Correct to contact the official service center. Today, civilization has reached even remote places. Buy a module for a washing machine is now easy. It happens, the center refuses to cooperate in this way, it is possible to return the equipment there for repair. You will need to know the device of the washing machine to buy the necessary parts. For example, it is known that inlet valves are one-way, two-way and three-way. How to buy spare parts for a washing machine, if there is no such detail? Replacement options are possible!

Spare parts for washing machine
Names of spare parts for washing machines
It is believed to know when buying - the name. There are often no explanatory notes on the details. Let's outline where things are, so that readers stay up to date on how to buy spare parts for a washing machine. Occasionally parts codes appear in the catalogs, but more often to dealers they are too lazy to enter data. Act according to common sense.
Inlet valves of washing machines
Let's start with the inlet valve and detergent tray. There are three compartments:
- Main wash.
- Rinse.
- Prewash.
Order is nonrandom. As a rule, the tray slides into the compartment, the holes are visible inside:
- Below - to supply water to the tank.
- From the right side - to remove excess air from the tank.
- From the left side - to release air into the case in transit through the compartment of detergent from the tank.
But the main thing is not visible - where the water comes from. If you remove the top cover of the washing machine, we see Samsung's scheme, as in the photo. Three nozzles are located for two intake valve options:
- One-way is supplied to the left nozzle with the inscription Main. In this case, rinsing and prewash become unavailable.
- The two-way valve is connected according to the scheme for two ports, Main and Pre-Wash.

Scheme: nipples for two variants of the intake valves
You see that on the wall of the compartment for detergents it is painted how to keep the connection. In the second case, three modes become available: prewash, rinse and main wash. In the first case, the jet is diagonally thrown over the right-hand branch pipe, reaching the left tray. Pre-wash is similar. Water goes diagonally to the right. Rinsing is performed by pushing both jets. As a result, the middle pocket of the tray begins to fill. Water droplets displace the rinse directly into the tank.
Is it permissible to use a three-way valve for such a washing machine? If you can install inside - yes! Any inlet valves are controlled by a voltage of 220 V( by all means inspect the case for powering the device).Connectors will need to be measured, not the fact that a particular manufacturer uses the same plugs. With skillful hands, virtually any intake valve is installed in the desired model of washing machine. With a smaller number of moves, not all modes will be available.
By the way, at the entrance to the inlet valve is a fine filter. Try to handle carefully. Break, not the fact that it will be possible to find a new one. Recall that for cleaning the fragile mesh is carefully removed with pliers. Try not to exert excessive effort. To buy a valve for a washing machine, it is necessary to know the principles of operation. We open the first in RuNet! Enjoy.
Tray and compartment for detergents
The compartment is combined with a tank with two rubber corrugated hoses, and an inlet valve with a series of tubes. If the leak went, we believe, any adhesive sealant will help. Hoses can be purchased separately.
Buck and drum washing machine
Noticed that we are discussing the parts of the washing machine in the order of the water. The tank is usually made of plastic, there are steel tanks. The main thing is to observe the installation dimensions and dimensions. Native tank is not critical. The main thing that fit the engine, fit the size of the hoses. In the back of the tank is a hole under the shaft, strung on two bearings. Details must match.
To heat the water, in the lower part of the tank there is a heater. Tanks come with front and rear heater installation. They just can not be replaced by each other. In other cases, indicated the important parameters.
Buck is installed on the depreciation system. There is a spring on each side below, springs are used in the upper part for stabilization. It is important to choose parts that are suitable for the force and size. How to check? With the same force, the springs of the same rigidity are lengthened by the same amount. Suspend a small load( for example, 5 kg) and see the result. Shock absorbers are selected similarly with the condition of compression. How to understand that the item is out of order? The washing machine starts to knock hard during the spin cycle. Initially, it is permissible to try to tighten the spring, then have to look for new ones.
Much more complicated is the case with weighting. They are different for a particular brand of washing machines. These are bricks( made of concrete), which do not allow household appliances to jump on the floor during the spinning process. Each manufacturer excel in its own way. For example, Samsung( the compartment for detergents is shown in the photo) bricks are asymmetrically arranged. The springs on top are put on by a different side( it’s faster to see with my own eyes, by removing the cover, rather than to explain in words).Such tricks are needed to balance the engine, standing on the left or right bottom.

detergent compartment. Knowing the brick's weight and shape, the user will be able to mold a spare part for himself from concrete with a suitable strength grade. How to do this, look at the construction sites, we recommend that the finished parts be thoroughly painted( not oil) with good paint so that they do not crumble from vibrations. We saw from the example of Samsung that the plates are mounted horizontally. For example, one of the screws was. .. shipping. True, with the added steel washer. The whole spare turned out.
Talking about the tank, you can not miss the pressure switch. The detail is needed so that the washing machine knows how much water is in the tank. Usually pressostatov two-tier or three-tier. It is possible to undock the course in the middle part and blow mouth( there is no water, you should not disdain).Each contact triggers a click when triggered. Just heard two or three. To replace parts, shuffling models of washing machines, it is required to know the response pressure. Try to find out in the technical service of the manufacturer, for parts, try the dealer or manufacturer of the part. By the way, if there is a rubber pear and a barometer on hand, the pressure switch is easy to check for serviceability, it is forbidden to open the part( the pressure inside is strictly verified, it will not be possible to gather back).
Sometimes a drum or a cross can be replaced.
Drain pump of the washing machine
Water flows under the pressure of the riser, discharged with the help of a pump. Of course, the pump is better to buy the original, although the details are arranged to disgrace the same way. Add a complex shell at the entrance of the cross is called a snail. From here comes the emergency drain hose, at the entrance there is a coarse filter to catch the hair.

Drain pump for washing machine
On the washing machine is quite acceptable to put the pump from the other, if required. We'll have to tinker with the docking of the hoses and the fastening of the new part( usually a single unit with a coarse filter, fastened with screws to the front of the case).
Cuff washing machine
Who watched the washing process, saw that the water is trying to leak under the transparent door, but can not. The cuff interferes. They have already written that it is impossible to clean the washing machine with acetic and citric acid, there are rubber parts inside. First of all - the cuff. From the rough impact of the item ages and begins to pass water. To buy a cuff for a washing machine, measure the diameters of the tank and the holes in the body for fitting the part. Outside, the rubber is attracted by a steel wire-on-spring ring.
Door washing machine
- Directly door.
- slam shut sensor.
- Door hinge.
Sometimes a search query like “buy a hatch for a washing machine” will help.
Electronic module of the washing machine
Not everyone decides to buy the control unit of the washing machine. Its price is comparable to the cost of the device as a whole. Meanwhile, this is a small electronic board, much smaller in size than its counterparts on personal computers. The cost of the product bites. The chips are sewn washing algorithms. For them, the manufacturer takes a considerable price.
In selected cases, the electronic board is simply repaired. We recommend to carefully study the Internet on thematic clips and reviews. For example, there is a case when due to the indiscriminate blinking of the lights of the control panel when you turn on the service forced people to buy a new electronic module. Users, however, preferred to take a new washing machine.