Car antennas today diverge by purpose. In combat conditions they catch the connection, in the peace - the channels of broadcasting, navigation information. The car antenna is a quarter-wave vibrator, supplemented by matching devices. Signal line, the ground will serve as the body of the car. Due to these two components, it becomes possible to receive a signal. Due to the simplicity of the design make a car antenna with their own hands. First, determine the device's purpose, wave band, modulation type. Three main components laid by the design.
Varieties of car antennas
They mentioned the types of car antennas, we give the redundant classification:
- Purpose:
- Receiving broadcasting.
- Broadcast reception.
- Satellite navigation information reception.
- Car communication antennas.
- The method of installing antennas on cars:
- Magnetic.
- On the suction cup.
- Mortise.
- Threaded connection.
- On clamp.
- Embedded.

- car antenna connection scheme for the rear wing. By location:
- Outdoor car antennas.
- Cabin( internal).
- Gain type:
- Active.
- Passive.
Surely an experienced car enthusiast will be able to add a couple of signs, we restrict ourselves to this classification. FM antennas fit inside the cabin. Lovers make accessories with their own hands, using cable lengths of 50 Ohm. The braid is electrically integrated with the body of the car( mass).Be wary of catching lightning as you drive through the field. Thunderstorm chooses the closest point to the sky.
The size of the car antenna depends on the range. Connected( radio frequency 27 MHz) large. Powerful varieties reach a length of 2 meters( put on trucks), according to science, they should be made 50 cm higher. To reconcile the differences between the actual size, a quarter of the wavelength is an “extension” coil at the base. To use the installation of a car antenna for communication is carried out vertically. Due to the type of polarization. The connected antenna can be tilted by means of a lamb, a lever, so as not to break, driving through a forest, overcoming the spans of a low bridge. Coherent antennas are used mostly by drivers of large trucks. Equipment of jeeps, civil cars is allowed, at times the look will turn out unsightly.
Note. Factory antennas are tuned to the wavelength. The mustache is shortened, fitted with a protective cap at the end. The operation is carried out according to the instructions. The guide includes a recommended size chart. Violation causes a drop in reception sensitivity.

Completion kit
The digital car antenna for TV reception looks like a police flasher, in a different color scheme. The device is devoid of unnecessary frills, takes the frequency of hundreds of MHz. The first multiplex of Moscow was chosen by 559 MHz. The digital car antenna on the magnet is placed at the top( roof), the wire passes over the door without modifications. The signal of horizontal polarization, the task of the device to take an arbitrary azimuth.
Broadcasting antennas rarely boast a large size, because the wavelength is higher, the dimensions are larger. Small height pins, like decorating portable radios. Beware of accidentally buying an antenna for a car radio, designed by manufacturers to decorate a television receiver. Afraid to make a mistake, read the store technical specifications:
- Radio is designated, FM, AM( frequencies 70 - 108 MHz).
- Television - DVB - T( frequencies below 900 MHz).
- Navigation - GPS( about 400 MHz).
- Radiocommunication - MW( 27 MHz).
Sometimes dealers forget to specify the capabilities of the antenna. The 400 to 530 MHz range is mentioned; it is mentioned that “the option of receiving GPS signals is available.”It remains to be understood that the instance is able, the first Moscow multiplex passes by. Frequencies above 400 MHz are used by portable radios, departmental communications MVD.
It remains to pay attention to the connector. It coincides with the vast majority of devices for which it is intended, to verify the compatibility issue will be superfluous. They say that the external car antenna catches better, the question concerns mainly urban reception. Racing on the highway, the glass of a typical car will not create serious obstacles to the passage of electromagnetic radiation. Car interior antennas are easier to install. Accessories stand below the outside, hence the worst quality.
Store will provide all sorts of hybrid models, including the option a la All in one. You can switch reception from urban to highway. Differs in sensitivity, features of suppression of hindrances. The suburban reception range increases to 80 km. Sell original tandems. A pair is laid out overlooking similar pins, one of which catches television broadcasting, the other - radio, communication. Using the charms of a set, requires the acquisition of appropriate receiving equipment.
Do-it-yourself car antenna creation
The only difficulty: the body of the car moves continuously. In this case, traditional terrestrial household antennas will form dead receiving zones. There will be long periods of time when maneuvering, when there is no reception. Applies to horizontal polarization, not vertical! In the latter case, the antenna is indifferent to the azimuth of the signal arrival. The mast stands vertically! This was discussed ordinary frame biquadratic antennas, quarter-wave vertical vibrators. Let's see what else nature is useful.

