Choosing descaling coffee machines: 3 ways to clean and 3 tips for prevention


  • 1 Methods for cleaning coffee machines descaled
    • 1.1 Method 1: Industrial facilities for specific models
    • 1.2 Method 2: Tablets
    • 1.3 Method 3: Citric acid
  • 2 Advice on how to prevent the occurrence of scum?
  • 3 findings
Descale need and carob, and drip, and geyser coffee makersDescale need and carob, and drip, and geyser coffee makers

Kitchen coffee machine must be periodically cleaned of scale. Plaque is formed even in an expensive and high-quality coffee machines, and affects the temperature of the water, coffee and cooking speed even sound pressure level equipment. Descale recommended after every 200-300 cycles of cooking. How to do it right - and I'll tell you.

Methods for cleaning coffee machines descaled

Even if you are using an expensive multifunctional coffee machine and fill it with distilled water only, it does not mean that you can forget about the raid.

Any water in its composition comprises calcium nitrate, chlorides, sulfates and other ions are substances which are formed by reacting scum. It will help to remove special industrial facilities, as well as mixtures, which can be prepared at home with their own hands.

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Even models from trusted brands are not immune from scaleEven models from trusted brands are not immune from scale

Some machines have an automatic cleaning function. In this case, you do not have to use any additional descaling.

Method 1: Industrial facilities for specific models

The first thing to do if you decide to remove the scum in the coffee machine - is to read the instructions in the product. As a general rule, the manufacturer devotes an entire section of the cleaning issue. There you will find tools and recommended the brand to remove plaque.

Universal Glutoclean, pictured, is suitable for all models of coffee machinesUniversal Glutoclean, pictured, is suitable for all models of coffee machines

Unlike the home remedies listed manufacturer of industrial analogues have chosen chemical composition, improved additives. This means that the cleaner does not exactly hurt the small details inside the car.

Picture Brand coffee machines, and especially the use of
table_pic_att14933266553 Philips Saeco Decalcifier

Designed for espresso coffee machines Philips, but is suitable for use in similar units Saeco and Gaggia.

It allows to remove plaque from the heating elements, and also prevents scaling in future (for regular use).

table_pic_att14933266574 DeLonghi Decalc

Proprietary liquid descaling coffee machines DeLonghi.

Different ecological and economical to use (for packing of 500 ml is enough for 4-5 cleaning cycles).

This fluid removes limescale quickly and for a long time, prolonging service coffee machines.

table_pic_att14933266625 briquettes Jura

Are suitable for coffee brand Jura, and for descaling other household appliances, such as an electric kettle.

Made on the basis of sulfamic acid, and clean appliances, gently but effectively.

To clean 1 blister dissolved in warm water (the temperature should be about 40 ° C), further - to follow instructions.

table_pic_att14933266646 Glutoclean

Universal descaling solution, which including suitable for coffee machines.

He carefully removes plaque without damaging the internal components of household appliances.

In the composition there are organic acids which reliably remove plaque with the correct dosage.

table_pic_att14933266657 Durgol

Another versatile tool that is suitable for any model of coffee machine.

Durgol gently removes plaque and has a safe structure.

Method 2: Tablets

It is convenient for cleaning laid in the compartment instead of coffee. Upon contact with water, descaling tablets dissolve in coffee machines and carefully clean the internal part of the coffee maker of oils and sludge.

Tablets of the scum from the company BoshTablets of the scum from the company Bosh

Method 3: Citric acid

Citric acid, which is sold in powder form in almost every shop - this is a panacea for descaling coffee machines of different models. In addition, the acid is safe for human beings and will not cause problems, even if you are not careful propoloschete coffee machine after cleaning.

Citric acid will clean quickly even slozhnodostupnye unit space and removes plaqueCitric acid will clean quickly even slozhnodostupnye unit space and removes plaque

Instructions for descaling with citric acid:

  1. Fill the reservoir water at room temperature, and vsypte to 4 hours. l. citric acid.
  2. Place the container in the car and leave it there for 15-20 minutes to acid solution and start to act.
  3. Turn on the coffee machine to the standard mode of cooking coffee. A container of water in the end must be empty, so the cooking cycle, if necessary, will have to be repeated several times.
  4. Turn unit rinse water tank.
  5. Pour into clean water tank and the "idle" mode, start the coffee brewing. Repeat this step again to rinse quality equipment inside.
After cleaning with citric acid, you can enjoy a cup of coffee without worrying about their healthAfter cleaning with citric acid, you can enjoy a cup of coffee without worrying about their health

Some models are equipped with a sensor, which, by means of the indicator light shows itself when you need to clean the machine from scale. This procedure is usually required after 250-300 cups of brewed coffee.

Advice on how to prevent the occurrence of scum?

Descaling the coffee machine should be carried out when you notice that change the taste of coffee or a drink began to get solid particles precipitate. But despite the fact that the scale may be formed in any coffee machine, regular maintenance will help prevent the appearance of plaque permanently.

Proper care will increase the validity of home appliance and reduce the amount of plaqueProper care will increase the validity of home appliance and reduce the amount of plaque

Tips for taking care technician:

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att149332667712 Tip 1. Wash all parts espresso machine.

For example, in models carob remember Holder cleaned with sponge, and the cleaning agent or soda.

Dry the sieve regularly. Many manufacturers recommend pick Holder for a special tool for removal of moisture.

table_pic_att149332668113 Tip 2. Change the filters.

If the coffee machine is equipped with water filters, they are replaced in time, otherwise the raid will appear constantly.

table_pic_att149332668514 Tip 3. Thoroughly rinse the infusion reservoir.

If the coffee machine has a removable unit for brewing coffee, rinse it after each cooking cycle beverage and thoroughly dried.

This advice applies to the geyser coffee makers.


Now you know the three most effective method of removing limescale from coffee machines, as well as guidelines to help avoid frequent cleanings. Secrets of coffee machines for the care to write in the comments! A visual application of the methods described are looking for in the video in this article.

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