Water filter their own hands: self-made options

Water purification filters homemade - the standard measure for marching and field conditions. After all, wear a huge bottle unreasonable due to enormous physical effort. Besides this wasted due to the almost universal finding necessary for the body earth sheath liquid component.

People need liquid really is everywhere, but its sanitary condition is not always compatible with the use. But to make a highly effective water filter with your hands, you can even multi-day itinerary, being far away from populated areas, having a minimum of available tools.

We introduce you to the most effective and simple to realize devices to purify dirty water. Here you will find diagrams, recommendations and detailed description of the manufacturing technology. Proposed to educate the material is systematized, supplemented by illustrations and video instructions.

The content of the article:

  • Why do I need to purify water?
  • How to choose a filler for the filter?
  • Device for cleaning the activated carbon
    • Small species such as marching
    • Production of coal water purifier
    • Useful PVC pipe scratchbuild
  • instagram viewer
  • Water filter for aquarium
  • Sandy option for pool
  • Homemade water filter
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Why do I need to purify water?

Now various household filters included in the list of the main tools of the kitchen interior. They are perfectly right if you want to filter a couple of liters of fluid. But when it comes to high-volume, handheld and consumer devices are useless and have to look for an alternative to proportionate.

The slurry of sand, fine clay particles, organics, waste products of all kinds of animals and microorganisms make the water from open reservoirs absolutely undrinkable. Similarly, the situation is with wells.

We are building a water filter with your hands

Properly assembled filter is quite capable of clear tap water, but it is better to drink it at once, and give her some time to stand (click to enlarge)

Agricultural industry annually becomes a par with the heavy and chemical level by wrecking, due to the amount of nitrates used. Thus, the use of nitric acid for fertilizing soil, groundwater saturates harmful salts.

How to produce homemade yiltr water

For the manufacture of a simple water filter will need only type katrizh "Aquaphor". Devices will suffice to clean about 179 liters

Whatever it was, even the most Modern filtering equipment periodically need replacement cleaning cartridges, not to mention the homemade. Over time, it is necessary to replace the makeshift system specialist.

This is important because the water may contain pathogenic bacteria and other undesirable microorganisms, which absolutely can not be filtered, and cope with the bacteriological pollution of a river or a well, in a state only sanepidemstantsii.

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Cleaning water in field conditions

Using the filter device Aquaphor Versatile, can be prepared for consumption water from the open source

Kit for purification of water from impurities

A set of tools to filter nozzle allows you to clean water for cooking and drinking after boiling

Reduction sleeve filter Aquaphor

Reduction sleeve, part of the set for water purification in the field, is wound on a plastic bottle

The sleeve on the bottle volume half liter

Bushing adapter perfectly screwed onto the neck of standard plastic bottles of beverage volume of 1 or 1.5 liter

hose fixation on the rim of the receptacle

To a side container for collecting the treated water to be discharged from the sleeve to attach the plastic hose clip

The supercharger pressure filtration process for stimulating

The second hose connects the pressure booster, which will stimulate the process water passes through the filter

Process water purification filter marching

Hold the bottle and using the blower, stimulate the movement of liquid through the filter in a vessel for collecting purified water

Boiling purified water filter Aquaphor

After processing the required amount of water pressure in the circuit should be reset. Water can be used only after boiling

Cleaning water in field conditions

Cleaning water in field conditions

Kit for purification of water from impurities

Kit for purification of water from impurities

Reduction sleeve filter Aquaphor

Reduction sleeve filter Aquaphor

The sleeve on the bottle volume half liter

The sleeve on the bottle volume half liter

hose fixation on the rim of the receptacle

hose fixation on the rim of the receptacle

The supercharger pressure filtration process for stimulating

The supercharger pressure filtration process for stimulating

Process water purification filter marching

Process water purification filter marching

Boiling purified water filter Aquaphor

Boiling purified water filter Aquaphor

How to choose a filler for the filter?

Picking up the container for the filter, you need to calculate everything as it should, because the cleaning effect is primarily dependent on the well-formed "stuffing." By the volume of the filter container must be such as to freely accommodate all components.

As widely used natural absorbent materials such as quartz or river washed pit sand, gravel, activated carbon and zeolite. As is known, any filter layer begins with the primary strainer. Often this role is a fabric material based on cotton.

