Composite gas cylinder: Benefits evroballonov

If necessary container for storing liquefied gas is required to consider this option as a composite gas cylinder. It is a modern design, which allows to store a combustible mixture in the safest way. Further, such cylinders is very easy to operate.

We suggest you read the article, which discussed in detail the design differences between the device and the principle of work. To make a balanced purchasing we are given positive and negative sides of the polymer Euro-tank of gas. Safe operation will ensure compliance with the rules set out by us.

The content of the article:

  • The principle of operation and the device
  • Advantages and disadvantages of evroemkostey
  • Useful information about the safe use of
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The principle of operation and the device

For manufacturing evroballonov using fiberglass and epoxy resin. To make the flask on a special form of wound thread, made of high quality fiberglass. Then this dense winding thoroughly impregnated with epoxy resin. Composition treated hardener.

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Once the bulb is fully harden and acquire the necessary strength, it is possible to continue further work. The prepared insert connectors valves, valves and other regulating operation of the device container.

Wear a removable top cover made of plastic, fitted with handles for carrying the container. This lattice shell can be removed or replaced if necessary.

Production of composite cylinders

For the production of composite gas cylinders used high-quality materials, modern equipment and the latest technology, which explains the high cost of this type of device

Polypropylene from which such containers are made completely safe with respect to the environment. This material is difficult to recycle, it does not require expensive special procedures. If desired, the material can be given almost any color.

Some companies order batch tanks with a unique design for corporate identity or for practical purposes, for example, to distinguish between different cylinders or content designed for different departments, etc. High environmental safety standards - one of the main conditions for the production of composite gas cylinders.

Making evroballonov

For manufacturing evroballona flasks using yarn of high quality glass, which is tightly wound on the preform, and then impregnated with epoxy resin

For example, only fiber used in the manufacture of which does not use such a dangerous substance, such as boron, improves the characteristics of the material without high costs. For the production of composite glass flasks taken which is produced with a safe substitute for boron.

The resulting composite material does not tarnish, does not burn and retains a uniform transparency, as is resistant to ultraviolet radiation for long time. A small change in the color of the bulb composites may occur only a few years after the start of operation.

easy evroballon

Light weight gas cylinder made of composite materials enables the transport container without much effort. Product color may vary depending on the customer's preferences

But even in this case, the rest of the functional characteristics of the cylinders will not change. The outlet gas cylinders, which are made of composite materials, typically standardized by type EN 11363, EN 629 or DIN 477. 25E inlet valve allows no problem to carry out refilling container means available.

Evroballony resist tearing better than metal containers under the same conditions. To blow up the composite cylinder will need to create within it the force, about twice the rate at which conventional explode gas cylinders.

While in accordance with the GOST any gas cylinder must withstand a pressure of at least 50 atm. exerted on the device body, which is sufficient to provide the desired level security.

models evroballonov

When choosing a gas cylinder of composite materials should carefully compare the features of different models and designs to select the most suitable option

Metal cylinders complement valves type WB-2, thus to improve security further have to set the safety device. Compare with other composite version types of gas cylinders you can by reading the articles recommended by us.

Most often it is a special reducer valve, are popular such products that were released under the name GOK. At the same composite cylinders all the fuses have been installed, additional protective equipment is not necessary.

Depending on where the produced composite cylinder, it may have some differences. For example, Norwegian evroballony production, such as Ragasco LPG 24.5, does not possess such a high transparency as other firms device. To determine the amount of liquefied gas in them, you need to bottle a little shake.

Laboratory tests show that evroballony exhibit high resistance to fatigue statistical at 70 degrees. With respect to heat-exchange ability of composite structures, the temperature to -15 degrees, they show the same characteristics as their metal counterparts.

The evaporation rate at this usually amounts to about 300 g / hr. However, if it is supposed to use this type of device at lower temperatures, or when you need a different rate of evaporation of LPG should be examined carefully selected characteristics model.

The outside temperature can significantly affect the rate of evaporation of the liquefied gas, which could affect the efficiency of the device. In such situations, it is recommended to take care of additional insulation capacity.

Advantages and disadvantages of evroemkostey

Cylinders made of polymeric materials are very convenient in storage. Such containers be stackable, for example, stacks.

They can be connected to the same type of gas appliances that are designed for standard devices for supplying gas. The liquefied gas may be transported in such containers, they can be used at home and on the nature of sorties, for long term storage of LPG etc.

Benefits evroballonov

One of the advantages of gas cylinders of composite construction - a removable cover, which protects the device from damage, as well as convenient handles to facilitate portability

Weight composite devices about a third less than the metal counterparts, but they are nothing to them are not inferior in strength. Another advantage of this type of device - a rich assortment. They vary widely in size and shape. You can always choose a suitable for a particular application version.

The walls of such containers have a certain transparency, which allows to visually estimate the amount remaining in the liquefied gas. Over time, the transparency of the container is not lost, does not affect it and the number inside the gas. Composite materials when struck not sparked so the danger of accidental explosion is practically eliminated.

Model composite cylinders

Dimensions of gas cylinders of composite materials vary widely, you can select the device for autonomous gas supply of private homes or small model for attacks on nature

Of course, the development of corrosion processes of polymer products are not threatened. Material capable of transferring heat to a temperature of 100 degrees. Such cylinders look very attractive and modern, you can choose a suitable color. The cylinder capacity of about 20 kg weighs approximately seven kilograms or less.

By weight of the composite container with a plastic protective cover almost two times lighter than metal cans of the same volume. Buyers note that handle on the composite cylinder make its use more convenient. Lightweight and handles allow to cope with the loading capacity of a medium-sized, even fragile woman.

