Amateur breeding geraniums in room conditions

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We grow houses of unusual beauty

We grow houses of unusual beautyFlowers And Plants

The content of the article: Description of the plant Types of mendicant and their application Labaznik six-leaved (common) Tavolga vyazolistnaya Labaznik Elegance Foam grade The fender of red Ve...

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Strengthening our health with a useful cranberry

Strengthening our health with a useful cranberryFlowers And Plants

The content of the article: Chemical compositionHigh content of vitamins Therapeutic effect of cranberries Diabetes care Treatment for cystitis Prophylaxis of dental and heart diseases Normaliz...

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We heal joints with comfrey

We heal joints with comfreyFlowers And Plants

The content of the article: Feature of the plant Plant-based recipes for joints The tincture of comfrey Ointment on the basis of comfrey Broth Comfrey with joint pain . Among many plants i...

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