How many can be turned on after the transport refrigerator - 5 useful tips


  • 1 When the refrigerator include
    • 1.1 Purchase and transport unit
    • 1.2 5 useful tips
  • 2 Output
Transportation refrigeration equipment - a very important process that requires special careTransportation refrigeration equipment - a very important process that requires special care

Becoming the proud owner of a new refrigerator, many are eagerly awaiting delivery to your home. But waiting for, to try out the machine in case you can not, as before, insert a new refrigerator, experts advise to give him "settle." Why and what for? Do I have this procedure after the transportation of the refrigerator or you can ignore the empty advice? These questions will now analyze in detail.

When the refrigerator include

First start the refrigerator after transport depends on the method of transportation and the time of year. All matter and motor cooling liquids in the device, which by changing its location within the system, can damage the individual design elements.

But do not be afraid that the defective unit is brought, on the contrary, the inclusion of even short-term can lead to serious damage. Experts recommend to wait for a certain time, and only then connect the unit to the network.

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Oil motor when the carriage may enter the cooling circuit, which leads to further damageOil motor when the carriage may enter the cooling circuit, which leads to further damage

When the refrigerator can be switched after transport:

  • Not less than 2-4 hours after a brief transportation in an upright position during the warmer months.
  • If carriage of the refrigerator in a horizontal position was carried out in the winter, even if it does not take long to connect to the network unit is not recommended earlier than 4-6 hours. In winter, the condensate is formed inside the equipment, which may cause the closure.
  • If transportation of the refrigerator was carried out in a horizontal position, earlier than 10 watches include weatherproof it is not desirable.
When rapid temperature drops inside the condensation unit, which may lead to breakage if immediately enable the refrigerator to a networkWhen rapid temperature drops inside the condensation unit, which may lead to breakage if immediately enable the refrigerator to a network

Submit a claim to the store, if the equipment is faulty, and you have followed all the instructions, you can. But carefully read the paper that you are given to sign. Do not sign documents, which indicates that you have checked the performance of the device and do not have claims.

Purchase and transport unit

Aggregates transported vertically, require less time to "rehabilitate"Aggregates transported vertically, require less time to "rehabilitate"

Why can not include a refrigerator immediately after delivery? It's an exciting question. But as a refrigerator - machinery complex, and in the cooling circuit has a refrigerant during transport it can to spread and mix with the oil from the engine, and this leads to inevitable failure had not even unpacked equipment.

The Regulations annexed to the technique, necessarily contains recommendations for transportation and maintenance of the appliance. Do not be lazy to study it carefully before testing, and then when you first start will avoid a lot of unpleasant consequences.

A careful study of the operating instructions will eliminate the potential problemsA careful study of the operating instructions will eliminate the potential problems

5 useful tips

What to do if the delivery and transportation of the refrigerator:

Picture Description
Tip 1

If you follow the recommendations of the instruction manual and a refrigerator after the carriage works properly for two days, then in the future no problems should arise.

table_pic_att14995847184 Tip 2

Check with service delivery staff as it was transported unit. Manufacturers of modern refrigerators recommend carrying them strictly in a vertical position or a maximum tilt of 40 degrees.

In any event, wait at least 3-4 hours, and then turn on the technique to a network through an extension cord.

table_pic_att14995847215 Tip 3

If you are transporting your own refrigerator or brought in a horizontal position, it would be better if he would stay at least one day with open doors and drawers (as pictured).

Tip 4

If the first switch is successful and you can use the fridge, do not try to the maximum to fill all of its branches.

How much time gaining refrigerator cold after thawing? Very individual and can not say for sure, but let the appliance "cold type" without overloading the motor.

table_pic_att14995847276 Tip 5

If you are concerned about the issue than to wash a new refrigerator before turning, then preference should be given a mild soap solution and a slightly damp cloth soft tissue.

When transporting the machine in the winter, he should stand up in the room to evaporate any condensationWhen transporting the machine in the winter, he should stand up in the room to evaporate any condensation

Do not try to turn refrigerator at a delivery service employee even for a moment. If they are asked to test the functionality of their presence or asked to sign a paper to conduct a full examination and evaluation of performance, you can safely withdraw from the purchase.


New refrigerator - a technique where the price can be highly improper, and if mistreated repair even the new device can "fly into a lot of money." In order not to spoil the impression of the purchase and not to break it with your hands, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations and suggestions mentioned above.

Videos in this article will demonstrate the first connection to a network of refrigeration equipment after transportation. Still have questions? Ask in the comments!

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