Layers homemade filter for water purification

The water in the filter must pass several stages of purification. The upper layer retain large inclusions and impurities lower exclude penetration of fine particles

Natural materials rather impractical in terms of hygiene. First, in a humid environment such filtration layer is exposed rotting processes due to this unpleasant odor. Second, the fabric structure involves very rapid contamination of the filter unwanted particles, which speeds up the need to change layer.

Much better performance observed in synthetic analogues. More preferred in this regard - lutrasil. The material has a water-resistant qualities and more stain resistant than cotton or bandage.

Material for making homemade water filter

The nonwoven polypropylene fabric - lutrasil can be used as a lower layer intended for final water purification

Quite Budget one fabric filter can be regarded as a synthetic layer, which is used to prepare coffee.

Quartz sand copes with a delay of the fine particles, and filtration of heavy chemical compounds. While gravel on the contrary, it is best to sift large blotches of unwanted materials. Incommensurate cathartic effect possesses mineral called zeolite.

Zeolite as the material for the filter device homemade

Zeolite is widely used in water treatment. It extracts the heavy metals, organic compounds, phenol, nitrates, ammonium nitrogen and others.

Active ingredient bang cope with pollution of water and metal salt suspension and neutralize pesticides and other agricultural products processing industry.

Device for cleaning the activated carbon

The most common group of homemade filter comprises activated charcoal. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy in unlimited quantities. Its reserves are virtually not increase the weight of luggage and do not take too much space in your backpack.

But the strength of the cleaning action in a little coal rivals. He excellently adsorbs toxic substances, absorbs an impressive number of heavy metals, ruthlessly fighting harmful microorganisms.

Small species such as marching

Perhaps the most qualitative result filtering improvised show embodiments based on activated carbon. Absorbent equally successfully cope with a delay as the mineral formations and toxic substances.

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Case for the manufacture of cigars filter

fit any elongated plastic container for the manufacture of miniature filter, as an example, a case for cigars

Screw-down case cover

It is advisable to cover the potential housing tightly closed or swirled on it to hold the components during transport of the filter

The hole at the bottom of the case from under the cigars

At the bottom of the case is drilled neat outlet for filtered water and drain it into a suitable container

Filtration filling device

The housing is filled sequentially first wool layer 2 cm in thickness, and then a layer thickness of 8 cm or activated charcoal and again a layer of cotton 2cm

Case for the manufacture of cigars filter

Case for the manufacture of cigars filter

Screw-down case cover

Screw-down case cover

The hole at the bottom of the case from under the cigars

The hole at the bottom of the case from under the cigars

Filtration filling device

Filtration filling device

To the material properties can be attributed the ability to confer the liquid transparency, as well as eliminate unpleasant odor and microbial metabolic products.

When choosing coal need to pay attention to the mineral structure. Too fine, powder - will penetrate into the water, and a large, on the contrary - will not provide the required level of clean. (It should give priority to the granular source material).

Charcoal water filter easy

Activated carbon - the hottest stuff in makeshift filter device. It is advisable to fill its layers so that the bottom was a powdered material, on top of the granules, and the height was increased fractional composition

An important factor is the degree of the so-called coal "toasting". If you overdo it with this procedure, absorbent quickly lose all your valuable qualities.

Coal can be bought in any supermarket or make at home. Top absorbent qualities observed in hardwood, especially birch.

It is not recommended to use conifers, as they contain essential oils that can give filtered water pine smell.

For coal need to download any tree in a metal container and escalate it to the fire (it is desirable to put in the oven). After the tree is glowing to red, remove the container and allow to cool - all the charcoal is ready for use in the filtration system.

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Filter for water purification in the field

Elementary filter for use in the field can be made from a plastic bottle filled with river or quarry sand

The design is extremely simple filter device

The bottom of the bottle should be cut off in traffic jam burn hot nail or a sharp knife to pierce three small holes. A stopper screwed through dense fabric flap

A more serious filter design

If required a large volume of water can accelerate the filtration process instead of erecting the bottle with tripod legs attached to one or more filters

Filter material for DIY

As the filter used clean sand without organic impurities and inclusions of clay, ground hardwood charcoal, pure grass

Filter for water purification in the field

Filter for water purification in the field

The design is extremely simple filter device

The design is extremely simple filter device

A more serious filter design

A more serious filter design

Filter material for DIY

Filter material for DIY

Quite marching embodiment will homemade filter based on coal ash to water of the fire of burnt. On occasion, it is better to use whole pieces approximately 4 cm in length.

