DIY hair dryer repair

Briefly, the design of the

Hairdryer consists of a motor, a fan, heating elements, an electrical circuit that forces the elements to work in concert. Depending on the number of modes, the manufacturer, the element base, the appearance, the composition of the switches are different. But nothing more complicated than a semiconductor thyristor, inside will not. Therefore, we carry out home repair hair dryers with their own hands.

Housing held on screws. Heads are often non-standard sample. This is a plus sign, asterisk, pitchfork. Therefore, first of all, before fixing the dryer, we will take care of a tool that can cope with this task. Fortunately, a set of bits worth 600 rubles today.

Sometimes the casement doors are additionally fastened together with special snaps. This is a separate problem: experienced craftsmen often break plastic, desperate to cope with civilized methods. There are no intricacies, invent hidden screws, hidden under stickers, plastic inserts, removable lids of regulators. Fastener dummy. No useful features.

instagram viewer

The hair dryer motor is powered by a direct current of 12, 24, 36 V. A diode bridge is used to rectify the mains voltage; in low-cost models, a single diode is used. The power supply harmonics are filtered by a capacitor connected in parallel with the motor windings or as part of a more complex filter. Inductances due to excessive mass in fenes are rarely used. Therefore, knowledge of the principles of smoothing pulsations RC-chains is enough to cope with the construction of the concept of the repaired dryer. Sometimes the filter element uses one spiral( inductance).

The hairdryer switch simultaneously closes the circuit through which the helix will be powered, starts the motor. Further intervention schematics are determined by complexity:

  • regulates only the rotation speed or only the temperature;
  • the ability to individually select the heating and intensity of the air flow.

In most models of hairdryers, there is parallel protection against the inclusion of heaters with an inactive motor. Saves the helix.

Optionally available thermostat as a special resistance or other sensing element. We describe the occurring breakdowns of the faithful helpers of the beautiful half of humanity.

Typical Inspection Procedure

If the device is devoid of signs of life, it is unstable, inspection begins with a power circuit. Below is a schematic description of the repair of Rowenta hairdryers.

Caution! The described types of work require skills in handling electrical appliances. The authors disclaim liability for damage to health, property arising from attempts to follow the above recommendations for the repair of hair dryers.


Inspection of the power wire begins with a socket. There is part of the fault: there is no voltage - the hair dryer does not work. If the voltage in the outlet is present, the inspection of the cord begins with the point of entry into the case, go towards the plug. Works are performed on de-energized device. A visual search for fractures and irregular formations - burns, insulation damage, fractures.

Then the body of the hair dryer is disassembled. Inside you have a chance to see the options of electrical resistance:

  1. A pair of plug contacts.
  2. Soldering.
  3. Wiring sealed in plastic caps.

One-way Connection

The last element of the list characterizes a non-separable connection, therefore, a highly complex case for testing. Skillful hands, or rather, clever heads, Ukrainian brothers in mind are advised to use an ordinary needle to repair the dryer. Immediately catch the train of thought the next paragraph will be skipped, directly start testing.

Repairing a hairdryer with your own hands begins with a wiring dial. A Chinese tester, a light bulb, an indicator will do. A needle is attached to one terminal, and then stuck into the supply core in the area of ​​the cap through the insulation to copper. The second terminal feels the legs of the plug. The call passes for both veins. When repairing a hairdryer, you should not make more than 1 puncture on the core( some will try to look also for the place of the cliff), since the nature of the operation involves the ingress of moisture from wet hair.

Contact area

To ring the wire, having visually distinct joints in front of your eyes, even a child can. Having found damages, it is recommended to buy a new cord, supplied with a plug of a non-separable design. The likelihood of moisture imposes restrictions on the choice of insulation of conductive parts used to repair the dryer.

Distributed cases: a first glance reveals the location of damage to the input cord in the case. Discharges, soot, black insulation indicate the location of the fault.

