Which glass electric kettle to buy

Today there are two global families of glass electric kettles. The first uses plastic for the parts, the second is steel. The whole difference. Of course, metal is better than polymer, more durable and safer. The beauty is that the cost is the same. The only advantage of glass / plastic electric kettles is relatively low weight. We see no reason to deny yourself good-quality steel. Let's talk now on what glass electric kettle to buy.

Electric Kettle Specifications

The subject discussed in this section applies to all electric kettles, including glass. But the talk will be about the last variety, based on the topic of the article.

Volume of the glass electric kettle

We are glad to announce that the volume of glass electric kettles is not inferior to plastic counterparts. An exception is made only for models with a brewing grid, the displacement of which is 25% less. The authors do not know the reason for this step. It is likely that the welding does not stagnate.

Glass Electric Kettle

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And the price depends little on the capacity of the electric kettle. For example, for 1000 rubles on the Yandex market there is a 2-liter model from Mystery. We believe the brand of the CIS.The true company Mystery Electronics LLC is engaged in the production of electrical connectors, various types of enclosures for power supply networks and equipment. With electric kettles it is not connected.

Search reviews on the topic of such products is useless, a person is not physically able to notice that, for example, steel is not food. Meet only the qualitative descriptions, the topic of health security is not disclosed in them. The above model MEK 1634 has a capacity of 2.2 to 2 liters of water. Of the remarkable qualities, we note the illumination from the inside, the inclusion lock with the lid unlocked. According to customer reviews, another model, MEK 1621, will not allow you to engage without water. It is convenient, blocks unnecessarily rigid modes of the electric kettle.

We hope that we have made it clear that the volume of the family under consideration is not distinguished against the general background. We recommend to buy a glass electric kettle of the desired size.

Power of glass electric kettles

Remember a simple rule: for 1 liter of water there is more often 1 kW of power.

Most manufacturers of electric kettles follow the plain pattern sounded. If we recall that the heat capacity of water is 4200 J / kg C, it is easy to calculate the boiling time:

T = 4200 x 1 x( 100 - 15) / 1000 = 357 s = 6 min.

The average boiling time in this mode is just over 5 minutes. If the manufacturer wants to reduce the time period by 20%, make an electric kettle with a volume of 1.7 liters per 2 kW.You see that power depends directly on the displacement. We mention that 2.2 kW - a serious load on the local network. Heating wiring will be short-lived, traffic jams are definitely not able to withstand if, for example, a 4.5 kW instantaneous water heater is turned on in the house. This is said not to the choice of an electric kettle, whose power cannot be reduced. Just do not start several devices at the same time in the apartment. Powerful consumers are steam irons, water heaters of any type, especially flow type, heaters.

Steel or plastic in combination with glass

Would prefer an electric kettle, where glass is combined with steel. The reason is a metal bottom, covered with an iron lid. With polymers, the question is unsolvable, it is impossible to determine whether food is plastic. As a result, it is easy to swallow from the kettle of different chemistry.

Electric kettle made of plastic and steel

Many copies are broken, what steel is considered to be stainless. The authors came across a standard and offer to explore those who want to know which glass electric kettle to buy. Knowledge is acquired, and it is possible to decipher the marking. The steels allowed for use in ware in accordance with GOST 27002:

  1. 12Х18Н9.
  2. 10H14AG15.
  3. 08Х22Н6Т.
  4. 17X18H9.
  5. 12X13.
  6. 12X17.
  7. 12X18H10T.
  8. 08Х18Н10Т.

The last two brands apply exclusively to cold foods. In the notation, the first digit shows the proportion of carbon content, for example, 12 is 0.12%.After the letter X is the chromium content. Actually, the specified metal when alloying at 12% makes stainless steel. Any ware contains chrome not less than 12%.Moreover, after a 17% quota, the alloy becomes resistant to aggressive media, even when heated. In complex alloyed steels, additives from molybdenum, silicon, and copper are added to enhance the properties, but the combination does not appear in food steels of electric kettles.

Glass Electric Kettle

The letter H stands for nickel. The metal gives the elasticity of the dish, sets the properties of iron, which is part of the alloy: makes austenite the main form of the metal. Nickel is magnetised, but iron is non-magnetic. Such alloys for scrap acceptance are more expensive, come true at a higher price. Sometimes a part of nickel is replaced by manganese, then the cost of the alloy drops sharply. We add that, to facilitate welding, titanium sits in steel, the percentage of which is less than one. The quality of food steel has a positive effect, even razors are made with such additives to reduce allergic reactions.

You will see that the benefits of glass electric kettles can evaporate depending on the awareness of the manufacturer. In practice, the dishes in the USSR were checked with a magnet. It is permissible to do the same with an electric kettle. Magnet does not take the dishes, which indicates the presence of nickel. This is not enough, check the composition! For example, AISI 304( international classification) for electric kettle is not suitable. According to the data, contains: carbon

  • - 0.8%;
  • chromium - 18–20%;Nickel
  • - 8 - 10.5%.

Stylish glass teapot

According to the above classification, it turns out steel 08X18H10T, only without titanium in AISI 304. Thus, according to the classification of GOST USSR, the specified type of material is not applicable for the manufacture of dishes. Why are dishes made of an alloy and parts of kitchen food equipment, a question for the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Supervision? We only showed GOST and the composition of the metal, decide whether you want to take a similar electric kettle. By the way, the complete analogue of 08Х18Н10Т is AISI 321. AISI 304 is called the complete analog of 12Х18Н9, but it is forgotten that the percentage of carbon in this case does not exceed 0.8%.

From steel, we believe, AISI 430 looks worthy, according to the composition, it is an analogue of 12x17, allowed for the manufacture of dishes. From this steel to buy a mini electric kettle is permissible. AISI 430 has relatively low resistance to corrosion, but it is supposed to just drink tea! By the way, AISI 321 is suitable for cold aggressive products. As for AISI 304, it is used to make kitchen tools, for example, knives.

Choosing a glass electric kettle, learn what the device is made of. Whatever the shortcomings of the glass electric kettle, the devices are described qualitatively, without support. We present the real characteristics of materials.

And pay attention to the feature of little-known brands disguised as imports. To buy an electric kettle, Tefal means to purchase a product from a well-known company, to confide in a little-known brand is almost equivalent to relying on Chinese technologists. By the way, the problem of steel used is relevant for any kitchen appliance. You can not buy a porcelain electric kettle without metal parts.

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