As a rule, the housing for a makeshift system can be anything you like, but mostly for the convenience of using a plastic container or bottle.

Actions carbon filter for water purification

Coal delays organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chlorine, permanganate. Well it removes odors and color of treated water

Production of coal water purifier

Before you assemble, you need to choose the better option body.

You will need:

  • Several plastic containers (bottles or PVC pipe, food containers can be used in some cases. Because of their strength, they will serve well as a base of the cartridge).
  • Tools for plastic processing (various sharp objects: an awl, scissors, stationery knife, screwdriver).
  • Absorbent material (in this case activated carbon).
  • Additional filter granules (quartz sand, gravel).
  • A material for the primary filter cloth (medical bandage, gauze or filter coffee).
  • Plastic covers or plugs.

For sealing construction at the junctions between the modules should be used polymeric substances (if the filter is layered and consists of several parts). Well suited waterproof silicone adhesive or insulating tape.

For mounting the suspended structure need to use the pre-cut stationery knife from the bottom of the plastic bottle. Then make two holes opposite each other for fastening the hinges. Now makeshift housing can be hung, for example, on a tree branch.

Next you need to make an outlet valve, where the filtered liquid will flow. At this stage design feature it depends on individual preferences. You can organize something on the principle of the soul - to do a lot of small holes in the lid, and you can drill one large.

The next step will directly stacking components. Tightening the perforated lid body is inverted or suspended by the loop. Then, the first thing laid a folded several times a bandage or gauze. the use of the coffee filter are also welcome.

In some cases, possible to meet the design, where the role of the primary filter material performs a fabric cover, specially tailored to the size of the housing. This greatly facilitates the task of changing the absorbent and saves time.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the laying absorbent components must be done according to the type of "pyramid". This means that the first step should always be fine absorbent (coal), followed by a layer of silica sand, and then comes the turn of river pebbles or gravel.

Multilayer filter for water purification

Each further filter layer has a different, most often a finer structure than the previous one. This contributes to a more thorough cleaning

For greater efficiency it is recommended to alternate between several layers of shingles, however, not forget that the excess material can block the flow of water. The fill hole is best to cover any cloth or lid to avoid getting unwanted items inside the cartridge.

The principle of operation of such a filter is a passive flow of water through all the layers. Under the action of the granules, contaminated liquid is purified and flows out the perforated holes. Initially, it is necessary to pass through the filter several liters of water. The first filter procedure will wash layers and removes contaminants.

The disadvantages of the system include a fairly slow speed of cleaning and the need to constantly fill new fluid at the end of the filtration process.

Disadvantages makeshift water filters

The disadvantages of makeshift water filters with natural excipients include low speed, the need to frequently change the filter layers is not too high cleaning quality

Useful PVC pipe scratchbuild

Water purification in the suburban area, too, can make an effective cleaner that is able to compete with factory products. He will need a water treatment dialed in dug wells or in water wellsBut it will be especially useful if you draw water in a river, pond or lake.

For the construction of structures will need a segment of plastic water pipe and 2 containers. You can connect two bottles, where the upper segment will act as a coarse filter.

Walkthrough filter manufacturing

The filter can be made of improvised means without the aid of special equipment. All you need there is in the house of each

Inside like relies first placed primary layer of gauze or wool, while erecting some sort of mesh substrate, e.g., of plastic, that the layers are not mixed. To this well suited plastic cover, which can be glued to the PVC pipe, then drill several holes of small diameter along the circumference.

A method for making homemade filter water

The perforation in the plastic wall is necessary to delay the synthetic or natural fibers of the primary filter

Next begins the initial stage of filling the cartridge with a synthetic material (sintepon can be used).

Then again close the lid unit, only this time it is not necessary to resort to the use of glue, because this part should be removable for possible replacement and cleaning of the filter material.

