Characteristics and description of tomato varieties Konigsberg

The Königsberg variety of tomatoes is known for its high resistance to the harsh conditions of the northern latitudes of Russia. The fact is that a group of breeders under the leadership of agronomist V.N. Dederko bred it especially for cultivation in Siberia, where this variety produces consistently high yields from year to year. The potential yield of Königsberg according to the description reaches 20 kg / m2, so it can be safely called it the property of the Russian selection.


  • Characteristic features and tomato Konigsberg
  • Types tomato Konigsberg
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • to soil
  • sowing
  • Requirements transplant plants in open ground
  • care after transplantation
  • Pests and diseases

Characteristic features and tomato Konigsberg

Konigsberg represents is middle, tall, an independent variety of tomatoes, derived from several hybrids. The growth of bushes can reach 2 m, so each of them is recommended to make out in 2 stalks. On one brush, on average, 7 oblong fruits with a firmly attached peduncle are formed.

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The plant has a strong root system, which holds it perpendicular to the soil, allows you to endure drought, frosts and other weather surprises.

This variety is distinguished by its particular endurance, so it is grown everywhere, including in regions with a short summer and a cold climate.
Grade fruit weight ranges from 300 to 1000 grams

The growing season is 115 days ;fruits ripen completely in late August in open ground or under greenhouse conditions. The variety is considered to be high-yielding: from one bush it is possible to collect up to 3 buckets of tomatoes, the mass of which varies from 300 to 1000 grams of .They can be removed both manually and by machine.

Fruits have a conical and cylindrical shape with a pointed tip. In size, they are quite large and dense, with a smooth surface. Tomatoes have 4 seed chambers and have fleshy pulp. Cracking is not typical for them, so they can be stored for a long time and easily transported.

Tomatoes of the Königsberg variety have a rich aroma and taste, rich in vitamins and microelements .The fruits are consumed fresh and used in cooking. Due to their large size they are not preserved.

Types of Tomatoes Konigsberg

The variety has several subspecies:

  • Red;
  • Golden;
  • Pink;
  • Striped;
  • New;
  • Heart-shaped.

Despite external differences, they have a high similarity in terms of yield and large-fruited. Consider each of them separately:

  1. Königsberg red is the leading among all other subspecies. Its characteristic is basic for this variety. The fruits have a bright red color and plum shape.
  2. Gold Koenigsberg has an intense golden yellow color. This tomato subtype contains more carotene than all others. Due to its color, it is called “Siberian apricot”.It is worth noting the special resistance of yellow tomatoes to phytophthora.
  3. The pink subspecies is the “youngest” in the varietal line. It is distinguished by a particularly abundant yield: the bushes are literally trimmed with tomatoes with an average weight of 300 g .
  4. Striped Königsberg has a peculiar coloring: ripe red tomatoes with yellow stripes. The fruit weight is relatively small - up to 200 g , so they can be canned.
  5. Heart-shaped Königsberg combines all varietal characteristics and is distinguished only by an unusual shape in the shape of a heart.

The advantages and disadvantages of

The variety Königsberg has many positive features, among which are:

  • high adaptability to any conditions;
  • immunity to diseases and pests ;
  • excellent fruit presentation;
  • high yield ;
  • rich taste and aroma;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance and drought resistance.
High yield and unpretentiousness - advantages of Koenigsberg
Thanks to these moments, the variety can be cultivated everywhere. It is perfectly adapted to any climate collisions, both in the north of Russia, and in the southern regions and in the middle belt.

Despite the abundance of advantages, vegetable growers point out such disadvantages as:

  • long ripening;
  • unsuitability for canning purposes( except for tomatoes of relatively small size).

Soil Requirements

Königsberg is undemanding to soils, but for its cultivation you need to organize the right agricultural techniques.

The soil on the site must be prepared in the fall, fertilizing it with compost, as tomatoes are responsive to high levels of organic matter, potassium and nitrogen. The reaction of the soil should preferably be weakly alkaline, and the temperature of should not be less than 15 degrees ( approximately the end of May).


Experienced vegetable growers are advised to buy seed from reputable manufacturers, thus avoiding the purchase of low-quality seeds.

Tomato seeds Königsberg

The characteristics of sowing seeds on seedlings are the same as for all middle-ripe tomato varieties:

  • before sowing seeds are soaked in manganese solution to prevent the development of fungal diseases;
  • start sowing seedlings 2 months before planting them in open ground;
  • seeds plow into the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 cm;
  • The optimum temperature for growing seedlings is within the range of 22-25 degrees ;
  • when the first shoots appear( 2-3 weeks after sowing) they are recommended to be treated with a growth stimulator;
  • after the appearance of 2-3 leaves in seedlings, it should be dive, i.e.gently transplant into other containers;

Transplantation of plants in open ground

Seedlings are transferred to open ground 45-50 days after sowing. A week before transplanting plants, it is recommended to harden them: in the daytime, seedlings are taken out into the street, and taken to the premises at night.

Before planting seedlings in open soil, it must be dug up and fertilized with compost. plant no more than 3 bushes per 1 square meter, since the planting cannot be thickened, as this will lead to a decrease in yield.

If tomatoes are grown in regions with a cold climate, then care should be taken to protect the seedlings.

To do this, you need to make a greenhouse of arcs and plastic film. It is designed to protect young plants from sudden changes in temperature.

When growing in the northern regions, you need to make an

greenhouse. Care after transplanting

. Care for the bushes in the open field consists of the following agricultural operations:

  • Watering is carried out at least 2 times a month as the soil dries. It should be abundant, but not frequent. Water should not be allowed to enter the green mass;
  • Top dressing consists in applying nitrogen fertilizers in the first half of the growing season, and then - phosphate and potash fertilizers. Superphosphate fertilize plants 2 times during their active growth;
  • Tillage is reduced to removing weeds and loosening the soil after each watering throughout the growing season;
  • Shrubs form two shoots by removing stepsons every two weeks ;
  • Since plants are tall, they need to be tied to a trellis;
  • When the first 7-8 brushes appear, a growth point is cut off to stop the development of the hive.

Pests and Diseases

Königsberg is almost completely resistant to diseases and pests.
As a preventive measure for diseases, treatment with Fitosporin can be performed.

Despite this, the preventive measures against phytophthora, gray mold, and aphids will not be superfluous. If, however, dark spots appear on the lower part of the green fruit, then you need:

  • to eliminate the lack of moisture when the temperature in the greenhouse is too warm;
  • apply calcium-containing fertilizers to the soil( for example, eggshells);
  • discard damaged fruit;
  • to conduct evening watering of bushes;
  • spray the culture with 10% potassium nitrate solution.

The Königsberg variety is excellent for cultivation in different climatic zones of our country; therefore, it can be called a real find for vegetable growers and the property of national selection. Such plants are not only unpretentious, but also very beautiful, so they can take their rightful place in your garden beds.

Tomatoes contain a lot of carotene and other nutrients, so their nutritional value is very high, which makes this variety one of the best among table varieties of tomatoes.

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