It's time to worry about the future harvest - August in the garden

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promises the summer resident and joy and care. In the garden, on the branches of fruit trees and shrubs, the last summer berries and fruits are poured, the growth of young shoots is completed, and an active preparation for the rest period is underway. The well-being of the garden and the future harvest depend on how this time goes.

Pest Control and Garden Pruning in August

Not all of the ovary can mature. Part of it inevitably falls, becoming a breeding ground for insect pests and putrefactive bacteria. In August, the carrion is regularly collected and destroyed, and to keep it as small as possible, strong supports are placed under the most loaded branches.

In a few summer weeks, more than one generation of pests is replaced. While warm, the young shoots of currants, raspberries, pears and apple trees are attacked by aphids, other insects sucking and damaging the foliage. Therefore, it is so important to change traps in the trees, as well as to remove the carrion, weed vegetation under the crowns and shoots. In addition, the treatment of the crown with insecticides is necessary.

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If the garden plantations have not finished producing fruit, the use of chemicals is unsafe. For spraying the crown is better to take the infusion of marigolds, garlic shooter, celandine.

Sanitary pruning in August does not end with root growth under all fruit crops. After fruiting, it's time to remove the two-year-old shoots of the usual raspberry. It is important that the cut is at ground level, and all fallen stems and parts of the stems are removed. Repair grades are fed with potash fertilizers. This will help the plants to form a second crop.

Read also: Tips - How to get rid of aphids on dill

Gum can appear on fruit trees in August. To prevent wood damage from becoming a refuge for pests, spores, lichen, fungi and bacteria, the bark is cleaned and carefully treated with garden pitch.

Watering and fertilizing the dacha garden in August

Although most of the harvest is already taken, garden plants in the country need watering. But it should be carried out, taking into account the characteristics of different cultures.

For example, all trees, especially young ones, currant bushes, gooseberries, irgi, aronii are watered. Left without water, gooseberries, cherries, red currants and a number of other plants lose their leaves. If you do not fill the deficit of moisture, they are worse prepared for the winter and will suffer frost.

Garden beds with remontant varieties and vines, on which grapes ripen, are watered less often in August than in the first half of summer. To the usual schedule returned when the berries are picked.

Summer Resident in August should help prepare the garden for autumn and winter. To do this, change the mode and composition of fertilizing, reducing their nitrogen content. This chemical element causes the growth of foliage and shoots. If you do not limit the consumption of nitrogen fertilizers, the young growth will inevitably freeze, weaken the plants, and next summer you can hardly expect a bountiful harvest.

Read also: The decorative apple tree of Nedzwiecki will help to decorate the landscape in front of the window

In August, fruit trees and shrubs in the garden are fed with potash-phosphorous mixtures or sifted wood ash. The gooseberry and black currant after such dressing form the fruit buds of the future crop, the gain becomes stronger and faster to woody. However, green stems longer than 30–40 cm are unlikely to have time to ripen before cold weather. For such annual shoots on berry bushes, nipping is recommended.

August plantings and preparation for them at the cottage

In July, after gathering strawberries, the plants actively form a mustache with daughter outlets. This is an excellent planting material, so that a month later it is possible to update or expand the summer plantings of the beloved berry of all.

Substituted child outlets are separated and transferred to a prepared bed. In order for the strawberry to grow stronger next year and give a decent harvest, well-rotted manure or humus is introduced into the soil, peat or sand is added to the dense soil. During landing it is important not to bury the sockets. If the growth point is under a layer of substrate, it will slow down the development of the bush, or it will not transfer the winter at all.

If adult plants remain the next year, the beds are put in order, removing dead leaves, weeding and removing rosettes, due to which the planting over the summer turned out to be too thick.

In August, it's time to think about the future of the garden and prepare planting pits for young fruit trees and shrubs.

The place for them is chosen so that the available garden crops do not overlap the saplings with light, and the grown up young apple and cherry trees do not take food from their adult “colleagues”.

Read also: Harvesting fodder and caring for animals in August

For apples and pears, depending on the variety, the distance between the trees is at least 3–5 meters. Shrubs are planted at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Planting pits filled with humus or manure are covered with foil, and in 2–4 weeks, when it is time to plant fruit crops, organic matter will finally perepet and serve as an active rooting of seedlings.

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