "Instruction on the maintenance of bee colonies" has been abolished and since 2013 the issue has been transferred to regional regulation. Optimal for the development of beekeeping from scratch start with three hives. But at the same time, safety standards must be observed. If the hives are installed in a settlement, this should be agreed with the neighbors. They need to know how to avoid a bee sting. A neighbor who is bitten by a bee will always win a trial with a beekeeper.

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The accommodation of beehives is provided for 10 meters to the border of possession and 50 meters from the living quarters. In order to prevent the flight of insects to neighboring sites, it is prescribed to arrange a fence along the perimeter of at least 2 m in height. If the size of the plot does not allow you to withstand the distance from the hives to the housing and fence, beekeeping is prohibited.

How to organize beekeeping for beginners, where to start, if the size of the plot does not allow you to build an apiary? It is necessary to find a place for the apiary device in a residential or abandoned settlement. You can find a site without buildings, where many flowering plants and there are no air pollutants. To issue a land plot for rent or property in order to create an apiary.

At registration of the earth the sanitary-veterinary passport on an apiary is simultaneously made out. The site must meet the requirements of a constant bribe from honey plants in a radius of 2 km. At the same time, intersections with the motorway and the river are excluded. You can choose the breed of bees that make a flight high, then pedestrians will not become an obstacle to the bees of workers.

To collect a spoonful of honey 400 bees work. Half gather pollen, the other puts it in honeycombs. To get a kilogram of honey for 4500 sorties. During the day a large family gathers up to 20 kg of nectar, from which 10 kg of honey are obtained.

The success of beekeeping for beginners depends on the first steps to creating an apiary. A pchelopaket, a swarm or a family is the primary material purchased for the further breeding of bees. Pchelopaket is formed only to order, they are sold in autumn.

Stages of equipping the apiary

Before buying bees, it is necessary to take care of the place of installation of beehives, the winter maintenance of bees, to purchase an instrument. All about bees and beekeeping for beginners must be learned before the first apiary appears on the apiary. This will help determine the nature of the relationship, make fewer mistakes.

Read also:The danger of a bee sting and the first pre-medical help

The planning of the site is to clean all plantations and felling residues. The platform must be clean and even, even the leaves are removed. The main road and paths are laid. All the hives are set to go inside the site, their colors are bright and different, so that the bees recognize their house from afar.


Hives are selected depending on the type of bees that are adapted in the local region. There should be more lodges than families, the reserve will be required for the separation of a new swarm. In addition to the hives, you will need:

  • wax;
  • insulating cushions and canvases for each hive;
  • smoke and work clothes for working with insects;
  • wire, paint and nails.

By the autumn, a winter hut, a warm room for hives, should also be ready. If beekeeping is planned as a business, then an apiary will be profitable, having more than fifty families. It is necessary to know that care of bees, inspection of hives and accompanying operations will require approximately 6 hours per week for three families. To ensure bribes for a large number of families, it is necessary to place the hives in the herbage or on the margins of the flowering fields of cultivated plants.

Like any business, beekeeping requires planning and expansion of production. Costs for the maintenance of the apiary need to be laid in the business plan. To sell the products you will need a veterinary passport.

Difficulties of an inexperienced beekeeper

If you approach the new business responsibly, you can avoid disappointment in the future. But for this it is necessary to study in advance and obtain information about the organization of the bee family. At the first stage you need to know:

  • the correct choice of the bee family when buying;
  • temperature regime in the hive in different seasons and how to maintain it;
  • signs of a healthy family;
  • signs of diseases of bees, weakening of bee families;
  • death of the uterus and how to plant a new individual in the hive;
  • how to catch a swarm away.
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In the process of work there will be a lot of questions, the experienced beekeeper or the study of video and literature will help. The community of bees does not forgive mistakes in care.

How to start a beginner in beekeeping and how not to be bitten by bees? Sting bees only in exceptional cases, since this ends with the death of the defender herself. Therefore, work on the apiary is necessary without sudden movements, in light and clean clothes without foreign smells. The head should have a hat with a mosquito net. Do not use clothes with a pile, so that the bee can not get confused and angry. Quiet movements, conversation in a low voice and a smoke will not anger bees. The bee sting is painful, but it has a healing dose of poison.

Working bees recognize their master by their characteristic features. Eyebrows, ears and lips of the beekeeper are for the bees a configuration signal. Perhaps, therefore, beekeepers rarely sting.

Hives and the necessary inventory is best bought in a specialized store. When there is experience, houses for bees are made independently. The larger the family, the more honey and perga it collects and the more the hive installs the framework.

The most rational form of capacity is a hexagonal cell. To create 100 cells, bees are required, g wax. Ideal for the spaciousness and strength of the shape of the vessel.

The structure of the hives differs by the way of fixing the frames for honeycomb with honey. There are vertical and horizontal structures and even make special designs for airborne honey. The novice beekeeper can obtain the necessary information from the video.

Beekeeping for Dummies - video

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