More and more gardeners are trying to find new profitable varieties of tomatoes, which have an appetizing appearance, are pleased with the number of species and tastes. The development of breeding is not in place, experts from this area are ready to please gardeners with new varieties. The present selection invention is considered a tomato Pear. According to the characteristic, the number of its species is large - both black and red, it will definitely decorate not only the beds, but also the dishes on the table, because according to the description it looks like a small pear.
Table of Contents; growth after is formed on a bush from 5 to 7 brushes ( 6 tomatoes per brush).
The average ripening period is 105-115 days .Used for planting, both in greenhouses and open ground. With greenhouse cultivation, you can get more yield. The bush itself, according to the characteristic, grows up to 105 cm then, as on an open area the bush of tomatoes is no more than half a meter.
This variety requires binding garter stalks. The maximum yield of the variety, which was recorded - 5 kg from the bush , provided proper care.

shrub Key features of a tomato Pear:
- plant does not require special growing conditions ;
- fruits have a pink or red color, vegetable flavor is very pleasant;
- according to the description, the weight of 1 fruit can reach 250 g , medium - 120-150 g .Tomatoes have the correct form, are well suited for preservation, use in any form. It is considered a universal variety;
- fruits are similar in shape to pepper or pear( the name comes from this);
- is ideally stored , well tolerated transportation.
Advantages and disadvantages of
- The fruit itself has an attractive appearance( shape).
- is characterized by high yield .In this case, the ovary of the fruit does not depend on the weather.
- The fruits are very fleshy, have a pleasant aftertaste, are considered universal for cooking.
- The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Unfortunately, breeders have not yet bred a variety that would never be affected by diseases and pests over the development period. This tomato is considered disease-resistant , but he is not immune from damage by disease.
Diseases and Prevention
- Macrosporia. Illness in the form of brown spots. Fungus affects the leaves and stems of tomato. Rapid spread occurs at high humidity. In most cases, the fruits remain unaffected. To combat this disease, it is better to use antifungal agents with a high content of copper.
- Virus mosaic. Marble spots appear on the fruits, which quickly spread to all the tomatoes in the bush. In most cases, the infected plant is completely removed from the clod of soil near the root. This is done to eliminate the possibility of infection of nearby plants.
- Vertex rot. A disease that affects only tomatoes. Manifested brown spots on the top of the fruit. The main cause of this disease is the lack of calcium in the soil. This disease is easier to prevent by introducing crushed egg shells or special mineral fertilizers before planting in the soil.

Signs that help identify diseases and respond to them quickly:
- leaves become small, turn yellow, the color of the stem and the fruit themselves noticeably indicates a lack of nitrogen;
- tomato leaves roll inward - lack of phosphorus;
- curly leaves - lack of potassium;
- damage to fruits with vertex rot or yellow spots - lack of calcium;
- leaf color changes from gray-green to red shade - a sign of sulfur starvation;
- the appearance of brown spots on the fruit and blackening of the stem - a lack of boron;
- in the case of iron deficiency, the bush completely stops in growth and development. Leaves may turn white.
Growing seedlings from
seeds A particularly high-quality crop can be obtained by growing its on well-fertilized soil. Choosing a site, you need to take into account the fact that the windy areas will affect the development of the plant badly, it is better to give preference to the sunny side.

- Experienced gardeners do not recommend sowing seedlings for seedlings earlier than 1.5-2 months before the intended planting in open ground. It is recommended to grow seedlings in a greenhouse or a regular room, using pots and boxes for sowing seeds.
- Conduct thorough seed preparation: conduct disinfection of seeds in a light solution of potassium permanganate, and then germinate them in a moist environment.
- When planting seeds, observe a depth of planting in the 2-3 cm .Otherwise, sprouts may be weak. When the first leaves appear, it is worthwhile to carry out the first feeding of seedlings. As a fertilizer, you can use purchased complexes or ashes( no more than 120 grams per square meter)
- After the appearance of 3 leaflets on young seedlings, pick and spread out.
Seedlings can be planted only after it is fully strengthened. It is better to gradually acclimatize the plant to new conditions.
Landing in open ground is carried out only after the ground has warmed up to 14-16 degrees .Planted no more than 5 bushes per square meter. In order for tomatoes to get stronger faster and grow, it is better to take care of organic fertilizing of soil in the fall: dry roots, leaves, and ashes.
After-planting care

- grows. Timely to take preventive measures against diseases and pests.
- Organic fertilizers can be supplemented with nitrogenous before planting. The following feeding is carried out for 3 weeks after transplantation into open ground. For this, it is better to use complex store preparations.
- When using water for the first time, use only warm water. Moisten the soil as the soil dries.
- After each irrigation, it is desirable to conduct loosening for better access of air and nutrients to the roots. Be sure to carry out weeding as needed, to prevent overgrowing of the site with weeds.
- This grade of needs a bush .Masking is done in rare cases.
One of the mistakes is the reluctance or untimely implementation of preventive work.
Harvesting and Storing Tomatoes

- Healthy and dense fruits must be harvested separately from spoiled ones.
- Lay with the stalks upwards , in small boxes. Put paper on the bottom.
- Keep fruit boxes in in a dark, cool place. .High humidity in the storage room is recommended.
- It is desirable that the fruits of the last stage of ripening was carried out not on a bush, but in a box. The best temperature for storage is not higher than 10-12 degrees .So there are chances of eating fresh tomatoes for 2.5 months.
The variety remains a favorite for many gardeners. In order to get a good harvest, you only need to adhere to the basic rules of care and storage of tomatoes.