In the open field, under the sun and rain, vegetables ripen much better if they are properly planted. Planting eggplant seedlings - a crucial event, because they were given so much care and time.
How to properly disperse the bed, prepare the soil, and other trifles, quite important in the care of this delicate, demanding, but very tasty and healthy vegetables.
Table of Contents
- Timing for planting eggplant in open ground
- If you are looking for any morean exact landing number is not possible, since the number of regions from north to south is large. Different latitudes, climate, summer duration are the reasons why in one region you can start transplanting in April, and in others only in mid-June.
As soon as the temperature at night and in the morning stops dropping below 15 degrees and locks in for at least 2 days, you can plant the seedlings.
In regions with a harsh climate, you should not plant seedlings in the ground earlier on June 10 - 12.Night frosts will destroy the entire crop.Seedling development from seed to planting state is about 1.5 months.
develops from seed to independent, ready for planting seedlings for more than a month and a half , therefore, by sowing seeds in April, you will receive what you need by the first decade of June.
Where and where to plant seedlings correctly
If you take into account all the nuances when planting, and do not plant just somewhere, you will get an excellent harvest of healthy vegetables in your garden. Eggplant is a vegetable impatient to neglect itself. Therefore, we do everything according to the rules.
Preparation of beds in the garden
Whatever variety you choose, it is more logical to make an garden bed for up to two bushes. There are indisputable facts in favor of this:
- . So is easier to handle and tie up the eggplant;
- Easier to water;
- The plant gets enough sun;
- In the case of summer frost, or heavy rains, it is possible to cover the landing.
The width of the bed should be a maximum of two bushes
So, the width should be a maximum of two bushes. Street varieties, as a rule, reach a maximum of 70 cm, but in spite of this, it is better to tie them up at the time of the beginning of fruiting.
The width of the bed for two plants should be not less than 1m .Do not regret the land, as it will generously repay you for your freedom.
The length can be any, but note that watering is carried out only with separated water, and it is impossible to stretch a hose from an artesian well along long beds - ice water will destroy the plants.
Choose solar areas , taking into account the fact that plants must see the first rays of the sun. The morning sun on your vegetables is the key to a great and healthy harvest.
The bed should be dragged from west to east - so the bushes will not obscure each other.
Even if you dug up a bed from autumn, in the spring, in just a couple of days, you will have to dig it again. In late April - early May, you can plant mustard on it, and plant green crops in a garden bed before planting.
Can be covered with foil to create in the ground a favorable moist environment for mustard rot and the appearance of worms. A day before transplanting the film and all the shelters must be removed.
Ensure that this bed is not last year under the nightshade.Preparation of seedlings
Before planting, the seedlings need to be hardened.
In order for the eggplant to adapt as quickly as possible to the new environment, the bright sun, small temperature drops, the seedlings need to be to harden before setting .
How to do it right, and with a minimum amount of physical activity:
- Two weeks before transplantation, on cloudy days, take out the plants for 2 to 3 hours;
- A week before transplantation take out the seedlings in the greenhouse;
- Cover even in the greenhouse with covering material;
- In cloudy weather reveal material;
- Leave overnight and a day before transplanting in a greenhouse without shelter.
Even if you have a greenhouse with tomatoes, they will tolerate a couple of weeks neighborhood with eggplant. There is no need to make a special greenhouse for them - the bushes are still small, and they will easily enter the greenhouse.
Seedlings ready for the ground looks like an adult:
- On it, , the true leaves of are round and dark green, at least 6;
- The stalk is thick , seemingly slightly stiff;
- The plant is not withered, not dry, but also not overflowed with water - the earthy lump should be removed from the pot without falling off.
Signs of seedlings ready for planting - real leaves and a thick stem
Planting schemes
Most often gardeners use a parallel and staggered planting scheme.The one and the other methods are convenient, the only thing that chess implies is the feeling that the plant receives more light and the distance between the plants is smaller.
Step back between plants on both sides of the not less than 40 cm , and from the edge of the bed 30 cm , and so, with two plants wide, you will get 100 cm bed.
When planting in a staggered manner, it is possible to make a bed already, but then the quantity will not enter into it, which perfectly included 2 plants each.
Another advantage of the chess version is the option to cover with film. The width of the beds is approximately 60 - 70 cm .And the film will be enough in the first weeks if you are concerned about possible night frosts.
Gardeners use two planting schemes - parallel and chess
When transplanting seedlings, many gardeners make the same mistakes:
- Immediately after planting , they do not tie the plant to an stick. Despite its apparent thickness, the stalk of an eggplant is very fragile, and the slightest gust of wind breaks it. The sticks to which you will tie the plant will serve as a support for the shelter for the first days;
- Planting seedlings to the place where grew ashore last year: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, or eggplants. The plant very vigorously takes nitrogen from the earth. Fertilizer and dressing with potash - phosphate additives - procedures necessary for eggplant;
- Everyday watering .As soon as the earth seems dry, gardeners try to water young plants more abundantly.“Thanks” to such pity, the plant begins to ache and turn yellow. Before the appearance of the first ovaries, watering should be done once every 7 days, when the earth dries out and the bush is slightly wilted. With the beginning of the formation of fruits, watering is best done every 2 days.
- Fear of forming a bush independently. After the start of the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to remove excess foliage, and sprouts without an ovary - this will give strength to form new ovaries and ripen the fruits. It is better to shoot the first fruits without waiting for technical ripeness in order to more actively form new flower stalks.
The gardener's skill is concluded only in experience, and how you grow plants depends on you. Paying attention when transplanting seedlings, you will ensure easy growth and care of the plant, which means a good harvest on your land.