How to choose room heaters

The current review is devoted to a complete set of premises for the intended purpose. Classes demonstrate the pros and cons, there is a chance to complete the house with usable appliances. Even in the bathroom are free to put a heated baseboard with a class of protection of the body from IP44.The choice of the buyer is wide, let's talk how to choose room heaters.

Fireplaces for rooms

People do not know how an electric fireplace works, sometimes they refer the device to infrared-type devices, like stone. This is fundamentally wrong. Inside most of the electric fireplaces are nichrome spirals blown by a fan. We are dealing with a blower.

The Electrolux EFP - 100 primitive floor fireplace is sold for 6000. The wind blower is 12 times more expensive, the presence of decorations is evident: rounded legs, a stylish body and a flame that can be regulated. With a power of 900 W, the device is able to heat 25 square meters of a room, only about the height of ceilings is hushed up.

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The device has a thermostat regulation control, which means there is no danger of getting hot. Despite the presentable and impressive appearance, captured by an advertising photo, the EFP-100 electric heater does not reach half a meter in height. Before the device can not get together a family and enjoy the crackling coals.

Against this background, the gas fireplace looks much more interesting, refers fully to infrared devices. Inside it is installed behind a heat-resistant glass grating made of ceramic, which heats up to a high temperature and radiates. From the portal of the gas fireplace emanates a tangible heat, in addition to reveal the convective properties. Excess energy is transferred to the body, heats the ascending air.

Room heaters fireplaces are presentable, create an atmosphere of luxury, but with simple cheap furniture look funny and inappropriate. The choice in favor of fireplaces should be made to people who have a homely ambience for sophistication.

Children's rooms

Safe appliances are recommended for families with children. Any kids, if healthy and full of strength, play with each other and toys. It happens, often beaten items of furniture. We do not recommend to use in such places:

  • infrared heaters of any type, in addition to being equipped with a steel work surface;
  • ceramic heaters;
  • fireplaces;
  • wind blower.

It is possible to use oil heaters provided that a tipping protection sensor is installed, and children are aware that if you touch the device, you will get burned. The body of the oil heater is metal and ribbed, it is easy to hurt yourself, we meet models with a fireplace effect.

Oil Heater:

  1. Massive and heavy object, hardly tilting by accident.
  2. Drys the air very well, at the expense of the fireplace effect heats the room quickly( and evenly).
  3. Helps the operation of central heating radiators by mixing room air.
  4. Equipped with a thermostat to shut off at the right time, a drop sensor to prevent unpleasant consequences.
  5. Enamelled steel heating element does not harm health. Oil heaters will not cause allergic reactions.
  6. At bedtime, when the children have calmed down, we will put a container with water on top, the air will quickly moisten. Control should be by any means. In addition to special hygrometers, a desk clock with a similar function is available.
  7. Break the device hard, inside the minimum of electronics and a maximum of iron and oil.

So, we will recommend an oil heater for the children's room, certainly with a chimney effect. The appearance of the device resembles convectors, it is allowed to use marked devices, with the only condition. The convector is firmly mounted on the wall, otherwise in a short time the product weighing up to 5 kg will be dropped on the floor, not every equipment is equipped with special sensors to protect against falls.

More precisely, we recommend Electrolux electric convector heaters with the Air Gate option. The reason for the complaint is that the Air Gate convector heaters are equipped with a special cascade of filters protecting the internal element with X-profile from dust and people in the room from diseases. The ongoing process: the convector filter is located in the lower part and includes a considerable number of stages. For example:

  1. Mechanical and antistatic steps snatch out large dust, wool, and hair.
  2. The coal level eliminates odors from the air.
  3. Catechin step and nanosilver fight bacteria and germs in the air.

A huge mass of air passes through the electric convector heater, determining the principle of operation of the device. The stream is maximally purified from pathogenic factors, which will positively affect the environment. Do not forget that the humidity in the room also needs control.


People are wondering why there is a heater in the kitchen, they always cook in the kitchen. However, in winter, the temperature difference between the floor and the ceiling is up to 25 degrees. While the head is aching from the heat, feet get cold in the cold. This is fundamentally contrary to the Russian proverb and the recommendations of doctors.

We offer for the kitchen wind. Cheap and dangerous from the point of view of fire, the heater has a useful property - gives a directional air flow. A fan will do, but wind blowers have a higher jet density, which means more efficiency. The flow from under the fan is directed upwards. No matter what part of the room the appliance is in. The jet, hitting the ceiling, will cause the formation of vortex currents, exciting the floor. As a result, warm and cold air will mix, the temperature returns to normal.

Of course, it is permissible to put convectors and infrared heaters in the kitchen area, but the peak effect is achieved with the help of wind pipes. A heat source has already been installed - a stove and central heating radiators. Just the energy goes through the hood and ventilation. We will violate the law of physics by forcibly stirring the air so that warm currents are formed, directed downwards.


Convectors are suitable for the bedroom, but adhere to the idea that infrared heaters of the ceiling type dominate in this room. The only drawback is that they give light( not necessarily), but people do not always like to sleep in total darkness. When the eyes are closed, the reflections are not visible, but the soft warmth, looking from above, relaxes and adjusts to the sleepy mood. They heard that the ceiling heater causes headaches. The statement is true if the power is chosen too large and the person is constantly under the device.

Doctors advise to sleep at room temperature of 18 - 20 degrees, preferring the cool mode. If the face is warmed by the rays from above, the chances of catching cold are reduced to zero. Infrared radiation is used in medicine for therapeutic purposes. Dogs love to sleep next to electric mikatermicheskie heaters. Infrared radiation penetrates deep into the skin, increasing blood circulation, killing germs and indulging in regenerative processes. At the same time air does not dry, unlike a case with convectors.

Please note that you should not put wet clothes or other things on top of heating devices. It is fraught with fire. The exception is the class oil heaters. Those who wish to use convectors for drying purposes will have to be upset. From this point of view, electric infrared heaters are better, the danger is minimal, and the thing under the radiation coming from above will dry faster. Like under the sun. Having made the choice of a room heater in favor of infrared models for the ceiling, we save energy, gain health and get the opportunity to create a home heating network. The only negative is the relatively high cost, not comparable, however, with the price of a residential house, if an incorrectly selected electric heater causes a fire.

By the way, for small children who can not throw rattles, an infrared heater would be a good choice. Just take the glazed models, having previously inquired about durability. So that the baby does not break the electric heater of the infrared type and does not cut itself with splinters.

Electric heaters are produced for all occasions. Now the reader knows how to choose a room heater for the house.

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