Description and characteristics of the hybrid variety of cucumber director f1

Each variety of cucumber is characterized by characteristics that determine the characteristics of care when grown. Parthenkorpichesky hybrid F1 Director bred by the Dutch experts of the company Nunhems B.V .The variety entered the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation in 2013.In a short time, the cucumber Director gained popularity among summer residents, in farms and agro-complexes. The description of this variety is given below.

  • Table of Contentsthe grade possesses attractive appearance. Cucumber shrub medium - tall, medium - branched with dark green leaves of small size .Side shoots are well developed. The plant dominates the female type of flowering with the formation of bundle ovaries.
    Gherkin variety of cucumbers Director

    Cucumber cylindrical with a fine-tucked surface. Fruit size is 12-13 cm, diameter is 3-4 cm. The average weight of Zelentsi is 65-85 g. Cucumbers with thin skin, tasty pulp, small seeds, without voids and signs of bitterness.

    Excellent taste qualities make it possible to assign cucumbers “Director F1”, primarily to the category of salad destination. Suitable for canning.
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    Hybrid of medium early ripening, which is 42-45 days , can be used for the second turn. Suitable for cultivation in the greenhouse and in the open field.

    Commercial grade with good transportability. The average yield reaches 300-320 centners per hectare.

    Advantages and disadvantages of

    The advantages of the hybrid are characterized by:

    • high yield ;
    • good taste properties ;
    • aesthetic with the trademark ;
    • resistant to powdery mildew and disease;
    • possibility of harvesting twice per season;
    • unpretentiousness in care, shade tolerance;
    • tolerance to temperature differences ;
    • cultivation , both in open and protected ground.
    Grade Director is characterized by absolute pickling qualities and excellent transportability.

    The variety does not have any specific flaws. The downside may be the relatively high price of seeds.

    Soil for planting

    The stereotype of preparing the soil for planting hybrids depends on the location - whether it is open ground or greenhouse.

    Open ground

    Long-term experience of gardeners says to ensure a decent crop of cucumbers, need to prepare a place to plant in the fall.

    The best predecessors for cucumbers are legumes, potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes. Place the garden in a sunny place. The soil should be light.

    If the soil is heavy, arrange a bulk bed.

    The work stages for a multi-layered bed include the following construction:

    • 1 drainage layer. This is grass, straw, the bars that are laid in the excavated trench to a depth of 50 cm. Drainage is tamped down;
    • 2 layer - manure. It is necessary to leave a bed in this form until spring;
    • 3 layer - fertile soil, humus or compost. It is placed on top of the manure in early May;
    Bulk warm beds for cucumbers

    Then you need to install the frame of the arcs and stretch the material type spunbond. Seeds need to be sown through 5-6 days. Manure, re-heating, will generate heat, and seedlings will receive all the trace elements necessary for growth.

    You can arrange such a bed and spring. In this case, 1 liter of ash and 100 grams of nitrophosphate( nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) must be added to 1 m2 of manure surface. Lay a layer of humus, cover with foil, tightly pressed with boards. Leave it for a week.

    Indoor soil

    In the spring, in the greenhouse you need to remove the top layer of soil, deposit manure with the thickness 30-45 , see Spill it with hot water to make it burn out faster. A few days later put a layer of humus, shed 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

    Planting Technology

    The most popular method of growing cucumbers is sowing seeds. You can sow dry seeds. To speed up the process, it is recommended to soak them in an aqueous solution of a stimulator or a solution of ash for several hours. The sloped seeds are sown into the soil according to the scheme 50 * 50 cm to a depth of 3-4 cm .

    Sprouted Cucumber Seeds

    The best planting time is the last decade of April - early May. The optimum temperature of the soil should be + 14-15 degrees, air - 22 degrees.

    For early harvest of the Zelentsi hybrid, it is better to use the seedling method. The principles for obtaining quality seedlings are as follows:

    • capacity for seedlings must be at least 8 * 8 cm;
    • pots fill the with ready-mixed soil, disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
    • seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm;
    • after the appearance of the first true sheet, they apply the complex fertilizer Kemi-Lux;
    • before planting on a permanent place produce foliar treatment with a biostimulator of growth and root formation.
    In open ground, seedlings are planted according to a 30 cm scheme between plants, 1 m between rows. On 1 m2 should be no more than 4 bushes. In greenhouses - according to the scheme 50 * 60 cm. There should be about 3 seedlings per m2.

    Rules for the care, prevention of diseases

    Measures for the care of cucumber bushes "Director F1" are dictated by the agrotechnical rules for the care of this culture. Their goal is to obtain a high quality harvest.

    The following basic measures are mandatory:

    • Watering plants with warm water every evening, preventing the soil from drying out;
    • Twice a month, should be fed with organic fertilizer - infusion of chicken manure or cow manure. In their absence, you need to apply superphosphate, urea, ammonium nitrate;
    • should regularly conduct foliar dressing with complex trace elements for vegetable crops;
    • To form an plant, pin the main lash of the above the eighth sheet. Extra side shoots and antennae are recommended to be systematically removed;
    • As required, carry out the surface loosening of the soil and timely remove weeds.
    On the ridges in the open field should be more intensive watering in dry days.

    It would not be amiss to recall three typical mistakes in the care of plants. Firstly, during ventilation, no drafts and a sharp change in temperature in the greenhouse can be allowed. Secondly, over-irrigation is very harmful to plantings, especially with cold water. The third blunder - the inept formation of a bush.

    Breeders, authors of the F1 Director variety, guarantee a high degree of disease resistance of the hybrid.

    The use of fungicides is not mandatory, as this hybrid is protected from diseases and pests during the hatching phase.

    Harvesting and storing the crop

    Overgrown cucumbers prevent the growth of new ones. During the mass fructification, you need to collect greenhouses every day, otherwise they will outgrow and lose their presentation. A collection is best done early in the morning or in the evening. Zelentsy cut with a knife, not twisting the whip. The collected fruits are placed in a cool place.

    Freshly Picked Cucumber Variety Director

    Their shelf life is very short. It can be extended for a week by wrapping fresh fruit in polyethylene and placing it in a refrigerator or cellar. The only way to preserve cucumbers for the winter is canning.


    In a review, gardeners give a positive characteristic of a hybrid. The plant is unpretentious, has a high yield. Adverse factors in the form of irregular irrigation, temperature changes, diseases slightly affect the quality of the hybrid crop F1 Director F1.This explains its popularity among modern gardeners.

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