Removing the sheath through the mass
How to make a car antenna with your own hands so that:
- does not cause any complaints from the traffic police officers for excessive body refinement;
- stood in the cabin;
- provides reliable reception of radio frequencies;
- had a high efficiency( as you need to work on the transfer).
A quarter-wave vibrator fits a badly named case. Difficult to manufacture, equipped with a relatively large size( see above), difficult to mount, interferes with driving. Here is the notion of drivers of cars VAZ 2106( an experienced radio amateur will remake the concept, abstracting from the make of the car).
A frame structure is used, which is laid under the auto rear window gasket. Slightly narrowed up, slightly different sizes than required at 27 MHz, in the center there is a capacitor that adjusts the car antenna to resonance on the desired channel. Note that there are two receiving frequencies:
- 27;65 MHz.
- 28.2;68 MHz.
Upper resonance falls on the lower range of radio broadcasting. The layout of the car antenna is simple:
- It is necessary to lay out the wire with MGTF. 0.5 perimeter of the rear window with a trapezoid:
- Upper edge 56.5 + 56.5 cm.
- Lower edge 66.5 + 66.5 cm.5 and 45 cm.

The spiral section reduces the total length of the antenna
- . There are pluses where we add the matching capacitor wires, remove the signal with the RK-50 cable.
- In the middle of the glass there are two wires going vertically to the center( 5 -25 pf).45 cm long each. Therefore, it is necessary to twist zigzag, put under the insulating tube.
- We solder the cable from the sidewall where the wire in the middle is cut off. On the opposite side of the gap should not be.
The car antenna connection goes through the connector used by the communication equipment. The cable length is small, more precisely - should be taken smaller. Since the antenna is passive, the signal in the path to the receiver will strongly attenuate. If you really put the connected equipment in the rear window, so it is worth doing.
Advantages of a self-made
car loop antennaSee the advantage. Hardly our antenna for a car with our own hands will differ by too long a range of action, show wonders of reception, but it is competitive with some factory models mounted on the roof that have a height greater than a passenger car. Plus in the woods, the city does not hurt. In addition, there is no need to wind matching device. It is not easy, in addition to accurate exposure of the number, step of turns, you will need to find the desired wire thickness. The design will have to be sealed, the event will require the purchase of a number of additional materials.
Understand the meaning of holding the radio once. The antenna is covered with a dense sealant, the devices will allow broadcast at best for a couple of kilometers. If the terrain is not rugged. In our case, achieved ease of installation, ease of design, accessibility for the average user.
Condenser required: shortened contour. According to the author of the idea, the coefficient is 0.3.With the middle loops, the frame is electrically lengthened to the required size, the capacitor dampens the reactance to be coordinated with the RK-50 cable and allows the system to be adjusted to resonance. The author claims that the antenna is broadband. In most cases, you can install on the rear window of any car without major changes in design. The adjustment is carried out according to the minimum standing wave ratio.
In some cases, buying an antenna for a car and installing it will be more expensive, more difficult and will provide lower reception quality. In the above design, there is nothing difficult, and at leisure an accessory can try in every motorist. The mast under two meters will not fit a passenger car, more relevant on a tank! Which, as we know, are not afraid of dirt.