As laid layers homemade filter

Stack filler stands firmly, but at the same time, too, that the layer does not interfere with the passage of water

Then starts the turn plastic pipe. From bottle to cut the neck and secure it inside the tube so as to be able to use threads.

Attach costs tightly, to avoid leaks (well suited silicone adhesive). And the outer side edge of the neck is recommended to wrap in several layers of duct tape for extra strength.

Homemade water filter PVC pipe

Wind insulation is necessary in several layers and to prevent the possibility of leakage

At the other end of the tube, as usual, insert the cover and make perforations. On the inner surface of an impromptu tape should be placed fabric layer.

After all the manipulations, construction is ready for filling granules (in this case activated carbon). You can alternate layers mineral inside the tube for better efficiency.

The filter layer of a self-made filter

It is best to use a synthetic material as a filter layer, as it is more durable and does not require frequent replacement

Upon completion, the primary filter and a module with a carbon composition twisted together by a thread. Then, on both sides of the plastic bottles are added. That's it, a carbon filter made of PVC segment is ready to use.

Homemade filter for water purification in the kitchen

Self-made design does not require any special conditions of use and does not take up much space in a disassembled state

Water filter for aquarium

It is known that for the normal life of aquatic creatures, should promptly cleaned tank and maintain water purity. Owners of small aquariums have very useful guide for the construction of a filter at home.

Homemade filter housing for cleaning hard water can be any suitable diameter plastic tube, including, for lack of such, well suited 2 of the syringe.

Before assembly, you need to prepare some additional details: spray (used in bottles with detergents) sponge with a high degree of stiffness, as well as the mechanism by means of which the structure will be affixed to the wall of the aquarium (sucker).

How to make a portable water filter with your hands

The main design advantage - the ease of fabrication. All components are easily to be found at home

The first step is to remove the movable part of the syringe, it is not useful. Then, using the hot melt adhesive or other sealant preform connect with each other, pre-cutting nozzles.

For the current of water is necessary to make the perforation. With this excellent handle conventional soldering iron, and if not, can be heated over a fire of any metal object such as a nail, and make holes throughout the area of ​​the syringe.

manufacturing embodiment homemade filter

To optimize the water passage rate through the filter is recommended to make holes in a uniform distance from each other

In some cases, you can fill in the filter capsule of some granules, the best option is to use a zeolite as absorbent good job of filtering nitrates. Further inside the casing to place the dispenser, with its flexible tube should go evenly throughout the length of the tape.

Then improvised cartridge should fully wrap sponge and fix the outer layer so that it does not unwind. That's all the power of such a filter would be enough for the purification of water in a small aquarium.

Miniature water filter - how to make

The design is quite compact and can fit into any small tank

Sandy option for pool

As already mentioned, the process of construction of small variations of filtering systems is quite simple, however, if it is a large body of water, it is necessary to consider all the nuances of the purification system.

Many are probably faced with the problem of "blooming" of water. Most often, this process occurs in the warmer months, and if private pool It equipped with a heating system and even such mishap can happen anytime.

Fair to say that the problem of green water can be completely solved materials at hand - namely, to remove mechanically but sometimes algae layer may sink to the bottom and the removal of the surface film is not decides.

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Homemade sand filter for swimming pool

To produce effective sandscreen require simple set: a plastic container, pipes, fittings, and directly the sand

Filter material for filling device

To fill the tank is recommended to use silica sand, sold in specialty stores in the packaging. But it is quite suitable conventional river or quarry

The pump for the stimulation of water movement

In order to circulate the water through a filter circuit included inexpensive vortex pump. Install it after the filter

Cover for homemade sand filter

Filter before starting the pump need to close the lid so formed inside the normal suction conditions for

Homemade sand filter for swimming pool

Homemade sand filter for swimming pool

Filter material for filling device

Filter material for filling device

The pump for the stimulation of water movement

The pump for the stimulation of water movement

Cover for homemade sand filter

Cover for homemade sand filter

In addition, the pollutant can act not only algae, but the fallen leaves, and sand and all kinds of microparticles, if the pool is located on the street.

Faced with such problems, people start frantically buying up all sorts of detergents and cleaning products, in the hope to get rid of pesky green islands. But the active chemical action of substances can only help with the pollutant, which is on the surface and to clean up the tank to the bottom, we need quite different methods.

