The smell in the washing machine: how to get rid of it in 3 steps


  • 1 Causes of smell
  • 2 Get rid of odors
    • 2.1 Step 1. Check hose
    • 2.2 Step 2. single wash
    • 2.3 Step 3. drastic measures
  • 3 Getting rid of mold
  • 4 preventive measures
  • 5 conclusion
Proper care of everyday objects - the purity, flavor and comfort!Proper care of everyday objects - the purity, flavor and comfort!

Despite the fact that most of the unpleasant odor is formed in an old washing machine, the new model is also affected by this scourge. What are the causes of fetid aroma, how to prevent them and how to get rid of them? Answers to all the questions you'll find in this article.

To understand how to eliminate the odor in the machine, you need to find out why it stinksTo understand how to eliminate the odor in the machine, you need to find out why it stinks

Causes of smell

Before you get rid of the smell in the washing machine, it is necessary to understand what was the reason for its occurrence. Among the possible unpleasant aroma sources can be:

  1. No permanent ventilation of the drum device after washing. If you are after washing immediately slams the door of the washing machine, be prepared for the fact that soon will necessarily unpleasant smell. This is due to the fact that the tank is always a small amount of moisture, which is a source for bacteria and fungi.
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Permanent closure of the drum can cause a musty odor from the washing machinePermanent closure of the drum can cause a musty odor from the washing machine
  1. Using low-quality powder. Inexpensive powder may not dissolve fully in water, sticking to the drum wall and forming islands on them for the development of entire microbial colonies.
Price cheap powders - an unpleasant flavor in the machinePrice cheap powders - an unpleasant flavor in the machine
  1. Improper care of stiralka or even the lack thereof. A blocked drain hose, dirty tray detergent or not peeled pump filter may cause odor in the washing machine.
Care stiralka not so complicated, but requires regularCare stiralka not so complicated, but requires regular
  1. Incorrect dosage of detergents. Too much powder is simply not time to completely clean up. Its remains thin layer gradually cover the walls of the drum and the tub, turning eventually into malodorous mucus.
  2. The lack of washing at maximum temperature.
Continuous washing at low temperatures can cause odorContinuous washing at low temperatures can cause odor
  1. Wrong connection of the drain hose to the drainage pipe. If the hose is connected without the required bend, all the stench of sewage through stiralku get to your apartment.

Get rid of odors

Thus, the possible causes of odor sorted out in the washing machine. It's time to consider how to remove the odor from the washing machine. I offer instruction for action.

Step 1. Check hose

Begin the process of getting rid of the bad smell stiralki necessary to check the drain hose. Make sure it is properly connected, if necessary, refer to the help of the wizard. Ask show it as cleaning performed pump filter.

Getting rid of the smell is better to start by checking the drain hose (see photo)Getting rid of the smell is better to start by checking the drain hose (see photo)

The master can also perform channel prophylactic cleaning by detergents which fall from the tray to the tub. Do not forget that there may accumulate mucous membrane with a very nasty smell.

Step 2. single wash

The next thing you need to do - to organize a thorough cleaning of the machine.

If the machine stinks, it is necessary to proceed to radical actionsIf the machine stinks, it is necessary to proceed to radical actions
  • Run empty wash, pre-selecting the mode with the maximum temperature. To heighten the effect, add the stiralku citric acid and vinegar. They will clean the heating elements of the scale.
Citric acid is very effect in eliminating unnecessary fragrancesCitric acid is very effect in eliminating unnecessary fragrances
  • Spend another wash cycle, but now with the addition of a pack of soda or baking soda. Instead, it is also suitable detergent tablets for dishwashers.
  • Upon completion of the primary cycle including additional rinse mode.
Without a few "empty" washes do notWithout a few "empty" washes do not

These procedures will help to eliminate virtually any unpleasant odor in the machine.

Step 3. drastic measures

Typically, after the implementation of the 2nd step a nasty flavor disappears. But if the problem persists, you should move on to more drastic measures. Take half a liter of chlorine bleach or packaging means to carry out pipe cleaning and washing with boiling cycle again.

The bleach should be used only as a last resortThe bleach should be used only as a last resort

Never at the same time, do not use bleach and cleaner pipe! In the reaction of these means may form free chlorine - very toxic and unpleasant substance.

Getting rid of mold

mold formation - a very common process in many washing machines. Get rid of it with their hands, you can use the same simple algorithm.

Mold stains - a common cause of the stench from the washing machineMold stains - a common cause of the stench from the washing machine
  1. The first thing you need to do - to clean mold from the visible portions of the device. Carefully inspect the detergent drawer, fold seal and clean them. You can use any special tools purchased or soda solution of copper sulfate or vinegar.
  2. Inspect and clean the filter pump.
  3. On the dashboard stiralki expose and start "boiling" mode. To enhance the effect can add a special tool for cleaning, citric acid solution or white vinegar.
Vinegar - one of the most effective means to do against the moldVinegar - one of the most effective means to do against the mold

preventive measures

That you no longer cared about the possibility of forming in the machine vile smell, enough to carry out simple preventive measures.

To keep clean in the washing machine is easyTo keep clean in the washing machine is easy

Instruction is as follows:

  • If you have the habit to store the dirty things before washing in tank cars, get rid of it. It is better to store clothes in a special basket - so it acquires an unpleasant flavor and stiralka will be better ventilated.
  • Do not immediately after washing, close the door of the machine. It is advisable to wait a couple of days so that the moisture in the drum to evaporate completely. In models with front-loading is required to wipe the rubber seal - on them in the first place appear mildew stains.
  • Use only high-quality powder, and it is not necessary to add him more than indicated on the package.
  • Do not forget to periodically remove the detergent tray and rinse it with a brush. The same applies to rubber seals.
Continuing rinse seals to prevent the formation of moldContinuing rinse seals to prevent the formation of mold
  • Every few months, run the washing with a maximum duration and temperature. If the house does not have things that require such a mode, turn idle washing.
  • At least once every three months to the pump filter cleaning. It is able to collect fine dust, which subsequently is formed mold.
  • To prevent unpleasant smelling plaque TENah to periodically switch the mode of washing with water heated to 90 ° C. Pre pour inside of the drum about 100 g of citric acid. Instead, it is also possible to use a 9-11% vinegar.
Periodically turn washing with the highest temperature regimePeriodically turn washing with the highest temperature regime


Adhering to these recommendations, you can keep the machine in perfect purity. If the problem is still there, you know how to clean the washing machine with little effort. That's what I told in detail above.

More intuitive and useful information you will learn from the video in this article. If, however, some points remain unclear - ask about them in the comments.

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