With love we choose plants for a child's roomIn this case, the top should have, after the stem is exposed, 2-3 or more healthy leaves. If the stem allows, the cuttings can be cut from the lower bare trunks, but there should be dormant buds, where the new plant will start growing.
How does geranium multiply, if it is stubborn, the cuttings do not take root? There is a radical way with a full guarantee of survival. On the bare trunk need to make circular incisions along the entire stem two weeks before the branch is separated from the mother plant. Incisions are made through the kidney. In places of injury, gum flows in, the rudiments of roots in it are tubercles. Delenki rooted quickly go to growth.
You need to dry the cuttings for several hours, then process the sections with activated carbon or Kornevin. Such stimulation contributes to the rapid formation of the rudiments of horses.
In the spring, geranium breeding can be carried out at different times. If the plant takes root in March, in the summer there will be a full-blooming shrub. Later reproduction of geranium cuttings in the spring will push back flowering until the next season.
In order for rooting to be successful, it is necessary to germinate in a special environment. Substrate requirements - sterility and breathability. The composition of the soil includes a universal soil with the addition of a third of vermiculite and sand. The earth is shed with boiling water or hot potassium permanganate. Expanded clay or pieces of polyfoam on the perforated bottom is placed in the container, the ground is filled up from above.
The cuttings are deepened into the ground by 2 cm, kept in the dark for 3-4 days, then exposed to a cool window with shading from the sun. Watering moderate, through the pan, so as not to wet cuttings. The plant is covered with a jar only if the leaf turns yellow and the stalk fades. A few days later the tugor will recover. The main danger at this time - excessive moisture of the earth.
It is much easier to expel roots when geranium is propagated by cuttings in water. The whole process takes place before our eyes. Pre-dried stalk with harvested lower leaves placed in a jar of water and activated charcoal. The roots will appear within two weeks. When they grow, rooting lead to the usual composition of the soil to a permanent place.
Read also: Care and reproduction at home conditions drafted by fragrant
What should be considered when cutting geraniums at home:
- All operations for the separation of cuttings and their preparation are carried out under sterile conditions. Knife, scissors and all utensils should be clean.
- Watering novosadki need warm water, so that water does not fall on rastishku.
- It is necessary to cover only wilted plants.
- Rooting is carried out at a temperature of 15 degrees.
- Geranium breeding takes on year-round, but the process is most effective in the spring.
- Group planting of young plants at a distance of 15-17 cm for rapid flowering.
Newly planted in different ways, depending on the variety. Zonal and Ivy varieties are rooted quickly. A month is required for rooting of royal varieties, fragrant, will show the first leaves in a month and a half. The royal geraniums will only bloom next year, just like the angelic ones.
How to propagate geranium from seeds at home
The seed method of breeding geranium is less common. If you collect seeds from your plants, you can get a bush that will be different from the parents. More often seeds receive new varieties during breeding. But to grow geranium from seeds at home is easy, only time to develop a full-fledged bush will take more.
Seeds will grow faster if scarified. Purchased seeds may have been processed. Own, you need to wipe with sandpaper, destroying the upper dense layer of the shell. After that, the seeds are soaked in a stimulator for three hours.
For a seed method, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to take into account:
- the optimal time for sowing seeds;
- dependence of soil temperature and germination time;
- substrate for seedlings;
- picking and care for rastishkami.
The soil for sowing should be light and sifted, as the seeds are small. The substrate is composed of sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 parts. Be sure to disinfect the substrate by any available means. The composition is moderately moisturized, leveled. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 5 cm, and powdered with 0.5 cm thick sand.
After sowing, cover the container and set it in a warm dark place. As soon as the seeds hatch, put the pot in a bright place in a cool place. While the seeds are sprouting, the glass is removed, water drops are removed from it, the ground is aired.
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The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-22 degrees. Cotyledons, if they do not reduce the temperature, stretch out and may fall. At this time, you can not allow the appearance of black legs. Pour the pinkish water with potassium permanganate, not wetting the seedlings. It is important to moisten the substrate in moderation, avoiding stagnation of water in the ground.
Two weeks after germination, the plants dive, after 45 days the plants are planted in a permanent place. Since geranium propagates from seeds for a long time, they need to be sown starting in December. However, the earlier the seedlings ascend, the greater the need for maintenance and lighting. But then the seedlings will bloom from seed early.
Tighten with a pick of plants, too, should not be. The root system, growing, intertwines, and the pick will pass with a delay in development.
Spray seedlings in separate cups, 10 cm in diameter or in a common container for flowers at a distance of 15-17 cm.
When the sixth leaf appears on the plants, the bushes should be pinned.form, to geranium from seed at home pleased with abundant flowering cranes. However, it must be remembered that fragrant geranium has its own development cycle; at home, the plant behaves differently. Longer development goes to the capricious royal geraniums.
Root reproduction of pelargonium from sprouts
If pelargonium has sprouted from the root, new bushes can be obtained from them. For this, the shrub is removed from the ground, shaken off, and the root system is divided so that the young leaf buds have roots for feeding. It is important that the bores are small, otherwise the roots will intertwine and it will be impossible to separate them. The soil should be the usual composition, a small bowl, with a diameter of not more than 10 cm.
That's all the wisdom of reproduction of pelargonium. In the course of work, each gardener develops his own methods, sometimes far from the recommended ones.
Basic techniques for cutting geraniums in spring - video