For a complete cleaning of the pool, there are special filter systems. They operate on the principle of "cleaner", namely, is pumped through the compressor liter of contaminated liquid. The filtering process is a reusable distilled water from one basin to another part.

This mechanism is often used in large municipal or private institutions, where the volume of pool It comes sometimes to thousands of liters, so the best solution is - an automated system filtration.

But the average user is not profitable to invest money in such bulky equipment, if, for example, must be cleaned only a small inflatable tank seasonal type.

Just for such water bodies there is an instruction on the construction of the sand filter.

filter apparatus for swimming pool water ochiske

The unit case contains a filler having filtering properties (sand). You can replace the material on any other

During assembly required any vessel that can perform the functions of the cartridge. Water tunnel from the primary filter can be made of a plastic pipe 2 meters long (in the case of a large-sized pool).

You also need to take into account that the tunnel construction involves a rotation of 90 degrees, so need a PVC corner. The size of the inner diameter of the cartridge and the tube should be about 50 mm.

As the bearing pin for cleaning modules can use a threaded sleeve diameter M10. Ease of such a construction enables to connect several filter cassettes into one that transforms the filter into a conventional multilevel. Thereby increasing the efficiency of absorption and, as a result, the water becomes cleaner.

In the first stage you need to make two holes (better to use a hammer).

The first filter in the plug, and the second in the PVC corner, and then connect the two parts by means of a pin and a nut. At the other end of the tube must be secured compressor water. Power equipment should be selected based on the volume of the pool.

In order for the filter to be buoyant, it is necessary to make a special substrate of plastic foam.

The process of purification - circular, and water occurs by means of a fence with the lower layers of the basin and pumping it through a filter using a pump.

The advantage of this design is the absence of additional elements for discharging the filtered water as well as the possibility of replacing the cartridge. Washing procedure is best done on a separate container to avoid getting dirty liquid back into the pool. It is better to use a bucket for this.

Moreover, the cost of the installation is considerably less than the branded counterparts. Everything you need can be purchased at specialized outlets such as the compressor is sold in any pet store, PVC pipes and corners in building supermarkets, and a replaceable cartridge in the markets in the department plumbing.

A big plus when you create a floating filtration system is the freedom of design ideas. If the hand is decorative components can mask filter for any object that blends into the pool composition, for example, a ship.

Homemade water filter

At home, everyone is able to build a plant consisting of three containers connected in series. A water filter works only under a certain pressure water system.

The plastic may be used or glass container, and connecting segments need by means of the pin at the transition ¼ inch as future cassettes.

How competently to make a filter for tap water

The filter is connected directly to the water system and does not require installation of additional communications

guide "in / out" applied for convenience, on the adapters. They will make sure that the build process has been successful. Another important point is the tightness. To avoid leakage recommended every thread wrapped in Teflon tape to seal the joints and synthetic material.

Filter this sample is connected to the system as a tee and is connected in series with the water supply pipes. As granules can be used all the same coal. It purify raw water from the harmful microparticles and warn occurrence of scale on the heating elements of electric kettles and washing machines.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

After some time, it is necessary to replace the makeshift system to a professional. This is due not only to the deterioration of old parts, but because of their low absorption and purification efficiency in relation to the micro-organisms contained in the water.

To ensure the sterility of the pond filters are equipped with modern mineralizing system. Before buying the equipment necessary to test the water in the laboratory for the content minerals, and then, based on the examination results, choose a filter with an appropriate mineral composition.

The equipment made by primitive methods, such function is not present, so the filtrate after step cleaning is recommended to be sure to boil. Correlate the filter strength as a pressure of water. Wrong calculation of the intensity with respect to the water's homemade filtration system that can affect equipment performance.

Video # 1. The process of making the elementary filter of plastic bottles:

Video # 2. Those wishing to make a miniature version of the filter for water will help this video:

Video # 3. The construction of the filter for your personal water:

Savvy people really is no limit, and this is illustrated by the variations presented by the filter. Wide selection of materials, fillers, and the abundance of shapes suitable for any occasion when you need to clean the water quickly.

Want to share your own version of the effective homemade filter or ask a question? Please write comments in the block, located below the text. Share useful information, ask questions, post pictures of the article.

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