Checking composite cylinder

Before the purchase, installation and filling of the composite gas cylinder should carefully examine the product technical data sheet and the instructions of the manufacturer

Typically, the manufacturer warranty on composite cylinders for LPG is two years. But the service life is 30 years, and with careful handling and more. Composite balloon flask protected from above special plastic casing, thereby increasing durability.

In case of accidental fall of the force action is necessary on the cover, even if it will crack, the flask and its contents will remain dangerous intact. Damaged can be replaced by a new casing. It manages this operation is significantly cheaper than complete replacement of the bulb.

Static electricity is a device such as not threatened. This point has been confirmed in numerous case studies. The appearance of random sparks, fire and explosion for this reason excluded.

Test composite cylinders are recommended once every decade, while similar inspection of metal products for gas storage should be carried out twice as often, ie, every five years.

Kolb composite cylinder

Composite balloon flask wall are usually sufficiently transparent to be able to visually determine the amount of liquefied gas remained inside the vessel

One of the biggest drawbacks evroballonov - price. The cost of composite tanks is about four times higher than metal counterparts expenses. Still, it makes sense to invest in such capacity, because it is easier, more convenient and safer than conventional metallic cylinder. The high price of evroballony is understandable.

The technology of their production requires high costs. Produce such containers overseas, so the price also includes shipping costs, customs fees, etc.

Additional costs can hardly be repaid, if we replace the composite capacity of not one but several metal gas cylinders. The main benefit in this case - a more convenient use and enhanced security.

Useful information about the safe use of

Of course, any required element for a composite gas cylinder - safety devices. The composite model is no exception. It is mandatory for each device put pressure reducer. If it exceeds the minimum acceptable threshold, the valve will open and part of the gas will be vented, in order to avoid breaking the structure.

In this case, the gas cylinder continues to operate normally. Another protective element, which is mounted on evroballonah - fuse. When a dangerous level of heat melts it, preventing overheating of the structure. Previously used for these purposes the spring fuses, but the new element is considered to be more reliable.

Application evroballonov

Composite cylinders for LPG can be used not only for home gas supply, but also on other objects, for example, to perform certain construction operations for heating outbuildings etc.

After inserting melted, for example, due to heat during a fire, the gas is discharged from the container in a safe controlled manner. Unfortunately, then restore the fuse-link is impossible, the balloon becomes unfit for further use.

Of course, it is not necessary unless it is absolutely necessary to heat evroballony to such high temperatures. Operating range for such structures are considered parameters from 40 degrees Celsius to 60 degrees Celsius.

Composite cylinder can explode if? Spark - no, but if the pressure inside the container by accident increase, the probability of such an outcome increase significantly. Therefore, the application of the absolute explosion of cylinders does not really match.

The reason for increasing the internal pressure inside such cylinder may be heated body, causing too rapid evaporation of liquefied gas.

Security evroballonov

On the Internet there are videos about the exceptional stability evroballonov to fire and mechanical damage, but it can not be a reason for neglecting safety norms

Yet evroballona explosion - an extremely rare phenomenon. When exposed to an open flame work fuse and can melt part of the body. Gas leaves the container through these openings, and it will not explode. The use of combustible gas is always made subject to increased security measures.

Although in itself a composite cylinder can explode, but the cause of the explosion could be a gas leak through the large hole. Therefore regularly check the integrity of the container should be made mandatory. Proper maintenance of composite gas cylinders will extend their service life.

Marking composite cylinders

Before filling composite LPG cylinder should check the integrity of the bulb, the existence of labeling and its compliance with the type of fuel, as well as the work of locking and regulating devices

The main body of each new product contains an inscription, a reminder of the need for a complete inspection and possible replacement of the product every ten years.

Of course, to carry out a standard inspection and examination of the container should be significantly more likely to:

  • before filling it with liquefied gas;
  • during a refueling;
  • after the container is filled with LPG.

Checking cylinder includes the following requirements:

  • fuel grade and type of bulb must match;
  • maintenance capacity should be carried out in a timely manner;
  • necessary to ensure the integrity of the composite, and most of the flask, and applied thereto marking.

If the test results were unsatisfactory for one of the above items, the capacity should be send to the extraordinary technical inspection to verify its suitability for further operation. When this analysis is carried wear cylinder. It takes into account the presence of scratches on the body, scuffs, dents and other damage.

It examines the state of each injury for danger to the integrity of the total capacity. Monitor the status of such deficiencies should be from the moment of their appearance. When checking the marking gas cylinders of composite materials need to verify its integrity.

Safe use evroballonov

Modern devices for regulating and filling composite gas cylinders make their use safer than the use of metal counterparts

Rough and dangerous mistake would be to fill a tank of fuel for which it was not designed. Marking of different manufacturers perform differently. This can be a bar code or a special sticker, which is laminated and firmly fixed to the body.

It must be specified and saved data, such as bar code and serial number. If this information is completely or partially lost, perhaps, the balloon will have to be disposed of and replaced with a new product.

Another important point - the integrity of the check valve. This element must be screwed into the hole intended for it. The area of ​​its contact with the bulb pictures strictly normalized.

The advanced composite cylinders mounted fittings, the relevant international standards. In addition, the need to keep them in good shut-off control devices both on the device and used to connect to the line. installation and replacement of gas valves and hoses shall be in accordance with the regulations.

For security purposes, for filling cylinders and replace the gas valve is best to choose the company that can present a license and a permit for this activity.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Information about the production capacity of this type can be found here:

Cylinders for gas made of composite materials, it is a relatively new designs, but they are surely pushed his metal "brothers." The operation of such products is much more comfortable and safe. With proper use and maintenance, they are perfect for many years.

And you had to use the gas cylinder of a composite? Maybe you know the technical details of its operation and connections that are not described in the article? Please write comments, ask questions, share experiences, insights, insert pictures located in the block below.

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