Types and characteristics of PVC pipe installation for outdoor sewerage

Integral structural elements sewer pipe systems are. Since the outer pipe sewage must withstand both static and dynamic loads, they are subject to special requirements.

Excellent cope with the task of PVC pipes for outdoor sewerage. The main thing before buying - competently choose the optimal size and take into account a number of nuances in the installation process. That's what we'll talk in our article. A separate issue is the main advantages and disadvantages of PVC pipes, we indicate the basic characteristics that are different from other plastic pipes.

A particular compound also describe tubes together during assembly sewer and pay attention to the rules laid.

The content of the article:

  • What makes PVC pipe?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of PVC products
  • The main types and sizes
  • Criteria for selection of competent
  • Unlike PVC products from other plastic pipes
  • Features installation of outdoor sewerage of PVC
    • Methods of manufacturing compounds
    • Basic rules laying
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic
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What makes PVC pipe?

When mounting both aerial and underground sewer pipes, polyvinylchloride are considered to be leaders among similar polymer articles.

The basis for the production of polyvinyl chloride cylindrical products serves the eponymous thermoplastic. It is advantageous in that, after heat treatment and extrusion retains its shape.

Plastic pipes

Due to the high quality characteristics of polymer pipes for domestic use is almost irreversibly pushed into disuse metal and concrete analogs

The two main components are ethylene and polyvinyl chloride stabilized chlorine.

To improve the performance parameters of products in the production process for thermoplastic compositions are added all sorts of additives.

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Pipes for the laying of underground communications

Polyvinylchloride pipes are used extensively in the construction of all types of sewage pipelines: a laying domestic drainage system, the drainage device and livnevki

Color PVC pipes for underground installation

The construction exterior sewer lines, laid in the ground, the pipe is used ginger (orange) color. They are designed to resist the weight of the soil and external loads

Polymeric pipe connected to a septic tank

Of PVC pipe build the line leading out sewage from private houses and baths. Their only drawback - the weakening of the strength of water transportation of more than + 80 ° C, and this temperature is alien to any category of domestic wastewater

Laying in the place of the traffic load

In the selection of PVC pipes for the construction of outdoor sewer lines should be guided by a group of rigidity. In the assortment of plastic products have a position for branches device with traffic load

Assembling plastic pipeline section

Sewer system of any variety can be assembled on the site with his own hands without any problems. Tech material is easy to cut and connect

The use of fittings and fittings

For plastic tubes produce a broad range of the fittings, tees, crosses, parts, adapters, allowing to mount any type of valves

Misuse of PVC pipes

Acceptable, but not desirable to arrange the ventilation risers of PVC products. Solar rays act on PVC products destructively

Laying of pipeline in an aggressive medium

PVC pipes do not rust, are not oxidized, is not susceptible to the corrosive groundwater are not destroyed in the ground with an acidic or alkaline background

Pipes for the laying of underground communications

Pipes for the laying of underground communications

Color PVC pipes for underground installation

Color PVC pipes for underground installation

Polymeric pipe connected to a septic tank

Polymeric pipe connected to a septic tank

Laying in the place of the traffic load

Laying in the place of the traffic load

Assembling plastic pipeline section

Assembling plastic pipeline section

The use of fittings and fittings

The use of fittings and fittings

Misuse of PVC pipes

Misuse of PVC pipes

Laying of pipeline in an aggressive medium

Laying of pipeline in an aggressive medium

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC products

Polyvinyl after treatment due to high pressure at the outlet connection forms the heavy-duty composite. And because of this polymer products have many advantages.

Among these should include:

  1. Affordable. Compared with concrete and cast iron analogs price of plastic products is relatively high, which makes them affordable for all consumers.
  2. The high performance characteristics. On the walls of the polymeric tube is formed corrosion. Articles resistant to aggressive media. Thanks to the smooth inner surface of them do not form deposits or growths are formed.
  3. Lightweight products at a fairly high level of safety.
  4. Easy installationWithout implying the involvement of special equipment.
  5. A wide variety of mounting elements. This greatly simplifies the design of complex of branched pipelines.

Polymeric pipes are hardy. Thus, the full freezing, with the proviso that no water in the pipe, it is not subjected to cracking. The service life of polymeric cylindrical articles over half a century

Assembling the pipeline without special equipment

Plastic pipe is convenient to install, and if necessary to dismantle, which is also important, given the specificity of their use

High performance corrosion resistance give "good" for the installation of plastic pipe under the ground. And this factor is key, since 90% of sewers runs there.

With strict observance mounting technology, even when the levels of occurrence of underground waters polymer structures are not subject to a shift in the area of ​​docking stations, thereby minimizing the risk of seal failure system.