At the junction with the body of the dryer, a vulnerable point of wiring was sheltered. The hostess takes a delicate device by the cord, shakes it from side to side, winds the cable on the handle. A vein with a crack sparkles, the insulation heats, burns, copper melts. This is the mechanism of damage to copper wires.

Switch and switch

When refitting it is useful to short the switch, check: the hair dryer will change in response to a simple step, the behavior will be radically changed. There are three-position switches, each position in the short-circuited state is checked separately. Remember, draw the initial layout of the wires before repairing the dryer.

Checking speed switches, temperature uses a similar circuit.

Inspect the defective item identified during the restoration of the dryer. Nagar is cleaned with a needle file, sandpaper, eraser. Contacts are wiped with alcohol. Faulty components are replaced by equivalents. The radical method is to close the power button for a while while searching for suitable components.


The duct is clogged comparatively often with a hair dryer. If necessary, remove the filter and clean it thoroughly. Use a soft brush to remove dust from the crevices.

Lack of rotation of the blades or low revolutions are often observed when the hair is wound on the motor axis. The propeller must be carefully removed from the shaft, avoiding unnecessary efforts and distortions in every way. After that, foreign objects are removed.

Spirals A hair dryer of heating elements is usually several. Visually, they should all look uniform. Make sure of this when correcting the hair dryer by opening the case. Detected gaps are eliminated by twisting the ends, soldering and tinning. You can also get thin copper tubes and compress the ends of the broken spiral inside.

Defects of heating elements during repair are observed visually. A close inspection will tell you how to fix the hairdryer. It is effective to replace the spirals with similar purchased or home-made products from nichrome wire.


The electric motor of the hair dryer can be powered by both direct current and alternating current. If the diode bridge burned out, the windings are damaged, normal functioning is disturbed. A terrible crash and sparks when turned on indicate a motor malfunction.

The motor windings are soldered while repairing the dryer from the electrical circuit. For each wire, find a pair that rings. The findings are connected in threes, none should hang in the air. Replacing the winding during the repair of a hair dryer is made only in the workshop. However, folk artists shake no worse than machines. Those who wish will try.

When the windings are in good condition, the brushes are inspected, the copper surface under them is cleaned, the fit is assessed.

The axis should be free to spin. When repairing a hair dryer, it doesn’t hurt to lubricate the rubbing surfaces;


Getinaksa substrate sometimes crack, breaking the track. Zaludite damaged area, sparsely cover with solder.

Spoiled capacitors swell a little. The upper face of the cylinder contains shallow slots when the product breaks, the sidewall inflates, arching out. Replace such a capacitor first, detecting a characteristic defect.

Burnt resistors darken. Some retain their functionality, it is desirable to replace such a radio element.


Some hair dryers are equipped with self-regulation. The effect is achieved using a resistive divider, one arm of which is an element that reacts to temperature. Further actions are determined by the parameter control implementation scheme. Recommend:

  • exclude the sensor at all, breaking the circuit, try the instrument response;
  • short-circuited after this wire, turn on, see what happens.

Great chance of failure, if the device is trained to respond only to a fixed resistance value. It remains to search the schematic diagram on the Internet or draw it yourself.

Final Tips

Repairing professional hairdryers is more complex. Structural elements are often complemented by smooth controls and additional options like the Care button. The spirals are made of special alloys that create negative ions when heated, which have a beneficial effect on the hair. The technique remains the same:

  • cord;
  • switches and buttons;
  • dust removal;
  • helix;
  • motor;
  • visual inspection of capacitors, resistors.

Before repairing, it is advisable to get a schematic diagram.

Industrial models are not much different from the domestic. But dry hair is not recommended. Such products differ in increased resistance to dust, shock, vibration, humidity, and other climatic factors. Home restoration of industrial hair dryers will not end well.

Electronic devices used in household models are not suitable for use in harsh environments. Requirements for wires, power cord, motor and coils.

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