The only disadvantage of plastic pipes is low resistance to UV rays and temperature limits from -10 ° C to +65 ° C. performance products are reduced by direct contact with the UV rays. In this regard, they lose the steel and cast iron counterparts, which ultraviolet light can not cause harm.

The main types and sizes

Depending on the application, the PVC pipe produced in three embodiments, which correspond to the basic standard sizes:

  1. SDR51; SN-2; S25 series - products light type are paving a sidewalk, green space and in places where it is not supposed to transport loads.
  2. SDR41; SN-4; S20 series - the average product type selected for installation in places where is not so great cross-transport.
  3. SDR34; SN-8; number S16,7 - heavy product type is selected for stacking in industrial areas and areas with a saturated stream of traffic.

Pipes used for laying the outer pipes are one-, two-, and three layers. In the latter embodiment, the inner layers of articles made from foamed material with a porous structure, which is obtained by recycling. A top layer - of primary unplasticized PVC.

The most widely used in laying on the street got a dual-layer corrugated pipe. The outer layer of such articles has a corrugated surface with reinforcing ribs. Due to the corrugation acquires enhanced durability.

The structure of the shaped articles

The inner surface of shaped articles produced by extrusion, ideally smooth, which minimizes the resistance of the walls while advancing effluents

Both walls shaped articles are produced simultaneously. Due to the fact that they are connected to "hot" method, finished products are cylindrical structural integrity. The cavities formed between inner and outer walls facilitate the design weight, and the wavy wall of the outer annular side gives the necessary rigidity.

If the basis for the classification of polymer products take a class ring stiffness, the PVC pipes are of three types:

  1. «L» - light pipes for laying in the ditch, the depth of which does not exceed the 0.8-2.0 meters.
  2. «N» - srednezhestkie products are intended for installation on the depth of 2-6 meters.
  3. «S» - rigid with a maximum wall thickness which can be laid in the trench to a depth of 8 meters.

Parameter ring stiffness products abbreviated «SN». It is a significant value, since it determines the initial deformation during laying and lateral support.

Products for domestic use

As part of the construction sector, the most demanded products of class rigidity «SN2», which can be laid in a trench depth up to 2 meters

In systems involving the forced diversion drains, which involved pump equipment, Set pressure PVC pipe. The basis for their production in favor unplasticized polyvinyl chloride PVC-U, Which is known for the highest possible performance.

The main difference between pressure pipes is that they are able to withstand considerable loads on the wall. In trade occurs three kinds of pressure pipes which can withstand a pressure of 6, 10 and 12.5 kg / cm2.

The gravity-flow type sewer systems, wastewater movement is performed by gravity. For the arrangement of such systems using conventional PVC pipe that are based on a simple polymer PVC. The temperature range of these products - from 0 ° C to +45 ° C.

The depth of the trench bookmarks

On how hard wall has a polymer tube to drain, directly depends on the depth to which it is possible to lay

Sizes PVC pipes for outdoor sewerage are also quite wide:

  • 110 mm - the minimum diameter of the product intended for the diversion of household waste in the country building.
  • 315 mm - pipes of this size is used, if necessary erection general sewage system involving several buildings.
  • 630 mm - maximum diameter of the pipe to employ construction obscheposelkovoy sewer line.

Produce cylindrical products segments 500/1000/2000/3000 /... 6000 mm. Some sizes can be produced and twelve-segments. For more information on characteristics of PVC pipes we talked about in this article.

Criteria for selection of competent

When selecting sewer pipes are guided only by two parameters: the wall thickness and inner diameter of the article. The wall thickness is largely dependent on the mechanical strength of the product.

The optimum size of the product

The inner diameter polymeric cylindrical articles should fully correspond to the predicted amount of waste that will fill conduit

Used for domestic sewage PVC pipe, painted in gray color. At arrangement gravity systems wall thickness of such articles should be at least 1.8 mm.

For outdoor installation, which involves under a more stringent conditions, choose products of orange and yellow hue. In such products each dimension corresponds to its rate of wall thickness.

As an example, matching parameters for the pipes of 200 mm D:

  • SN2 - for the light conditions at the pipeline laying depth within 2 meters of the pipe is chosen with a wall thickness of 3.9 mm.
  • SN4 - for medium stringency conditions with the depth of laying pipe in the region of 4 meters purchased products with a wall thickness of 4.9 mm.
  • SN6 - heavy duty pipeline during laying depth of up to 6 meters employ tubes with a wall thickness of 5.9 mm.

Addition products orange for laying sewer outer polymeric tube may be used, painted in red brick color. And what sewers prefer? This is the question we detail assorted here.

Option laid sewerage

The main thing - to take into account when choosing a product surface load and the maximum working pressure and in the process of installation of the pipeline to withstand the slope

Corrugated pipes, intended for outdoor sewerage have dimensions in outer diameter in the range from 160 to 630 mm and the largest nominal width - from 139 to 542 mm. They come in the form of a six-meter lengths. Parameter ring stiffness of production - SN8 or SN16.

Unlike PVC products from other plastic pipes

Polyvinyl chloride is not the only polymer used in the manufacture of pipes.

Along with them are used and these types of plastic:

  • PE polyethylene - Plastic used to create pipes for transport of cold water.
  • PE-C XLPE - polymer has temperature limits of the order of +95 ° C. Therefore it is used for both cold and hot water. Famous resistant to mechanical stress and UV radiation.
  • PPE polypropylene - is characterized by good chemical and mechanical resistance.
  • PVDF - semi-crystalline thermoplastic, which is famous for its resistance to chemical environment. Mainly used in the pharmaceutical industry for the transport of drugs.
  • PB polybutene - crosslinked polyethylene. It is produced in small quantities, since not very durable.

Many of these types of plastic pipes can compete with PVC products, but on a set of advantages and a parity "price-quality" competitors PVC pipes do not.

Features installation of outdoor sewerage of PVC

Pipes made of polymer are known for ease of installation. To create the pipeline on the basis of PVC pipes and fittings do not require a special tool. Yes, and work on the assembly and installation of the pipeline will be able to perform even the novice master.

Methods of manufacturing compounds

PVC sewer pipe can be connected in one of two ways:

  1. glue - connection elements involves applying to the special fitting of the adhesive composition.
  2. bell-mouthed - involves docking an element by penetration in the sockets of straight sections pretreated sealing compositions.

The adhesive compound, also known under the name "cold welding", allows 100% tightness.

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Sewage pipes of PVC for bonding

Sewage pipes of PVC, equipped with a special socket, connected by gluing - a so-called cold welding

Adhesive application to the treated surface

Before bonding mating surfaces is roughened abrasive cloth and an adhesive composition is applied to 2/3 of the depth of the socket

Bonding parts of polyvinyl chloride

An adhesive composition is applied with a soft brush with a uniform distribution over the entire surface of the joined

Rules of connection of plastic parts

After applying the adhesive composition to quickly connect the parts by setting all the way into the socket. To improve contact crank 1/4 of a turn and returned to the place

Sewage pipes of PVC for bonding

Sewage pipes of PVC for bonding

Adhesive application to the treated surface

Adhesive application to the treated surface

Bonding parts of polyvinyl chloride

Bonding parts of polyvinyl chloride

Rules of connection of plastic parts

Rules of connection of plastic parts

If the adhesive method of assembly used compositions which are capable of "weld" adjacent to each other elements at the molecular level.

When interfacing with pipe shaped elements of one end of the tube is coated with silicone grease and inserted fully into the socket. Interfacing elements operate manually.

Sockets with seals

To be able to perform a flare connection on one end of provided articles expansion whose inner walls are supplemented by a sealing rubber ring

Basic rules laying

The key to the smooth functioning of the sewer system is strict adherence mounting technology. And laying of plastic pipes is no exception.

With the construction of the outer PVC pipe it is important to follow some basic rules:

  1. amortization "cushion" should be laid on the bottom of the excavated trench. Rubble and sand dumping help protect pipes from damage that may occur due to seasonal movements of soil.
  2. Pipes to be installed sloped in the direction of the receiving reservoir. The angle of inclination depends on the tube diameter and may vary in the range from 2 to 15%.
  3. If necessary changes in direction of the collector pipe bends used to 15-30 °.
  4. When laying the outer conduit at every 15 meters installed revision hatches.

Through backfilling pipeline laid in the ditch, the ground tamped only on the sides. Directly above the highway do not need to stamp.

One way heat insulation

To use the molded insulation material in the form of a "shell" of foamed polyethylene or rolled webs, assuming winding in place

When it is impossible to bury plastic pipes to the required depth, they should be warm. This is especially true for products made of PVC unpolymerized, as those in the cold become brittle.

An important point: after the insulation of the pipeline need to re-perform the measurement of the angle of inclination, and, if it is correct, proceed to final closure of the ground.

In addition to the selection of high-quality pipes for outdoor sewerage and proper installation is equally important to choose the best pipe arrangement internal sewer system and set in accordance with the regulations and rules.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Versions of sewer pipes and fittings:

The subtleties and nuances of the sewerage pipeline installation:

With the right approach to the selection of products and compliance with installation technology pipeline operation period will be commensurate with the duration of "life" of the house.

You have external sewerage made of PVC pipes and you want to share your experience of installation and operation of the system? Or maybe you have found a mistake in the presentation of the material, or want to supplement our article valuable observations and recommendations? Write your comments, ask questions, share your opinion in the box below.

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